Emergency Helpline

Available Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm

071 911 1013 / 071 911 1032 or email communications@sligococo.ie

The Sligo County Council Local Coordination Group met this morning and continue to liaise with An Garda Síochána and key agencies.

In response to an emerging humanitarian need following Storm Éowyn, Sligo County Council have opened a Community Response Support Helpline for those who need support as a result of Storm Éowyn.

The support line is available on 071 911 1013 / 071 911 1032 from 9am to 5pm Saturday 1st February - Monday 3rd February.  

The public can also email for support to communications@sligococo.ie


Emergency calls should be directed to 999 or 112, in the normal way.


ESB Emergency Services can be contacted at 1800 372 999. The public can monitor Power Check website with regards to power restoration time.

Uisce Éireann can be contacted at 1800 278 278. The public can also sign up to the free text alert system to get regular updates about their local supplies - see Uisce Éireann website.


Emergency Response Hubs - Ballymote-Tubbercurry MD

Name of Emergency Hub Eircode Services Available Contact Details Opening Hours
Waterpoint, Enniscrone F26 A9Y9 showers, charging points, water or microwave/kettle facilities. Please ring 096 36999 or email waterpointenniscrone@gmail.com to book shower facilities. Monday-Thursday 9am-8pm and Friday 9am-6pm
An Chroí Digital Hub, Tubbercurry F91 X772 Remote working info@anchroi.ie  Monday-Friday 7pm-9pm
Tubbercurry Family Resource Centre F91 YR25 Charging points and tea / coffee info@tubbercurryfrc.com  Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-12.30pm
Coach House Hotel, Ballymote Grattan Street, Ballymote, Co Sligo Showers, charging points, hot water and tea / coffee 071 918 3111  
West Sligo Family Resource Centre, Enniscrone     096 37444 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Teach Laighne, Tubbercurry F91 Y328 Phone charging or tea & coffee 071 911 1730 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Tubbercurry Community Library F91 Y328 Charging, Wifi, PC access, meeting room,  071 911 1705 STAFFED opening hours:
Tuesday: 12pm-7pm
Wednesday: 9.30am-5pm
Thursday 9.30am-5pm
Friday 9.30am-5pm
Saturday 9.30am-1.30pm
My Open Library is also available
Ballymote Community Library F56 FT59 Charging, Wifi, PC access 071 911 1669 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9.30am - 5pm
Thursday 12pm - 7pm
Saturday 9.30am - 1.30pm
Enniscrone Branch Library F26 V8E2 Charging, Wifi, PC access 071 911 1653 Wednesday 11am - 4pm
Thursday 11am - 1.30pm & 2pm - 5.30pm
Friday 11am - 4pm
Saturday 9.30am - 1.30am
Coleman Music Centre F56TF88 Charging, tea / coffee 071 918 2599 Monday-Saturday 10am - 5.30pm
Geevagh Community Resource Centre F52 R942 Showers, charging, Tea / Coffee Check Facebook page for daily updates 11am - 4.30pm
Aclare Digital Hub F91 TX95 Showers, Wifi, Kitchen facilities, Charging, TV 083 370 0013  
Eastern Harps GAA Club F56 KR97 Showers, Charging    2nd February
6pm to 8pm


Emergency Response Hubs - Sligo-Strandhill MD

Name of Emergency Hub Eircode Services Available Contact Details Opening Hours
National Surf Centre, Strandhill   Shower facilities, phone charging and tea/ coffee  071 9199 3550 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
The AIM Centre, Market Yard F91 WV7R WiFi, Charging Facilities and Remote Working Contact aimspaces@aimcentre.ie or ring Mark at 087 426 7076 Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4pm
Sligo Regional Sports Centre, Cleveragh, Sligo F91 XV62 Showers, toilet facilities, charging points info@sligoregionalsportscentre.ie  Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7am - 9pm
Tuesday, Thursday 8am - 9pm
Saturday, Sunday 10am - 6pm
Bank Holidays 12pm - 6pm
City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo F91 PP44 Charging points and tea / coffee www.sligococo.ie  Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm


Emergency Response Hubs - Sligo-Drumcliffe MD

Name of Emergency Hub Eircode Services Available Contact Details Opening Hours
Henry's Bar and Restaurant F91 RD45 clubhouse is available for charging phones/appliances, water, tea/coffees 071 917 3985 Monday 12pm - 8pm
Wednesday-Sunday 12pm - 8pm
The Benwiskin Centre F91 A389 Showers, WiFi, Charging phones/appliances, hot water, tea/coffees,  071 917 6721 Monday-Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 10.30am - 2pm & 4pm - 8pm
Sunday 10.30am - 4.30pm


Sligo Leader Partnership wish to remind the public that their day centres (see below for details) for the elderly are operating as normal and new attendees are welcome.

Ballymote - Monday to Friday 9am - 3pm

Tubbercurry - Monday to Thursday 9.30am - 3.30pm

Gurteen - Monday to Friday 9.30am - 3.30pm

Cliffoney - Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 10am to 4pm

More information available from Sligo Leader on 071 9141138


Humanitarian Assistance Scheme

The Humanitarian Assistance Scheme provides income tested financial assistance to households affected by a severe weather event. It is administered by the Community Welfare Service.

The scheme aims to lighten the hardship rather than provide full compensation for damage.

The scheme may cover:

  • emergency support payments, such as food, clothing and personal items
  • damage to your home and its essential contents, such as carpets, flooring, furniture, household appliances and bedding
  • structural damage

Application forms are available at County Hall, Riverside, Sligo, F91 Y763.

For downloadable applications and more information please go to the following website: gov.ie - Humanitarian Assistance Scheme


Connected Hubs

Connected Hubs provide workplace solutions for remote workers, entrepreneurs and businesses and are available for persons in need of office space as a result of the disruption caused by the storm.

The Building Block

Bridge Street, Sligo F91 XY2N


071 931 10160

Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.30pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed


Ballintogher Hub

Ballintogher Enterprise Centre, Ballintogher, Sligo, F91 EH59


Monday - Friday: 8am - 7pm

Saturday: 8am - 5pm

Sunday: 8am - 5pm

086 102 5285


Strand Campus

Sligo Airport Business Park, Airport Road, Strandhill, Sligo F91 FE8N


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

071 916 8477


An Chroí Digital Hub

South Sligo Enterprise Centre, Gallagher Road, Ballina Road, Rathscanlon, Tubbercurry, Sligo F91 X772


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

071 930 2451


Aclare Digital Hub

Kilbride, Aclare, Sligo F91 TX95


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 4pm

Sunday: Closed

083 370 0013


ATU Sligo Innovation Centre

Atlantic Technological University, Ash Lane, Ballinode, Sligo F91 WFW9


Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00

Saturday: N/A

Sunday: N/A

071 930 5323


Kilglass Digital Hub

Kilglass Community Centre, Drinaghan, Enniscrone / Inniscrone, Sligo F26 VK20


Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm

Saturday: 10am - 4pm

Sunday: Closed

087 929 1125


AIM Centre

Advancing Innovation in Manufacturing (AIM) Centre, Market Place, Sligo, F91 WV7R


Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

087 426 7076


Castleconnor Community Centre Digital Hub

Castleconnor Community Centre, Corballa, Sligo F26 P7D9


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 4pm

Sunday: Closed

097 4115305


Easkey Wild Atlantic Hub

Easkey Community Centre, Easkey, Sligo F26 V2T3


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 4pm

Sunday: Closed

096 49020


Emergency Hubs in other Local Authorities

Leitrim County Council

Roscommon County Council

Mayo County Council

Donegal County Council

Galway County Council





National map of the Emergency Response Hubs