Whether you are out of the workforce or are actively seeking new opportunities, we invite you to join us at the Sligo East City Jobs Fair.
Unlock New Opportunities at the Sligo East City Jobs Fair

Are you ready to embark on a new career journey?
Whether you are out of the workforce or are actively seeking new opportunities, we invite you to join us at the Sligo East City Jobs Fair. This event is designed to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers, offering a platform to explore a wide range of employment opportunities and learn about the various supports available to aid in job seeking.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday 6th March 2024
Time: Registration and refreshments from 9:45am, event starts at 10:15am and concludes at 1:00pm.
Location: Abbeyquarter Community Centre, Devins Drive, F91 KNN3.
Admission: Free for all attendees
Event Highlights:
Complimentary Refreshments: Kickstart your day with us! Registration begins at 9:45am with a light breakfast provided.
Information Sessions: Starting at 10:15am, gain valuable insights from a series of presentations by leading employers and support agencies.
Meet Employers: Engage with employers who are eager to hire. This is your chance to learn about their organisation, current jobs available, and what they are looking for in potential employees.
We are proud to announce that the following organisations will be in attendance:
- Verus Technology
- Bruss
- Irish Homecare
- Servisource
- O’Hehirs Bakery
- Jako Sports
- An Garda Síochána
- Sligo Park Hotel
Networking Opportunity: The final hour of the event is dedicated to networking, allowing the attendees to visit information stands, ask questions, and establish connections with employers and support agencies.
For Job Seekers:
Whether you are just starting out, looking to change careers, or re-entering the workforce, this Jobs Fair is for you. It is an opportunity to meet face-to-face with employers, learn about the various supports available, and potentially find a path to your next job.
For Employers:
Employers with available job openings are encouraged to participate in this event, please contact Edel at ekenny@sligococo.ie or 071 911 1264 for more information and to reserve your spot.
This is a collaborative event organised by Abbeyquarter Community Centre, Cranmore Community Co-op, Cranmore Regeneration Project, Department of Social Protection, EmployAbilty NorthWest, Sligo Community Training Centre, Sligo LEADER, and Sligo LEO.
For more information, please contact Edel at ekenny@sligococo.ie or 071-9111264.