A number of County Sligo’s most dedicated volunteers were honoured at the annual Cathaoirleach’s Awards ceremony in County Hall on Wednesday evening.
Cathaoirleach’s Awards Ceremony 2023
Local Volunteers Honoured at Cathaoirleach's Awards Ceremony
The awards were introduced to acknowledge the contribution of the many unsung heroes who carry out invaluable voluntary work in our communities.
The Awards were presented in eight categories:
Category | Winner | Presented by |
Arts, Culture, Heritage & Irish Language | Sylvia Lawson | Cllr Declan Bree |
Community Individual | Ray Gallagher | Cllr Rosaleen O’Grady |
Community Group | Geevagh GAA Club | Cllr Thomas Walsh |
Environment, Circular Economy & Climate Action | Colaiste Iascaigh Green School's Committee | Cllr Joe Queenan |
Schools / Young Enterprise | Conor Burke | Cllr Gino O'Boyle |
Sligo Publications | Maura Bell | Cllr Arthur Gibbons |
Sports | Catherine Keogh | Cllr Marie Casserly |
Spirit of Sligo | Sligo Neolithic Landscapes | Cathaoirleach Cllr Gerard Mullaney |
The Cathaoirleach Councillor Mullaney said 'The Cathaoirleach's Awards scheme was introduced, to acknowledge individuals and groups that have made a significant positive impact on their community or have achieved excellence in their respective fields. The awards aim to highlight the importance of community engagement, civic responsibility, and the promotion of local talent and initiatives.
Too seldom as a community, do we take the time to formally show our appreciation for the enormous work of our dedicated community volunteers, those people who give so generously of their time, energy and expertise for the common good.
Over the course of my time in public life, but particularly in my capacity as Cathaoirleach, I have been simply overwhelmed by the magnificent work carried out by our volunteers.
Your work may often go unnoticed, but its effects are felt by all. Your dedication serves as an inspiration, encouraging others to join in and make a difference. You are the driving force behind positive change, and we are grateful for your unwavering commitment.
This Awards ceremony is Sligo County Council’s opportunity to show our gratitude for this invaluable contribution.
The most effective work we do as an Authority is in conjunction with the community we serve, and our engagement with voluntary groups and associations has been the backdrop to many successful projects.
It is an honour to be nominated for an award in any field of endeavour, and our guests here this evening have been put forward by people who hold them in great esteem.
Our committee was genuinely impressed by the scale and quality of voluntary work being carried around our county by individuals and groups. These are the true ‘unsung heroes’ in our society who discreetly go about their business, they invariably shun the limelight, but we publicly applaud and commend them today.
The Cathaoirleach also extended his gratitude to his colleagues on the Cathaoirleach’s Awards Committee
'for their work in studying the nominations and selecting the eventual winners; I think when you see the calibre of the people we are honouring this afternoon, you will agree the committee has done its job very well.'
Category: Arts, Culture, Heritage and Irish Language
Presented by: Councillor Declan Bree
Winner: Sylvia Lawson
Sylvia has been a dedicated community member in the Maugherow area for over 70 years. She has been a member of the Lissadell Church select vestry for over 40 years and has served regularly as Glebewarden, taking great care of the church buildings and the Lissadell Centre. Sylvia was often seen up ladders cleaning gutters, polishing timerwork or fixing windows and when she was restricted from climbing ladders she made sure to get someone else in to do the jobs, even ESB or council workers were often nabbed to help out when they were working nearby. Sylvia has a heart for keeping the doors of the church open for all of the community and making sure our shared heritage is well maintained and accessible. I think she deserves recognition for her years of effort.

Category: Community Individual
Presented by: Councillor Rosaleen O'Grady
Winner: Ray Gallagher
Ray Gallagher has spent most of his 86 years serving the people of County Sligo. Through work as an agricultural and forestry advisor he assisted countless small farmers throughout the county. While his professional life was in service of Western Forestry and the Irish Cooperative Organisation Society (ICOS), his passion was the Sligo Showgrounds.
Ray serves as Chairman of the Management Committee and subsequently the Ground Development Committee, under his stewardship the Treacy Avenue stand was built, a new all weather pitch was laid and a car park and boundary wall were provided in a partnership with Sligo Borough Council.
He served on the Board of the FAI and was made an Honorary Life Member in recognition of his outstanding service. At local level he was installed as Sligo Rovers Vice President in 2022.
During his lifetime of service to Sligo Rovers, he has made an enormous input in many areas, arguably his most valuable contribution was in relation to the Showgrounds. In 1968, Ray played a key role along with Albert Higgins and then Mayor and Club Chairman the late John Fallon in acquiring the two estates that made up the Showgrounds, the Fowler and Campbell estates, thus providing Sligo Rovers with a permanent home. In 2016, under Ray's leadership, the ground was legally registered as a Charitable Trust, thereby ensuring it is preserved in perpetuity as a community and recreational facility for the people of Sligo.
Ray's modest and unassuming nature ensured he never sought the limelight or any acknowledgement for his lifetime of voluntary service, but his vision and drive in securing the Showgrounds bestows a priceless legacy for future generations of Sligo people.

Category: Community Group
Presented by: Councillor Thomas Walsh
Winner: Geevagh GAA Club
The committee this year has done so much to get the community back up and running after covid. Representing sligo in the lidl one good club.Having a jam pack line up of activities for young and old for a 10 week period. Comprising of first saint Patrick's day enter for geevagh, getting some of the country's top speakers and sports people to come to talk on there mental health experience. As a lead on from the one goodclub experience some of the fun events are happening again over the winter months.
Over the summer they got various underage teams to play at sligo ladies game and a trip to crokepark for their u11 team. From this some new people joined in to help out with all the underage games and blitz over the summer..The summer was rounded off in style with a magnificent sports day where again young and old had a great day. Over all geevagh gaa club certainly put geevagh back on the map in 2023.

Category: Environment, Circular Economy & Climate Action
Presented by: Councillor Joe Queenan
Winner: Colaiste Iascaigh Green School's Committee
Our school was the Marine Ambassador School in Ireland for 2022/23. The main students that were involved in ensuring that we were doing our part on educating and making difference to marine environments were the students of the green schools committee. There are 27 students in total. Through out the year they organised a range of activities, competitions, beach cleans and initiatives that were introduced to our school this year.
The green schools committee meets up each week on Thursday for our weekly meeting during lunch time. All the students on the committee have showed up to every week with enthusiasm and bursting with ideas of how we could be improving our school to be more green. As part of our Action Day the committee organised for 1st to 3rd years would do a beach clean which entailed getting high vests, bags and gloves to all 80 students involved. They have made posters at home that were hanged around the school on a variety of topics such as single-use plastics, climate change, microplastics and littering.
When ever students are asked questions by other students on competitions or activities they are more than happy to help them out. In May a small group of the committee spoke in front of 200 primary school students on 6 native species in particular whether they were in endangered and ways we could help reduce the impact. They were well spoken and were willing to listen to each child and answer their questions.
As mentioned earlier a beach clean was organised by the green schools committee there was 2 full bags stuffed with plastic wrappers, bottles, discarded clothes, metal pipes and food. They were all separated and disposed properly some of the materials they had to research how to do so. They have always tried to educate staff and students on the negative impact of single use plastics with the introduction of a reusable water bottle to our school this year means a reduced in plastic that ends up in the ocean which can be harmful if ingested.
Each student gave up their time to make a difference in our school and to educate peers as much as they can. Over the year they have expressed that they loved being part of a group that is not focused on sports which has been a place for students that are not athletic can be part of group that is helping our planet. The students realised through out the year it is the small things such as reminding students if they are walking somewhere and see rubbish to pick it up and dispose properly don't leave it to someone to do.

Category: Schools / Young Enterprise
Presented by: Councillor Gino O'Boyle
Winner: Conor Burke
Conor set up a business during his TY as part of mini company. He set up an enterprise Conor Cutz where he took recycle bottles and turned them into lamps. He set up a sustainable business with the purpose of creating lamps in a creative manner. He liaised with local business to collect the empty bottles. He came first place in the Sligo County Enterprise Awards and went on to represent Sligo in the Finals in Dublin. His business was creative while also sustainable. He set up an online business while also selling his products at various markets. He also had other creative ideas using bottles - he also learned how to cut glass safely and make glasses from glass bottles while being creative, resourceful and sustainable.

Category: Sligo Publications
Presented by: Councillor Arthur Gibbons
Winner: Maura Bell
Maura or Maura B as she is known is in her 92nd year and she was 91 years young when she wrote and produced a book called “Maura B’s tips for minding an ‘Elderly Lady’”. People ask her how she manages to stay so active and healthy and her answer is simple – it’s because she is looking after an ‘elderly lady’ – HERSELF.
Throughout the pandemic Maura started to write down some of her tips around exercise, healthy eating, admiring nature and cultivating good friends which has led to the publication of her very first book called “Maura B’s Tips for Minding an ‘Elderly Lady’.
All the proceeds from the sale of the book went to Age Action. Age Action influences policy on older people and provide practical support to older people.
As Maura says she is a 1931 model and keeps herself busy doing simple exercises every day, she keeps moving and exercises the brain by watching Pointless and Mastermind. She has cultivated many great friends and neighbours throughout her life. She enjoys music as it is ‘good for the heart and soul’. She admits to being just 4ft 10inches and has to put on her high heels to dust the top shelf.
She enjoys chatting to her children every day and admits her grandchildren are a joy to her and they bring the wider world to her door. Maura might be temped to bring her ‘sympathy’ stick with her sometimes and mentions that people let her skip the queue when they see it. Her daughter has drawn her without wrinkles in the book but Maura says wrinkles come along one way or another and thankfully ‘wrinkles don’t hurt’.
For the great advise to one and all and her tips and tricks for staying fit and working around some of the bumps in the road you will meet as you go along life’s twisty path I would like to think that this 1931 model would be in line for a Cathaoirleach’s Award.

Category: Sports
Presented by: Councillor Marie Casserly
Winner: Catherine Keogh
Catherine Keogh relocated to Grange 24 years ago, and it is evident that she has been a steadfast and dedicated contributor to the North Sligo community. Her extensive record of volunteer work includes:
Serving as the secretary of Cliffoney/Grange Community Games for 17 years. She has also served as Children’s Officer at county level.
Dedicating over two decades to various roles, including athletics coach, committee member, and children's officer for North Sligo AC.
Devoting more than 20 years to various roles, including soccer coach, committee member, and children's officer for Benbulben FC.
Pioneering the Cliffoney/Grange Defibrillators Group and serving as a trainer.
Holding a longstanding membership in the church choir.
Committing 15 years to fundraising efforts for Grange Primary School.
In 2006, Catherine stepped in as secretary when Cliffoney/Grange Community Games was on the brink of collapse, rescuing the organisation from potential closure. Over the past 17 years, she has tirelessly sustained community games in the area, often working with limited resources and volunteer support. Catherine has shouldered the lion's share of the responsibilities during this time. She has enriched childrens’ lives through physical activity and role modelling and brought out the best in adults by encouraging participation in our community.
This list merely scratches the surface of Catherine's remarkable 20-year contribution to our community. She has dedicated countless hours, week in and week out, all while juggling full-time work, parenting three children, and caring for her parents in Donegal town. Catherine's enduring positivity shines through, even in the face of challenges, doubts, and the rigorous demands of organising events, securing funds, and managing paperwork. Catherine is a humble and unassuming volunteer, seeking neither praise nor compensation and never voicing complaints. Her kindness and encouragement have touched the lives of numerous children and adults in North Sligo. She serves as a true role model, and I deeply admire her selflessness and kindness.
Catherine may humbly describe herself as quite ordinary, in fact she oftens jokes about her lack of tech-savviness. I, however, would portray her as an individual who, despite significant resource constraints, has achieved remarkable and far-reaching outcomes for North Sligo and beyond.

Category: Spirit of Sligo
Presented by: Cathaoirleach Councillor Gerard Mullaney
Winner: Sligo Neolithic Landscapes
Sligo Neolithic Landscapes group have been working tremendously hard over the past five years to bring Sligo onto the world stage with regard to UNESCO World Heritage for the Passage Tomb Landscape.
The group consisting of many members coming from different backgrounds all with a shared interest in the tombs, their research and contributing to the nomination process for UNESCO. The culmination of this was with the progression of the bid to Tentative stage followed by a wonderful workshop and field trip including a special performance of W.B. Yeat's purgatory on top of Knocknarea. It is a special group of people and they should be honoured for their continued work - very much embodying the Spirit of Sligo.