
Climate Adaptation Strategy

The Climate Adaptation Strategy was published in September 2019, and identifies the main risks posed to County Sligo in the face of the climate crisis and the County Councils plans to address these risks.

Risks identified in the strategy include increased likelihood of flooding, wind and rain storms and extended periods of both hot and cold spells. Additionally, given that Sligo is a coastal county, the risk of coastal erosion from sea level rise and increased storm frequency means coastal areas will also need to be adapted in the coming years.

The Adaptation Strategy addresses 5 key themes, which include:

  • Water Resource & Flood Risk Management
  • Critical Buildings & Infrastructure
  • Natural and Cultural Capital
  • Community Services
  • Governance

The strategy also sets out goals, objectives, and actions to ensure a climate resilient county and explains how these targets will be monitored and reported.

The Climate Adaptation Strategy can be viewed here.

Coastal Erosion Prevention

As Sligo is a coastal county on the Northwest coast, coastal erosion is an ever-growing threat to the county’s infrastructure, communities and natural habitats. An expected impact of climate change is an increase in storms and storm surges, and thus Sligo County Council is taking active measures to preserve and protect our coastal assets.

Works include the protection of sand dunes, which act as a natural coastal defence, as well as engineered solutions to ensure coastal structures and communities are less impacted by coastal erosion.