2023 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of Sligo Local Community Development Committee Thursday 7th December 2023 at 9.30a.m. (Council Chamber, City Hall & MS Teams)

Members Present

  • Councillor Dara Mulvey (Chamber), Local Government Member, Sligo County Council
  • Councillor Tom Fox (Chamber), Local Government Member, Sligo County Council
  • Mr. Martin Lydon, (Chamber), Local Government/CE, Sligo County Council
  • Mr. Liam Kiely (Chamber), Local Government / LEO, Sligo County Council
  • Mr. John Kennedy (Online), State Agency, Dept. Of Employment Affairs & Social Protection
  • Mr. John Feerick (Online), Local Development Sector, Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG
  • Ms. Cara O’Neill (Online), State Agency, Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan HSE
  • Mr. Peter Egan (Online), State Agency, MSLETB
  • Dr. Connie Nell (Online), Environmental Interests, PPN
  • Mr. Billy Gallagher (Online), Community & Voluntary, PPN
  • Mr. Pat Fallon (Online), Trade Union Interests, Irish Congress of Trade Unions
  • Ms. Kathleen Henry (Online), Farming / Agriculture Interests, Farming / Agriculture Pillar

Apologies /Absent

  • Mr. Patrick Benson, Community & Voluntary, PPN
  • Ms. Bernadette Maughan, Social Inclusion, PPN
  • Mr. Aidan Doyle, Business Interests, Sligo Chamber of Commerce
  • Ms. Noelle O’Gara, Social Inclusion, PPN
  • Councillor Joe Queenan, Local Government Member, Sligo County Council

In Attendance

  • Ms. Dorothy Clarke (Chamber), Chief Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Margaret McConnell (Chamber), Senior Executive Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Aisling Smyth (Chamber), Administrative Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Mary Boylan (Chamber), Senior Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Tracy Ferguson (Chamber), Senior Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Marcella McGarry (Chamber), Healthy Ireland Co-ordinator, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Geraldine Timlin (Chamber), Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Geraldine Healy (Chamber), Clerical Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. June Murphy (Online), Programme Manager (SICAP), County Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG

The Chair Councillor Dara Mulvey welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the apologies.


1. Declarations of Interest.

There were no Declarations of Interest.


2. Minutes of meeting 26th October 2023

Proposed by: Mr. M. Lydon
Seconded by: Councillor T. Fox


3. Matters Arising.

There were no matters arising.



(a) Update on SICAP 2023 to date

Report circulated to members in advance of the meeting. 

  • J. Murphy noted that Goal 1 KPIs are at 89% and Goal 2 KPIs at 168%. Members were also given a brief overview of Progress of Actions under each Goal.
  • In terms of the 2023 Individual Caseload by Target Group, it was noted that the Sligo caseload was on a par with the national caseload.
  • The total spend on SICAP 2023 Community Grants was €31,001.40. It was noted that Diversity Sligo project (€1,300 awarded) was not going ahead, as residents in Globe House were not comfortable attending an event in Dublin, as part of this project.
  • The attention of members was also drawn to the Youtube link for 2023 SICAP Case Study.

(b) Verification Site Visits

  • M. McConnell advised that one site visit had taken place to date for Q 4 2023, to the Halloween Tie Dye workshop in Screen Community Centre on 31st October 2023.
  • The second visit will take place on 18th December 2023 to the celebration of St. Nicholas Day, in Riverstown Folk Park. Members were encouraged to attend.

(c) SICAP 2024 – 2028

  • M. McConnell advised that the contract would be signed with the successful Programme Implementer by the end of 2023.


5. To note update on PPN

Report circulated to members in advance of the meeting.  Dr. C. Nell provided an overview of the following:

  • Transport consultation held on 30th November to explore the community needs around active and sustainable travel.
  • PPN plenary and participatory planning session held on 8th November 2023, at which the 2024 workplan and budget were discussed.
  • A number of activities under the Power to Change Initiative are planned for the coming months.
  • Currently working on submissions to the Sligo Access and Disability Plan.


6. To note update on the Sligo Healthy Ireland Programme Round 4

Report circulated to members in advance of the meeting.  Ms. M. McGarry provided an update on the physical activity and wellbeing/mental health projects currently being implemented.  

  • Members were asked to note the Healthy Sligo Sub Committee approval of Junior Park Run and provision of contribution of €1,500 to be matched by SSRP.
  • Also to note Healthy Sligo Sub Committee approval of Youth Mental Health Programme involving Play and Mindfulness and to increase the Programme Budget from €15,000 to €20,000.
  • Pobal Financial Update – 2024 funding to be maintained at the same level as 2023 - €75,000.


In response to a query from Councillor T. Fox, regarding the provision and uptake of programmes in Rural and Urban areas, Ms. M. McGarry confirmed that over 49 organizations attended the consultation process from both Rural and Urban areas.  In terms of the Stronger for Longer programme there were 70 participants in Tubbercurry and 49 in Sligo.  Ms. McGarry also advised that programmes will be made available in north Sligo in 2024 should a suitable location be available, as this has previously been an issue. Ms. M. McConell thanked all organizations and staff involved in making programmes a success.


7. To note update on the Sligo PEACEPLUS Programme

Report circulated to members in advance of meeting.  Ms. T. Ferguson provided an overview as follows:

  • Work is progressing under the 3 themes of Local Community Regeneration and Transformation, Thriving and Peaceful Communities and Celebrating Culture and Diversity.
  • Members were advised that SEUPB have provided a new and additional deadline for submission of applications to 28th March 2024. The Sligo PEACEPLUS application will avail of this later submission date to ensure a detailed and robust application.


8. Correspondence

Correspondence was outlined by Ms. M. McConnell and noted by members.


9. Date for next LCDC/LAG meeting – Thursday 22nd February 2024 – 9.30a.m.


10. Any Other Business

Ms. D. Clarke noted that this was the last LCDC meeting to be attended by Dr. Connie Nell. She acknowledged the contribution and work of Dr. Nell with both the LCDC and Sligo PPN.

Mr. Liam Kiely, Sligo LEO was also welcomed to the meeting.  The Chair and other members concurred with the well wishes for Ms. Nell, who in turn thanked the members and noted that that her time as the PPN Environmental Representative on the LCDC was a great learning experience. 

In response to a query from Ms. Nell in relation to ETB plans to hold a recruitment / skills fair in Sligo, as has been done in other counties, Mr. P. Egan confirmed that an event is planned for Sligo in conjunction with the ATU and other stakeholders.


Meeting concluded at 10.10a.m.

Meeting Date 07/12/2023