Sligo and Environs Development Plan 2010-2016

Review of the Sligo and Environs Development Plan 2010-2016

The Plan review process started with a pre-draft public consultation period from 7 December 2007 to 8 February 2008. This resulted in the First Manager’s Report SEDP – SEDP – First Manager’s Report (PDF) - 933 kbs , which was submitted to the elected members, who subsequently directed the Manager to prepare the Draft SEDP.

Having considered the proposals put before them, Sligo County Council and Sligo Borough Council at their special meetings of 17 November and 22 December respectively, approved the Draft Plan for publication.

The Draft Plan was put on public display from 9 February to 22 April 2009. During the public consultation period, the planning authorities received 172 submissions and observations. A further 32 submissions were received in relation to the Draft RPS.

The Second Manager’s Report on submissions and observations summarised all the issues raised and made recommendations as to whether the Draft Plan and Draft RPS should be modified or not. The Second Manager’s Report was supported by the Environmental Report: Addendum I.

Second Manager's Report (PDF) - 4,288 kbs  

Second Manager's Report - Submissions Map (PDF) - 7,131 kbs  

Environmental Report: Addendum I (PDF) - 161 kbs  


At their special meetings on 20 July, the members of Sligo Borough and County Councils considered the Draft SEDP and the Second Manager’s Report and resolved to amend the Draft Plan and Draft RPS.

The proposed amendments were available for public inspection between 19 August and 16 September. The Proposed Amendments document was accompanied by a Proposed Amendments Map and an Environmental Report: Addendum II.

Proposed Amendments to the Draft SEDP 2010-2016 (PDF) - 3,757 kbs  

Proposed amendments to the Draft SEDP Map (PDF) - 7,773 kbs  

Environmental Report: Addendum II (PDF) - 130 kbs  


A total of 74 submissions were received on the Proposed Amendments. These were addressed in the Third Manager’s Report, which was accompanied by an Environmental Report: Addendum III.

Third Manager's Report (PDF) - 1,605 kbs  

Environmental Report: Addendum III (PDF) - 442 kbs  


Having considered the Proposed Amendments and the Third Manager’s Report on submissions, Sligo County Council and Sligo Borough Council adopted the new SEDP 2010-2016 at their special meetings on the 2nd of November 2009.

Of the 137 proposed amendments, 136 were adopted with or without modifications. One proposed amendment was not adopted. A further four minor modifications to the Plan were made.

SEDP Adopted Amendments (PDF) - 2,903 kbs  

SEDP Adopted Amendments Map (PDF) - 4,821 kbs  


SEDP 2010-2016 Downloads (low resolution)

Main Document

Chapters 1 to 4 (PDF) - 4,300 kbs  PDF
Chapters 5 to 9 (PDF) - 9,068 kbs  PDF
Chapter 10 (PDF) - 14,312 kbs  PDF
Chapters 11 to 17 (PDF) - 12,759 kbs  PDF
Changes to the text of the SEDP Core Strategy Variation (PDF) - 76 kbs  PDF
Amended Map 1 - Zoning Map (PDF) - 8,342 kbs  PDF
Amended Map 2 - Transport Objectives (PDF) - 6,725 kbs  PDF
Map 3 - Open Space Objectives (PDF) - 6,066 kbs  PDF
Map 4 - General Objectives (PDF) - 7,037 kbs  PDF
Map 5 - Record of Protected Structures, Architectural Conservational Areas, Zones of Archaeological Potential (PDF) - 5,183 kbs  PDF
Map 6 (A1) - Record of Protected Structure, Architectural Conservation Areas, Zone of Archaeological Potentials (City Centre only) (PDF) - 2,351 kbs  PDF

Chapter Details

Chapter 1. Existing Context

Chapter 2. Strategic environmental assessment (SEA)

Chapter 3. Strategic goals and broad aims of the SEDP

Chapter 5. Spatial strategy

Chapter 6. The economy

Chapter 7. Housing

Chapter 8. Community facilities

Chapter 9. The value of culture in place-making

Chapter 10. Mobility: effective transport and movement

Chapter 11. Open space, sports and recreation

Chapter 12. Urban design

Chapter 13. Heritage

Chapter 14. Environmental infrastructure

Chapter 15. Energy and telecommunications

Chapter 16. Development management standards

Chapter 17. Implementation


Associated Documents

Centre Block Masterplan (PDF) - 4,590 kbs  PDF
Quay Quarter Urban Design Framework (PDF) - 3,934 kbs  PDF
Joint Sligo City and County Housing Strategy 2010-2017 (PDF) - 788 kbs  PDF
Joint Sligo City and County Retail Strategy 2010-2017 (PDF) - 394 kbs  PDF
SEA Environmental Report (PDF) - 17,689 kbs  PDF
Environmental Report: Addendum I (PDF) - 161 kbs  PDF
Environmental Report: Addendum II (PDF) - 130 kbs  PDF
Environmental Report: Addendum III (PDF) - 442 kbs  PDF
SEA Non Technical Summary of the Environmental Report (PDF) - 9,032 kbs  PDF
SEA Statement (PDF) - 3,797 kbs  PDF

Record of Protected Structures for the SEDP area

SEDP Record of Protected Structures (PDF) - 5,530 kbs  PDF

Variation no. 1 – Eastern Bridge and Associated Roads Scheme

On the 9th of May 2011, Sligo Borough Council made a variation of the Sligo and Environs Development Plan 2010-2016 in accordance with Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). The Variation became operational on the 10th of May 2012.

Variation No. 1 of the SEDP consists of the following:

  1. In Section 10.2 Strategic road proposals, under the heading Strategic roads objectives, include the following objective:
    T1.3  Eastern Bridge scheme (E2) as approved by An Bord Pleanála, crossing the Garavogue River from Cleaveragh Demesne to Rathquarter, continuing north and turning west to connect with Ash Lane at Ballinode neighbourhood centre.
  2. On Map 2 Transport Objectives and on the corresponding Figure 10 in the SEDP document, indicate the strategic road objective T1.3. 
Amended Map 2 - Transport Objectives (PDF) - 6,725 kbs  PDF

Reason for the Variation:

To facilitate the regeneration and further development of the eastern areas of Sligo City through the provision of a new north-south strategic transport corridor crossing the Garavogue River.


Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment

Variation No. 1 of the SEDP is accompanied by:

Addendum IV (PDF) - 274 kbs  PDF
Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Report (PDF) - 188 kbs  PDF
SEA Statement (PDF) - 36 kbs  PDF

Public Consultation

The Proposed Variation, Addendum IV of the Environmental Report and AA Screening Report were available for inspection from Wednesday 9 March 2011 to Tuesday 5 April 2011.

A total of 787 submissions were received during this period. The issues raised in submissions and the Manager’s response to these issues are contained in the Manager’s Report on submissions relating to the proposed Eastern Bridge Variation.

Manager’s Report on submissions relating to the proposed Eastern Bridge Variation (PDF) - 872 kbs  PDF

Variation no. 2 – Core Strategy

On 5 September and 3 October 2011 respectively, Sligo County Council and Sligo Borough Council made a variation of the Sligo and Environs Development Plan 2010-2016 in accordance with Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). The variation became operational on 4 October 2011.

Variation No. 2 of the SEDP consists of the following:

Changes to the text of the SEDP Core Strategy Variation (PDF) - 76 kbs  PDF
Amended Map 1 - Zoning Map (PDF) - 8,342 kbs  PDF
Core Strategy Explanatory Note (PDF) - 38 kbs  PDF

Reason for the Variation

Under Section 7 of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2010, each Planning Authority is required to introduce a Core Strategy as part of its development plan. The purpose of the Core Strategy is to articulate a medium- to longer-term quantitatively-based strategy for the spatial development of the area of the planning authority.


Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment

Variation No. 2 of the SEDP is accompanied by:

Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Report (PDF) - 98 kbs  PDF
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Report (PDF) - 56 kbs  PDF

Public Consultation

The proposed variation, explanatory documents and supporting reports were available for inspection from 13 July 2011 to 9 August 2011.

A total of 11 submissions were received during this period. The issues raised in submissions and the Manager’s response to these issues are contained in the Manager’s Report on submissions relating to the proposed Core Strategy Variation.

Manager’s Report on submissions relating to the proposed Core Strategy Variation (PDF) - 282 kbs  PDF