Draft - Green Fort Conservation Plan
Have Your Say in the Future of Sligo’s Green Fort
Public Consultation
9th October to 3rd November 2017

Sligo County Council in partnership with the Green Fort Technical Group, and with the support of Sligo Heritage Forum and the Heritage Council, has prepared a draft Conservation Plan for the Green Fort, Sligo.
The Green Fort, located within O’Boyle Park, Sligo, is a large bastioned earthwork and the last visible reminder of Sligo's seventeenth-century town fortifications. The fort is an archaeological monument of National Importance and is protected under the National Monuments Acts.
The draft conservation plan has been undertaken to address public concern over the protection of the Green Fort, the low levels of public awareness of the heritage site and a desire to protect, manage, interpret and present the monument for the benefit of all.
Part of the development of the plan is to engage with stakeholders to ascertain their views on the draft Green Fort Conservation Plan. Accordingly, Sligo County Council is seeking your views on the policies and actions proposed within the draft Conservation Plan.
Information Evening
A public information evening on the draft Green Fort Conservation Plan will take place in the Northside Community Centre, Sligo on Thursday 19th October 2017 from 7pm to 9.30pm. All are welcome.
Written submissions or observations regarding the Draft Green Fort Conservation Plan can be made in writing (hard copy or e-mail) stating the name of the person or body making the submission and headed ‘Draft Green Fort Conservation Plan’ and sent to:
Ms. Siobhán Ryan, Heritage Officer
Sligo County Council
City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo
or by e-mail to: greenfort@sligococo.ie
CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 4.00 pm on Friday 3rd November, 2017.
D. Clarke
Director of Service