Forthcoming consultation for the Sligo Town & Environs Local Area Plan
Updated 13 February 2025
The Sligo and Environs Development Plan (SEDP), prepared in 2010 and incorporated in the CDP 2017-2023 (extended to 2024) is no longer in operation.
The current Sligo CDP 2024-2030 includes a “Sligo Town” chapter containing strategic policies and objectives, and the Zoning Map for the area previously covered by the SEDP.
Sligo County Council is legally required to prepare a Local Area Plan for Sligo and Environs area, which has a population above the 5,000-person threshold specified in the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
The preliminary studies for the preparation of the new Sligo Town and Environs Local Area Plan (STELAP) commenced in early 2025.
The new Plan for Sligo Town and its environs will contain detailed policies, objectives and specific development standards regarding urban regeneration, mobility, design, community facilities, open space, recreation etc.
If you need additional information or clarifications, please e-mail the Development Planning Unit at