2023 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of Sligo Local Community Development Committee Thursday 26th October 2023 at 9.30a.m. (Council Chamber, City Hall & MS Teams)

Members Present

  • Councillor Dara Mulvey (Chamber), Local Government Member, Sligo County Council
  • Councillor Tom Fox (Chamber), Local Government Member, Sligo County Council
  • Mr. Martin Lydon, (Chamber), Local Government/CE, Sligo County Council
  • Mr. John Reilly (Online), State Agency, Dept. Of Employment Affairs & Social Protection
  • Mr. John Feerick (Online), Local Development Sector, Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG
  • Ms. Cara O’Neill (Chamber), State Agency, Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan HSE
  • Dr. Connie Nell (Online), Environmental Interests, PPN
  • Mr. Billy Gallagher (Online), Community & Voluntary, PPN
  • Mr. Patrick Benson (Online), Community & Voluntary, PPN
  • Mr. Pat Fallon (Online), Trade Union Interests, Irish Congress of Trade Unions
  • Ms. Kathleen Henry (Online), Farming / Agriculture Interests, Farming / Agriculture Pillar

Apologies /Absent

  • Mr. Peter Egan, State Agency, MSLETB
  • Ms. Bernadette Maughan, Social Inclusion, PPN
  • Mr. Aidan Doyle, Business Interests, Sligo Chamber of Commerce
  • Ms. Noelle O’Gara, Social Inclusion, PPN
  • Mr. Councillor Joe Queenan, Local Government Member, Sligo County Council

In Attendance

  • Ms. Dorothy Clarke (Chamber), Chief Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Margaret McConnell (Chamber), Senior Executive Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Aisling Smyth (Chamber), Administrative Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Mary Boylan (Chamber), Senior Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Tracy Ferguson (Chamber), Senior Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Marcella McGarry (Chamber), Healthy Ireland Co-ordinator, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Geraldine Timlin (Chamber), Staff Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. Geraldine Healy (Chamber), Clerical Officer, Sligo County Council
  • Ms. June Murphy (Online), Programme Manager (SICAP), County Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG

The Chair Councillor Dara Mulvey welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the apologies.


1. Declarations of Interest.

There were no Declarations of Interest.


2. Minutes of meeting 28th June 2023 & 21st September 2023.

Proposed by: Ms. C. O’Neill
Seconded by: Mr. J. Feerick


3. Matters Arising.

There were no matters arising.



(a) Update on SICAP 2023 to date

Report circulated to members in advance of meeting.  Ms. J. Murphy outlined the report and brought the following to the attention of members:

  • To date 77% of Total Action Costs have been expended. Under Goal 1 (local community groups) 76% has been achieved, while under Goal 2 (individuals) 142% has been achieved. An increase in the number of people from New Communities and Ukraine, coming into Sligo has contributed to the additional engagement with individuals.
  • Ms. Murphy provided an overview of progress under Actions in Goal 1 and Goal 2 and a sample of activities undertaken under each Goal. 
  • Update on SICAP Grants – breakdown of grants in terms of Community / Social Inclusion, Men’s / Women’s Shed and Ukrainian / New Community Grants was also provided by Ms. Murphy.


In response to a query from Ms. C. O’Neill regarding the geographical spread of Ukrainian supports Ms. Murphy advised that a range of supports are available throughout the county from both Sligo County Council (SCC) and Sligo LEADER Partnership CLG (SLPCO).  An Advocacy Worker has been contracted by SLPCO, who also work in partnership with other agencies and community volunteers.

(b) SICAP 2024 – 2028

Ms. M. McConnell advised that Sligo LCDC is up to date with all necessary actions and awaiting further information from Pobal as to next steps.

(c) Correspondence

Correspondence was outlined by Ms. M. McConnell and noted by members.


5. To note update on PPN

Report circulated to members in advance of meeting.  Mr. P. Benson outlined the report and brought the following work / collaborations to the attention of the members:

  • Sligo PPN Thematic Housing Network to present draft paper on Home Heating and Costs to SPC1 as part of a series of papers on housing issues.
  • 2023 Plenary meeting scheduled for 8th November, at which a Participatory Planning and Budgeting session will be held.
  • Sligo PPN are supporting the Independent Living Movement Ireland and Sligo Disabled Persons Organisation to develop a national submission template, based on findings from a consultation on the new Green Paper on Disability Reform.
  • A Transport Forum consultation, hosted by Sligo PPN will take place on 30th November 2023.  Key community priorities for active and sustainable transport in the county will be explored and will be brought to the Transport Forum being established under Sligo LECP.


6. To note update on the Sligo Healthy Ireland Programme Round 4

Report circulated to members in advance of meeting.  Ms. M. McGarry provided an overview as follows:

  • The total 2023 Activity budget allocation has been confirmed as €78,122.42, with funding of €70,310.18 released to date.
  • Revised Programme of Activities has been agreed by the Healthy Sligo Sub Committee as follows:
    • The revised Physical Activity Programme has been agreed with Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnership (SSRP) as the lead agency.
    • Activities include the Activator Pole Programme in Cleveragh Park and Stronger for Longer hosted by Tubbercurry GAA in South Sligo. Junior Park run, to take place in Cleveragh Park, Sligo is currently being developed.  It is proposed that Healthy Sligo and SSRP will share the set-up cost of €3,000.
  • Output Area: Mental Health
    • Decider Skills training to be delivered over two days, in Sligo in February 2024.
    • Wellness Recovery Action Plan Training – discussions on the delivery of this programme are currently ongoing
    • The focus of Caltragh as a disadvantaged community will stretch over the funding period of HIF Round 4
    • Discussions are ongoing around the Youth Mental Health Intervention Project with a further meeting to take place with the HSE
  • HIF funding allocation for 2024 been confirmed as €75,000
  • Confirmation received from Pobal that the DOH has agreed that a maximum of €8,000, from the existing allocation can be used for the evaluation of HIF Round 4


In relation to the early intervention Youth Mental Health Programme it was advised that further to the Healthy Ireland Sub Committee meeting, the HSE had raised some issues and that a meeting was planned with the HSE to discuss the project further.  This was confirmed by C O’Neill.  It was recalled by Ms. C. Nell and Mr. P. Benson that the issue of Youth Mental Health came across very strongly during the consultation phase.

Ms. D. Clarke outlined the subcommittee process for reviewing and recommending projects to the LCDC, and considered the HIF could provide funding to assist with a programme in this area but would not do so without the support of the HSE. 

In response to a query from Mr. P. Benson, Ms. C. O’Neill confirmed that the Psychology Youth Mental Health to be rolled out shortly is a separate programme.  It was also confirmed to Mr. P. Benson that the budget set aside for the HIF project is €15,000.

As this section of the Minutes of meeting dated 28th June 2023 had not been agreed, in response to Mr. P. Benson and Mr. B. Gallagher, Ms. M. McConnell advised that revised wording had been agreed with Ms. C. O’Neill which was read to the members under A.O.B.


7. To note update on the Sligo PEACEPLUS Programme

Report circulated to members in advance of meeting.  Ms. T. Ferguson provided an overview as follows:

  • Members of the PEACEPLUS Partnership and Working Group were thanked for their contributions to date and continued support
  • Development of proposed activities is ongoing under the thematic areas of Local Community Regeneration & Transformation, Thriving and Peaceful Communities and Celebrating Cultures & Diversity
  • Project development is ongoing and is now reaching the stage where recommendations may be made around project elements.  Project costings, where possible, will be made available to the PEACEPLUS Partnership at meeting dated 8th November 2023.


8. Correspondence

Correspondence was outlined by Ms. M. McConnell and noted by members.


9. Date for next LCDC/LAG meeting – Thursday 7th December 2023 – 9.30a.m.


10. Any Other Business

  • Ms. M. McConnell referred to the earlier discussion regarding amendments to Minutes of meeting dated 28th June 2023.  Original minutes and revised minutes were read to the members and were agreed.


Meeting concluded at 10.20a.m.


Meeting Date 26/10/2023