Make Way’ Day, (Friday 30th September), is a national campaign coordinated by the Disability Federation of Ireland.
Make Way Day 2022
Highlighting issues facing people with disabilities - Make Way Day 2022

Its purpose is to offer support and solidarity to people with disabilities, especially at this time when people are facing a range of challenges during the Covid pandemic.
The initiative is supported and promoted by all the Local Authorities in the country, and is a community-wide effort to ensure people with disabilities are given optimum choice, control and respect of their daily lives.
According to Mayor Councillor Tom MacSharry
‘Public representatives have a responsibility to highlight and promote these issues and to work to deliver meaningful change in our society. There are a range of issues, including equal access to Information services, products and programmes.’
Chief Superintendent Aidan Glacken stated
‘The needs of persons with disabilities forms a central part of my Garda Diversity, Inclusion, Equality and Transparency Strategy. It is in fact a core tenent of my Strategy and has been identified as a central aim of Sligo Gardaí, ensuring rights of people of disabilities are protected. I welcome the recent creation of a disabled parking bay at Sligo Garda Station and the renovation of footpaths at the entrance to Sligo Garda Station. Gardaí in Sligo will continue their efforts to create innovative initiatives aimed at including persons with disabilities in our community engagement efforts. It is important that we all demonstrate tolerance and consideration of disabled road users in our community. This can be achieved through enforcement but also Education and Promoting Awareness. ‘
The National Disability Inclusion Strategy was published in 2017 to promote greater inclusion by people with disabilities in Irish society. One of the key objectives of the strategy is to give legal effect to the principle that mainstream public services should serve people with disabilities alongside other citizens.
Chair of Sligo County Council’s Disability Consultative Committee Councillor Declan Bree highlighted the importance of MakeWay Day at a recent meeting of Sligo County Council. ‘Councillor Bree said
‘The Council is fully committed to these objectives through our ‘Disability, Inclusion and Access’ Strategy. We believe issues surrounding access and inclusion are among the most important to be addressed by our Council, and we will continue to work with national and local agencies to deliver on agreed proposals.’