The following is an update provided by the Sligo Regional Design Office (RDO) in relation to the selection of the Emerging Preferred Corridor (Phase 2 of the Transport Infrastructure Irelands Project Management Guidelines) for the N17 Knock to Collooney [Atlantic Economic Corridor] Project.
N17 Knock to Collooney (AEC) Project - August 2022
Emerging Preferred Options - Update - 3rd August 2022

The N17 Knock to Collooney [Atlantic Economic Corridor] is continuing to progress through the Option Selection Process.
A draft Emerging Preferred Corridor and draft Option Selection Report underwent a review process in July. Actions arising from this review are currently being established. It is intended that this additional work will be conducted over the months of August and September. Subject to satisfactory conclusion, the Sligo Regional Design Office hope to be in a position to publish the Emerging Preferred Corridor in October.
The Sligo Regional Design Office appreciates the public’s continued patience as these final checks and analysis are conducted.