PEACE IV Programme
The County of Sligo is to benefit from the PEACE IV Programme (2014-2020) with a budget of €979,395.27
The PEACE IV Programme is a cross-border initiative, financed through the European Union and managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). It has been designed to support peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland. In addition to supporting peace and reconciliation the EU’s PEACE IV Programme also contributes to the promotion of social and economic stability, in particular through actions to promote cohesion between communities.
As Lead Partner, Sligo County Council, will be responsible for the delivery of the PEACE IV action plan which will promote peace and reconciliation in the County. The plan will focus on three key themes:
‘Children and Young People’, ‘Shared Spaces and Services’ and ‘Building Positive Relations’.
The funding will be used in the delivery of local community initiatives for children and young people involving music, sport and capacity building. There will also be elements focussing on our shared literary and built heritage. Allied to the creation of a shared civic space will be engagement of local community representatives in a placemaking programme. A small grants programme to support grass roots peace building activities and initiatives will also be rolled out.
PEACE IV aims to increase the percentage of people who think relations between Protestants and Catholics have improved and an increased cultural awareness of minority ethnic communities.
Match-funding for this element of the PEACE IV Programme has been provided by the Executive Office in Northern Ireland and the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government in Ireland.
For more details on the PEACE IV Programme here in County Sligo please contact the PEACE IV Programme Team at Sligo County Council –
PEACE IV Heritage Programme

Small Grants Documents

Peace Matters Newsletter