Statement from Cllr Declan Bree, Mayor of Sligo and Cathaoirleach of Sligo County Council, on the passing of Tommie Gorman

Statement from Cllr Declan Bree, Mayor of Sligo and Cathaoirleach of Sligo County Council, on the passing of Tommie Gorman

Tommie Gorman (RIP)

It is with profound sadness that we mourn the passing of Tommie Gorman, honorary Freeman of Sligo and esteemed journalist.

Tommie Gorman was an exceptional broadcaster whose remarkable career spanned over four decades.  From his early days with the “Western Journal” and “Sligo Journal” and his later years with RTÉ, his dedication to journalism and his commitment to delivering accurate and insightful news coverage earned him widespread respect and admiration.   Tommie possessed an innate ability to connect with people, allowing him to tell stories that resonated with audiences across the nation.

Throughout his career, Tommie demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the principles of integrity, impartiality, and professionalism.  His interviews were always conducted with fairness and an unwavering pursuit of truth, making him a trusted figure in the field of journalism.   Tommie's contributions to the media landscape in Ireland were invaluable, and his presence will be sorely missed.

In May 2003, the Freedom of the Borough of Sligo was conferred on Tommie Gorman in recognition of the prestige he had earned as a journalist and broadcaster and for the manner in which he had consistently promoted his native town and county.

Tommie also received numerous accolades for his outstanding work in journalism.  His contributions were recognised with awards such as the ESB National Media Award and the David Manley Media Award.   These accolades were a testament to his exceptional talent and dedication to his craft.

Beyond his professional achievements, Tommie Gorman was known for his warmth, generosity, and humility.   He loved his native Sligo with a passion.  His ability in representing and reflecting the voices of the people of Sligo and highlighting their stories was unparalleled.

His enduring love for Sligo Rovers knew no bounds and in fact the last time Tommie and I met was in Sligo Showgrounds, the home of Sligo Rovers, just three weeks ago, where we honoured another wonderful Sligo Rovers stalwart the late Aidan Mannion.

Tommie's passing represents a significant loss to the world of journalism and the community of Sligo.  He leaves behind a remarkable legacy that will continue to inspire and guide future generations of journalists.   His dedication to his craft, his tireless work ethic, and his genuine care for the people he served will forever be remembered.

Tommie Gorman's memory will be cherished for his professionalism, integrity, and dedication to telling the stories that mattered most.  His contributions to journalism and his passionate love for his hometown of Sligo will be remembered for years to come.

On behalf of the people of Sligo and on behalf of Sligo County Council, I extend our deepest condolences to Tommie's wife Ceara Roche and their two children Moya and Joe, to his sister Mary, his brother Michael, and to his extended family.

May Tommie rest in peace.