Enniscrone Local Area Plan 2014-2020
Enniscrone Local Area Plan 2014-2020
On 15 September 2014, the members of the Ballymote-Tobercurry Municipal District adopted the Enniscrone Local Area Plan (LAP) 2014-2020. The LAP became effective on 13 October 2014 and is expected to remain in operation for six years.
The LAP and all associated documents can be downloaded from the links below. Hard copies can be bought from the Planning Section of Sligo County Council, City Hall, Sligo.
For higher-resolution digital files or large-size printed maps, please e-mail the Development Planning Unit at dpu@sligococo.ie
Enniscrone Local Area Plan 2014-2020 – Text (Chapters 1 to 11) (PDF) - 9,399 kbs
Enniscrone Local Area Plan 2014-2020 – Maps (Chapter 12) (PDF) - 7,477 kbs
Enniscrone Local Area Plan 2014-2020 – Appendices I to IV (PDF) - 3,586 kbs
SEA Screening Report (PDF) - 1,857 kbs
SEA Decision (PDF) - 33 kbs
Addendum to SEA Screening Report (PDF) - 255 kbs
Habitats Directive Assessment Screening Statement (PDF) - 581 kbs
The Draft Enniscrone Local Area Plan (LAP) was on public display from 24 April to 6 June 2014. During this period, the Council received thirteen submissions. The Chief Executive submitted to the members of the Ballymote-Tobercurry Municipal District a report summarising the issues raised in submissions.
View the First Chief Executive’s Report (PDF) - 845 kbs
On 10 July 2014, having considered the Draft Enniscrone LAP and the First Chief Executive’s Report the members of the Ballymote-Tobercurry Municipal District resolved to propose amendments to the Draft LAP.
View the Proposed Amendments (PDF) - 1,112 kbs
The Proposed Amendments were placed on public display from 16 July to 13 August 2014 and a Second Chief Executive’s Report was prepared and submitted to the elected members.
View the Second Chief Executive’s Report (PDF) - 346 kbs
On 15 September 2014, the members of the Ballymote-Tobercurry Municipal District have resolved to make the local area plan in accordance with the Chief Executive’s overall recommendation.