2024 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of Sligo Local Community Development Committee Thursday 4th April 2024 at 9.30a.m. (Council Chamber, City Hall & MS Teams)

Members Present

  • Councillor Dara Mulvey (Chamber), Local Government Member, Sligo County Council
  • Councillor Joe Queenan (Chamber), Local Government Member, Sligo County Council
  • Mr. Martin Lydon, (Chamber), Local Government/CE, Sligo County Council
  • Mr Liam Kiely (Chamber), Local Government / LEO, Sligo County Council
  • Mr. Aidan Doyle (Chamber), Business Interests, Sligo Chamber of Commerce
  • Ms. Cara O’Neill (Online), State Agency, Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan HSE
  • Mr. John Feerick (Online), Local Development Sector, Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG
  • Mr. Billy Gallagher (Online), Community & Voluntary, PPN
  • Mr. Pat Fallon (Online), Trade Union Interests, Irish Congress of Trade Unions
  • Ms. Kathleen Henry (Online), Farming / Agriculture Interests, Farming / Agriculture Pillar
  • Mr. Pat Benson (Online), Community & Voluntary, PPN
  • Ms. Bernadette Maughan, Social Inclusion, PPN

Apologies /Absent

  • Councillor Tom Fox, Local Government Member, Sligo County Council
  • Mr. John Kennedy, State Agency, Dept. Of Employment Affairs & Social Protection
  • Mr. Peter Egan, State Agency, MSLETB
  • Ms. Noelle O’Gara, Social Inclusion, PPN

In Attendance

  • Ms. Dorothy Clarke (Chamber), Chief Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Margaret McConnell (Chamber), Senior Executive Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Aisling Smyth (Chamber), Administrative Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Mary Boylan (Chamber), Senior Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Tracy Ferguson (Chamber), Senior Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Marcella McGarry (Chamber), Healthy Ireland Co-ordinator, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Geraldine Timlin (Chamber), Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Geraldine Healy (Chamber), Clerical Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. June Murphy (Online), Programme Manager (SICAP), County Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG

The Chair Councillor Dara Mulvey welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the apologies.


1. Declarations of Interest.

There were no Declarations of Interest.


2. Minutes of meeting 22nd February 2024

Proposed by: Mr. P. Benson
Seconded by: Mr. A. Doyle and agreed.


3. Matters Arising.

There were no matters arising.



(a) SICAP Annual Plan 2024 - for approval

  • Feedback Report from Pobal’s review

(b) To agree Local Priority Target Groups (LPTGs) Percentage Targets 2024 - 2028

(c) To note Internal Audit 2022

(d) Update on SICAP 2024 to date

(e) Verifications/Site visits Q2: 2024

(f) Correspondence

a) SICAP Annual Plan 2024 & Feedback from Pobal Review.

All relevant reports circulated to members in advance of the meeting. 

Ms. Margaret McConnell advised that the Social Inclusion and SICAP Monitoring Sub Committee held a meeting on 15th February 2024, at which members considered and recommended approval of the 2024 Annual Plan.

Ms. Kate Gibbons gave an overview of the Annual Plan review undertaken by LCDC support staff and positive feedback received from Pobal.


Mr. M. Lydon referred to some of the supports being offered in terms of Self Employment and cross over with LEO supports, Lifelong Learning / Back to Education & Ukrainian supports.  Mr. J. Feerick and Ms. J. Murphy clarified that SICAP supports are particularly focused on those on Job Seekers who are referred from the DSP. 

Mr. L. Kiely confirmed that those on the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance (BWEA) are not eligible for LEO financial supports, however the BWEA is complimentary to LEO activity.

Approval of SICAP 2024 Annual Plan:

Proposed by: Mr. B. Gallagher
Seconded by: Mr. M. Lydon and agreed.

b) Local Priority Target Groups (LPTG’s) Percentage Targets 2024 – 2028

Overview provided by Ms. K. Gibbons.  As part of the tender process for SICAP 2024 – 2028 LPTG’s had to be chosen.  People living in communities impacted by disadvantage with an overall percentage of 18% and mid term of 9% was agreed for Sligo.

Approval of LPTGs percentage targets 2024 – 2028:

Proposed by: Ms. K. Henry
Seconded by: Mr. B. Gallagher and agreed.

c) To note Internal Audit 2022

Overview provided by Ms. K. Gibbons.  Recommendations made by the SCC internal auditor in relation to SICAP 2022, were discussed with SLPCO and addressed.

d) Update on SICAP 2024 to date

Report circulated to members in advance of the meeting.  Ms. J. Murphy advised members that as per the report, under Goal 1ongoing advice and guidance is being provided to Community Groups.  Under Goal 2 supports are being provided to Individuals, Young People and Families, Employment and Self Employment and New Communities.  As per the report Ms. Murphy provided an overview of some of the projects currently underway.

e) Verification Site visits for Q1 2024 were discussed as follows:

Ms J. Murphy advised that dates for site visits were still being formalised, but she will advise of suitable visits asap.  The Chair noted that he had attended several verification site visits and encouraged other members to attend where possible.

f) Correspondence

Correspondence was outlined by Ms. M. McConnell and noted by members.


5. To note update on PPN

Report circulated to members in advance of the meeting.  Mr. P. Benson provided an overview of ongoing projects and events which Sligo PPN are currently involved in / working on, as follows:

  • Working with Sligo FRC and EU direct to host an event profiling the 2024 elections
  • On 14th March Sligo PPN hosted the Fair Seas Sligo event, a celebration of the local marine environment.
  • A number of initiatives have taken place under the Power to Change Initiative


The Chair, Councillor D. Mulvey noted that the PPN Environmental seat on the LCDC had not been filled to date and stressed the importance of this.  Mr. P. Benson to feedback to the PPN Secretariat.

Mr. M. Lydon queried if elected members of SCC and local politicians had been invited to the 2024 Election event.  Mr. P. Benson to request a response to this query.


6. To note update on the Sligo Healthy Ireland Programme Round 4

Report circulated to members in advance of the meeting.  Ms. M. McGarry provided an Activity update as follows:

  • Under Output Area 1, Physical Activity, proposed activities include: Stronger for Longer Programme, Activator Poles, Playground Passport, Junior Park Run, Cycling Programmes.
  • Under Output Area 2, Wellbeing and Mental Health activities include: Decider Training, Youth Mental Health Brief Intervention Project which will include Play & Art Therapy & Mindfulness Workshops, work in Caltragh and WRAP.


Mr. P. Benson noted that staff in the HSE Mental Health Service, trained in WRAP, who are now retired may be willing to volunteer, if approached.

Ms. C. O’Neill noted that a host organization is still required for the Youth Mental Health Project – Ballymote FRC are interested in but not yet agreed.

In response to concerns raised about Caltragh and the level of work required in the area, Ms.

J. Murphy confirmed that an Interagency Working Group which had been in place a number of years ago is to be re-established, to provide a coordinated approach to the delivery of services in the area.


7. To endorse the final draft of the Sligo PEACEPLUS application as approved by the PEACEPLUS Partnership for submission to SEUPB by 28th March 2024

Report circulated to members in advance of meeting.  Ms. T. Ferguson provided an overview as follows:

  • The PEACEPLUS Plan and application was submitted to the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) through their online platform, JEMS, on 28th March 2024.
  • Date for return approval of Plan and Actions by SEUPB and subsequent project implementation is 29th August 2024.
  • As per report number of actions are planned for the interim period.


8. Correspondence

Correspondence was outlined by Ms. M. McConnell and noted by members.

In response to a query from Councillor J. Queenan, regarding the qualifying criteria for the Community Recognition Fund, Ms. D. Clarke, confirmed that funding would be made available to towns and villages where Ukrainians are living.  Ms. Clarke confirmed that €1.7 million in funding has been allocated for Sligo and that Councillors would receive a presentation on the parameters of the Fund.


9. Date for next LCDC/LAG meeting –

Thursday 23rd May 2024 – 9.30a.m.


10. AOB



Meeting concluded at 10.25a.m.


Meeting Date 04/04/2024