Construction Waste

Construction and Demolition Waste

Leftover demolished/building materials are categorised as waste (even though the materials may sometimes seem inert).  Examples on construction and demolition waste: 

  • soil
  • rubble
  • stones
  • boulders
  • plaster
  • bricks
  • tiles
  • gravel
  • timber
  • plaster

Construction and demolition materials are usually very suitable for reuse with low cost and minimal efforts (segregation and re-grading) required to make them suitable for a second use.  However material is often illegally dumped so the opportunity for its reuse is lost.

Dumping Construction and Demolition waste is illegal

Landowners should also be aware that under the Protection of Environment Act 2003, they are liable to prosecution should dumping occur on their lands, whether they are complicit in the activity or not.  Like all other wastes, if you need to get rid of Construction and Demolition waste, you must transfer it to a permitted collector or a licenced or Permitted Waste Collector.

How can I check that my waste collector is genuine?

If you have doubts about how your waste is handled, ask to see a hard copy of your collector’s permit (they are obliged to carry it on their collection vehicle), contact your Local Authority to establish permit status, or check out (to find a collector on this website for any particular waste type, click on the ‘Quick Search’ tab and then select the waste type from the drop-down menu and also then select Sligo County from the drop-down menu in the ‘Select Counties’ tab). If you want more information on how to dispose or recycle waste, this website will provide the information by giving a full listing of all permitted collectors working in the country.

Permits and Licences held by waste collectors must be valid for the type of waste being handled and contractors must be permitted to collect in the specific county from which the waste originated.

For list of permitted facilities, please click on the following link:

Permitted Facilities -