Mayor welcomes Japanese Ambassador to City Hall

Mayor welcomes Japanese Ambassador to City Hall Mayor Councillor Tom MacSharry welcoming the Japanese Ambassador to Ireland, His Excellency, Mr. Norio Maruyama, to City Hall

Mayor Councillor Tom MacSharry welcomed the Japanese Ambassador to Ireland, His Excellency, Mr. Norio Maruyama, to City Hall on Wednesday, 17th July.

The reception celebrated the enduring friendship between Ireland and Japan and highlighted the commitment to mutual understanding and cooperation between the two nations.

Also in attendance were Councillor's Declan Bree and Edel McSharry, Deputy Frank Feighan, Deputy Chief Executive Jim Molloy, Director of Services Dorothy Clarke and Emer Concannon and Patrick Curley, Curator of The Model Arts Centre.

Japanese Ambassador - Group2 Councillor Edel McSharry, Frank Feighan TD, His Excellency, Mr. Norio Maruyama, Mayor Councillor Tom MacSharry, Councillor Declan Bree

In his address, Mayor Cllr MacSharry extended a warm welcome to Ambassador Maruyama, highlighting the strong and enduring friendship between Ireland and Japan. "The establishment of diplomatic relations between our two nations in 1957 marked the beginning of a fruitful partnership that has flourished over the years," he said.  "Ireland and Japan have become important partners, bound not only by shared values but also by a commitment to fostering mutual understanding and cooperation."

Mayor Cllr MacSharry also referenced the recent visit of Minister Roderic O'Gorman to Japan, which showcased Ireland's commitment to fostering a robust economic relationship with Japan.  He noted that the visit highlighted the shared commitment of Ireland and Japan to foster deeper connections, not only in the economic realm but also in cultural exchanges, innovation, and education.

 Japanese Ambassador - Tom speaking Mayor Councillor Tom MacSharry speaking at the reception
Japanese Ambassador - Mr. Norio Maruyama speaking His Excellency, Mr. Norio Maruyama speaking at the reception

Mayor Cllr MacSharry praised the contribution of Sligo to the vibrant tapestry of Ireland-Japan relations, citing the county's rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes, which have inspired artists, writers, and visitors from around the world.  He also acknowledged the presence of Japanese residents and businesses in Sligo, which has enriched the local community, bringing diversity, innovation, and fresh perspectives.

His Excellency, Mr. Norio Maruyama, spoke about his love for W.B. Yeats and his connection to Sligo, as well as the importance of Expo Osaka, Kansai, in 2025.  He concluded his address with a quote from W.B. Yeats, "There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't met yet."

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Following the Civic Reception at City Hall, Ambassador Maruyama officially opened the exhibition titled "Kwaidan" at The Hyde Bridge Gallery.  The exhibition showcases the works of 40 artists based in Ireland and Japan, representing an ambitious Japanese-Irish artistic collaboration.  "Kwaidan" pays tribute to the renowned writer Lafcadio Hearn, who was raised in Ireland and achieved great acclaim in Japan.  The exhibition will run until 30 August.

The visit of Ambassador Maruyama served as a celebration of the strong bond between Ireland and Japan, and marked an important milestone in the ongoing development of cultural and economic relations between the two nations.

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