Hazelwood-Ballinode Local Area Plan 2004-2010

Hazelwood-Ballinode Local Area Plan 2004-2010

Printed copies of the Plan are available for inspection or purchase at the Planning Office of the County Council, County Hall, Riverside, Sligo.

Telephone: 071 91111206
E-mail: planning@sligococo.ie



01 - Introduction (PDF) - 7,609 kbs  PDF
02_Setting and Existing Urban Form (PDF) - 321 kbs  PDF
03 - Relevant Policies and Objectives (PDF) - 10,188 kbs  PDF
04 - Environmental Parameters (PDF) - 10,486 kbs  PDF
05 - Archaeological Assessment (PDF) - 4,459 kbs  PDF
06 - Landownership Patterns (PDF) - 383 kbs  PDF
07 - Establishing Land Use Framework and Capacity (PDF) - 5,051 kbs  PDF
08 - The Development of the Masterplan (PDF) - 10,162 kbs  PDF
09 - Transportation and Circulation Network (PDF) - 3,680 kbs  PDF
10 - Urban Design Objectives and Guidelines (PDF) - 3,582 kbs  PDF
11 - Placenames (PDF) - 52 kbs  PDF
12 - Infrastructure and Utilities (PDF) - 487 kbs  PDF
13 - Sustainability and Strategic Environmental Assessment (PDF) - 524 kbs  PDF
14 -Implementation (PDF) - 60 kbs  PDF
Appendix (PDF) - 68 kbs  PDF
Masterplan Map (PDF) - 1,956 kbs  PDF
Cover and Contents (PDF) - 1,032 kbs  PDF