Age Friendly Programme

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Sligo Age Friendly Strategy 2023-2026

The vision of the Sligo Age Friendly Strategy is “To make Sligo a great county in which to grow old”. 

In delivering this strategy, the Sligo Age Friendly Alliance will ensure that Sligo continues to have an age-friendly approach to policies, programmes, services, and infrastructure relating to the physical and the social environment, enabling older people to live in security, good health and continue to participate in society in a meaningful way.

The strategy was built on consultations with older people and people with an interest in issues that affect older people, and this will continue to ensure that change happens in the most inclusive way possible.

Sligo Age Friendly Strategy 2023-2026 (PDF) - 4,098 kbs  PDF

Sligo Age Friendly Programme

The Sligo Age Friendly Programme is built around the needs and wants of the Older People that attended one of the several public consultations held throughout the County in 2022.

Key Stakeholders were invited to form a steering committee called the Sligo Age Friendly Alliance, working in a multiagency collaborative capacity each stakeholder contributed actions to the current Sligo Age Friendly Strategy 2023 -2026.

In 2023 the Sligo Older Peoples Council were formed which there is over 120 members and which to this day continues to grow.

The Age Friendly Programme is part of a worldwide, World Health Organisation inspired movement which aims to make sure that as we age, we can continue to:

  • Have a real say in what happens in our own lives and what happens in the areas in which we live,
  • Enjoy good health, access to high quality services, and a secure and enabling environment,
  • Be engaged and have opportunities to participate fully in everything that is going on in our cities and counties.


Sligo Older Peoples Council

With over 120 members, the Sligo Older People’s Council will always welcome persons who may wish to join. New members can register by emailing Weekly emails will be issued with news, events of interest and information about services available. Email addresses and contact details will not be shared. For more information, email


Sligo Age Friendly County

Sligo has nearly double the number of people over 65 as under 5 years of age (9,043 over 65 years of age / 4,594 under 5 years of age)

Sligo has 14% of the population>65 (Higher than the National average of 11.7%) which is the first time in history this trend has emerged

In 2014 Sligo County Council signed up to the national Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme, an initiative aimed at making Ireland the best country in the world in which to grow old.

The first meeting of the Sligo Age Friendly Alliance was held in October 2014 and was attended by key decision makers from a host of organisations across the county including HSE, Sligo LEADER Partnership Co. Ltd, An Garda Síochána, Active Retirement Ireland, Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnership and Muintir na Tíre who have the opportunity to improve quality of life for people as they age. The Alliance is chaired and led by the Local Authority.

For more details on the Age Friendly Cities and Counties programme, visit the Age Friendly Ireland website Age Friendly Ireland

For Further information on the Sligo Age Friendly Programme e-mail Kate Gibbons on  or go to