2024 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of Sligo Local Community Development Committee Thursday 23rd May 2024 at 9.30a.m. (Council Chamber, City Hall & MS Teams)

Members Present

  • Councillor Joe Queenan (Chamber), Local Government Member, Sligo County Council
  • Mr Liam Kiely (Chamber), Local Government / LEO, Sligo County Council
  • Mr. Aidan Doyle (Online), Business Interests, Sligo Chamber of Commerce
  • Ms. Cara O’Neill (Online), State Agency, Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan HSE
  • Mr. John Feerick (Chamber), Local Development Sector, Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG
  • Mr. Billy Gallagher (Chamber), Community & Voluntary, PPN
  • Mr. Pat Fallon (Online), Trade Union Interests, Irish Congress of Trade Unions
  • Ms. Kathleen Henry (Online), Farming / Agriculture Interests, Farming / Agriculture Pillar
  • Mr. Pat Benson (Online), Community & Voluntary, PPN

Apologies /Absent

  • Councillor Dara Mulvey, Local Government Member, Sligo County Council
  • Councillor Tom Fox, Local Government Member, Sligo County Council
  • Mr. Martin Lydon, Local Government/CE, Sligo County Council
  • Mr. John Kennedy, State Agency, Dept. Of Employment Affairs & Social Protection
  • Mr. Peter Egan, State Agency, MSLETB
  • Ms. Bernadette Maughan, Social Inclusion, PPN
  • Ms. Noelle O’Gara, Social Inclusion, PPN

In Attendance

  • Ms. Dorothy Clarke (Chamber), Chief Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Margaret McConnell (Chamber), Senior Executive Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Aisling Smyth (Chamber), Administrative Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Mary Boylan (Chamber), Senior Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Kate Gibbons (Chamber), Senior Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Tracy Ferguson (Chamber), Senior Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Marcella McGarry (Chamber), Healthy Ireland Co-ordinator, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Geraldine Timlin (Chamber), Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Geraldine Healy (Chamber), Clerical Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. June Murphy (Chamber), Programme Manager (SICAP), County Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG

The Chairperson Councillor Dara Mulvey and the Vice Chairperson Councillor Tom Fox were not available to Chair the meeting. Members agreed that an Acting Chairperson would be selected; Councillor Joe Queenan was proposed by Mr. Billy Gallagher and seconded by Mr. Liam Kiely to Chair the meeting and agreed by all members present.

Members were advised that the meeting was being recorded, to assist with Minute taking.


1. Declarations of Interest.

There were no Declarations of Interest.


2. Minutes of meeting

Proposed by: Mr. John Feerick
Seconded by: Mr. Billy Gallagher and agreed.


3. Matters Arising.

There were no matters arising.


4. To note presentation in relation to the Sligo Economic Dashboard | Sligo.ie

Presentation by Mr. Mark Mitchell, Digital Transformation Team, Sligo County Council

Mr. Mitchell provided an overview of Dashboard as follows:

  • Maps detailing commencement notices which are plotted based on housing development planning applications. These are also an important economic driver for the county in terms of relocation for work / life balance.
  • Property Price Register for hot spots in the county.
  • Sligo International Companies – a hot spot analysis of IDA backed companies is available with a link to company websites also available.
  • Primary and Secondary Schools and the number of places available
  • Sligo Residential Zoning
  • Principal Economic Status with field of study available in chart form
  • Remote Working Index 2021 – Sligo was ranked at number one for remote working in 2021.


Mr. P. Benson noted that childcare facilities would be a useful addition to the dashboard.  Mr. M. Mitchell confirmed they would be investigated. Mr. J. Feerick noted that statistically Sligo compares very well to the national picture on a range of indicators.


5. To approve the Sligo LCDC Annual Report

Report circulated to members in advance of the meeting.  Ms. M. McConnell outlined the report which provided an overview of LCDC work / activity during 2023 and thanked staff for preparation of the report which is required in accordance with legislation pertaining to the LCDC.

Proposed by: Mr. J. Feerick
Seconded by: Mr. B. Gallagher and agreed.



(a) Update on SICAP 2024 to date

Report circulated to members in advance of the meeting.  Ms. J. Murphy advised members that as per the report, annual targets under Goals 1 & 2 are well underway towards being achieved.  Ms. Murphy also provided an overview of projects currently underway. 

Approval of members was also sought for the SICAP Grants 2024.  Grants were made available under 3 themes; Social Inclusion, Men’s Shed & Women’s Shed and Integration Grants.  Total amount of Grant aid available was €28,538 which was awarded to 31 groups.  There was unprecedented interest in the grants with 62 applications in total.

Recommendation on SICAP Grants 2024 was:

Proposed by: Mr. L. Kiely
Seconded by: Mr. B. Gallagher and agreed.

(b) Verifications/Site visits Q2 & Q3: 2024

Ms. J. Murphy to revert to LCDC support staff with dates for visits, when available.              

(c) Correspondence

Correspondence was outlined by Ms. M. McConnell and noted by members.


7. To note update on PPN

Report circulated to members in advance of the meeting.  Mr. P. Benson provided an overview of ongoing projects and events which Sligo PPN are currently involved in / working on, as follows:

  • Tenders awarded for the creation of an interactive community map and website support for 2024.
  • Tender to be reviewed in relation to the creation of a training network of disabled people to work with the PPN to delivers disability, equality and awareness training across the network.
  • A number of initiatives have taken place under the Power to Change Initiative.


8. To note update on the Sligo Healthy Ireland Programme Round 4

Report circulated to members in advance of the meeting.  Ms. M. McGarry provided an Activity update as follows:

The 2024 Programme of Activities is currently being developed with key stakeholders and propose activities were endorsed by the Healthy Sligo Sub Committee, to include as follows:

  • Physical activity including Stronger for Longer Programme, Activator Poles, Playground Passport, Junior Park Run, Cycling programmes.
  • Wellbeing and Mental Health to include Decider Training, Brief Intervention to Youth Mental Health, work in the Caltragh Community and a WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) based around self-awareness for the 18-24 years cohort.


9. To note update on the Sligo PEACEPLUS Plan

Report circulated to members in advance of meeting.  Ms. T. Ferguson provided an overview as follows:

  • Work to underpin the implementation of the Plan has been ongoing subsequent to submission in March 2024.
  • Members advised that, to date, the SEUPB have not provided clarifications on the Plan.


10. Update on the DCEDIY / DRCD Local Area Child Poverty Action Plan Pilot Scheme

Ms. A. Smyth provided an overview of the key areas of the scheme as follows:

  • The application process is expected to be highly competitive with 4 pilot schemes to be developed nationally. 
  • All applications submitted must be supported by the LCDC and CYPSC. Sligo County Council, Sligo Leitrim CYPSC and SLPCLG have considered options and are developing an application for the Ballytivnan area of Sligo with Sligo Northside interested in acting as host organisation for the delivery. Sligo Northside are well placed to deliver this Scheme having a proven track record of delivering similar programmes in this area. It was confirmed that the Caltragh area was considered however the fund was more suitable to an area that had existing structures operating.
  • Each pilot scheme will be for a duration of 2 years with an annual budget of €100,000, with 6 months for plan development and 18 months for implementation. 
  • Endorsement of Sligo LCDC and Sligo Leitrim CYPSC required for application process. Sligo Leitrim CYPSC has already given endorsement, recognising the need in the area. The endorsement of the LCDC to progress with application development and to submit application by closing date of 7th June, 2024 was requested.


Ms. C. O’Neill advised that she would speak to HSE Child Development Workers as the HSE would be happy to provide any relevant information that would be of assistance to this application.  Ms. A. Smyth confirmed that the application process is online with a closing date of 7th June 2024.

Endorsement of Sligo LCDC:

Proposed by: Ms. C. O’Neill
Seconded by: Mr. J. Feerick and agreed.


11. Correspondence

Correspondence was outlined by Ms. M. McConnell and noted by members.


12. Date for next LCDC/LAG meeting –

Thursday 11th July 2024 – 9.30a.m.


13. Any Other Business



Meeting concluded at 10.35 a.m.

Meeting Date 23/05/2024