Sligo County Council has prepared a Draft Sligo County Development Plan (CDP) for the next six years - 2024–2030.
Draft Sligo County Development Plan 2024-2030
Draft Sligo County Development Plan 2024-2030

The Draft Plan was approved for publication by the Elected Members of Sligo County Council following a Special Council Meeting on the 2nd October 2023. A public consultation period will run from the 13 October to the 22 December 2023. Sligo County Council is inviting the public to get involved and contribute to shaping the future development of the County.
The Plan sets out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of County Sligo and addresses a wide range of areas such as the creation of sustainable communities, economic development, transport, energy, sustainable use of natural resources, protection of the environment and adaptation to climate change.
Given the legal requirement to prepare a Local Area Plan for Sligo Town following the adoption of the CDP, this Development Plan includes only a set of strategic objectives, a Zoning Map and an Objectives Map for the County’s main urban centre.
Area Settlement plans for County Sligo’s other towns and villages are also included in the Draft Plan.
The Plan consists of four volumes of which the first contains the Core Strategy which seeks to direct future growth into the right locations by coordinating the provision of housing and jobs with infrastructure, roads / cycleways, schools and other community facilities. The second volume consists of plans for the larger towns and villages and also contains a chapter on urban development guiding the development of our urban areas in accordance with national objectives of compact growth and Town Centre First.
The third volume of the Plan sets out all the general policies and objectives designed to guide development in the County, thematically grouped in chapters such as Residential Development, Community and Social Infrastructure, Economic Development, Water infrastructure, Transport Infrastructure, Energy and Telecommunications etc. This volume also sets out the development management standards used by the Planning Authority in the assessment of planning applications.
The fourth volume addresses the smaller villages in the County.
The Plan has nine Appendices and is accompanied a Housing Strategy, a Draft Sligo Local Transport Plan and a new masterplan for the Wine Street Car Park.
An Environmental Report (Strategic Environmental Assessment), a Natura Impact Report (Appropriate Assessment) and a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) support the Draft Plan. The SFRA identifies measures for managing the risk of flooding in all settlements designated for development, based on the most up to date available data.
The Draft Plan is available to view in full on Sligo County Council’s consultation portal ( Written submissions or observations on the Draft Plan will be accepted from 13 October to 22 December 2023 and the best way to do this is online via the portal.
Printed copies of the Plan can also be inspected at City Hall in Sligo town, the County’s libraries and the Area Offices of Enniscrone, Tobercurry and Ballymote during their normal opening hours.
Sligo County Council intends to hold a number of public information sessions in November 2023 in relation to the Plan. Notices indicating the locations and times for such sessions will be published in the local media and online closer to the time.