Review of the Sligo and Environs Development Plan 2010-2016

Background information

The Sligo and Environs Development Plan 2010-2016 (SEDP), adopted in November 2009, was due to expire in 2015. When Sligo Borough Council was abolished in 2014, the lifetime of the SEDP was automatically extended in accordance with the legislation. In August 2017, the provisions of the SEDP were further extended through incorporation into the Sligo County Development Plan 2017-2023 (CDP), which itself was extended to 2024.

In 2018, Sligo County Council carried out pre-draft consultation for a new Sligo and Environs LAP.  This process was interrupted when amended legislation required the variation of the County Development Plan before any new local area plan could be adopted. Variation no. 1 of the Sligo CDP 2017-2023 was adopted by the Council in October 2020.

In January 2021, the Planning Section was advised by the OPR to incorporate the zoning objectives and strategic policies for all settlements (Sligo Town and Environs included) in the next County Development Plan. The review of the Sligo Town and Environs plan was therefore put on hold until the adoption of a new County Development Plan for Sligo.

The Sligo County Development Plan 2024-2030 (CDP) was adopted on the 30 September 2024, and the preliminary work on the preparation of a Sligo Town and Environs Plan commenced in early 2025.