Councillor Tom MacSharry has been elected Mayor of Sligo Borough Municipal District at its AGM on Monday 27th June.
Cllr MacSharry Elected Mayor
Councillor MacSharry elected Mayor
Councillor MacSharry's nomination was proposed by Councillor O'Grady, seconded by Councillor Bree and unanimously agreed.
Councillor Rosaleen O’Grady was elected Deputy Mayor.
In his address Councillor MacSharry said ‘As our society gradually emerges from the challenges of Covid, our communities are striving for some level of normality. At national level, the economic forecasts may be a cause of concern, with rising costs and inflation rates imposing hardships on many households and businesses
It is the job of government at national level, and for us Councillors at local level, to provide robust, targeted supports to those most in need. However daunting the challenges, I still believe there are many reasons to be positive about the future, particularly in this region. There is a vibrant tourism and recreation sector here in Sligo, and the progress we have experienced in recent times is set to continue.
There has been an unprecedented level of capital investment in our local transport infrastructure, and in recent days we had announcements of the purchase of Lough Gill Distillery by global spirits company Sazerac Our local Enterprise office continues to nurture and mentor new businesses, and I believe this has the potential to lead to a vibrant and thriving local economy. Our tourist offering is the envy of many other counties, with majestic walkways and trails, countless historical sites and outstanding coastal scenery
One of our key priorities is to work with other agencies to see Sligo grow and develop as the key centre of economic growth in the Northwest.
The delivery of a number of key flagship projects will be critical to the delivery of this objective, including the public realm projects we have considered and progressed in this chamber. Another hugely positive development in recent times is the transition of our local IT to the Atlantic Technological University, they will be a major player in the future progress of Sligo.
Strategic importance
We also have an unrivalled cultural and arts platform – the recent Connacht Fleadh and Wild Roots Festival, the upcoming Yeats Celebrations; This is just a snapshot of our hectic festival and events Programme. When Sligo was chosen a few years ago as the location to launch the National Development Plan, it was public recognition of our strategic importance in a regional and national context.’
The Mayor concluded his address with a positive message for his term as Mayor.
‘The people in this Chamber have an important role to play in that journey, and I look forward to working alongside you to see Sligo grow and develop and realise its enormous potential.’
Absent from photo: Councillor Sinead Maguire