2023 Agendas

Agenda of meeting of Sligo Local Community Development Committee to be held on 26th October 2023 at 9.30 am (MS Teams/Council Chamber, City Hall)

  1. Declarations of Interest
  2. Minutes of meeting – 28th June 2023 & 21st September 2023
  3. Matters Arising
  4. SICAP
    (a) Update on SICAP 2023 to date
    (b) SICAP 2024 - 2028
    (c) Correspondence

Correspondence From:

1. SICAP Team - Community Reps Training Information Sessions QQI Award (Minor) Level 5 (26/09/2023)
2. Dept of Social Protection - Social Inclusion Division - Publication of the Social Inclusion Forum 2023 Report (16/10/2023)
3. DRCD – Social Inclusion & Communities Unit - Call for Applications – 2023 Dormant Account Funds, Action 6.3 National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy (17/10/2023)
4. Pobal - Invitation to Pobal National Conference & Launch of the HP Deprivation Index – 2nd November 2023 (23/10/2023)

  1. To note update on Sligo PPN
  2. To note update on the Sligo Healthy Ireland Programme Round 4 
  3. To note update on the Sligo PEACEPLUS Programme
  4. Correspondence

1. Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth - Children First Awareness Week 25th September to 1st October 2023 (22/09/2023)
2. Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth - Launch of the National Integration Fund 2023 (09/10/2023)
3. Foróige - Invitation to the launch of “WHATS THE PANIC ABOUT VAPING” (09/10/2023)
4. Irish Research Council - Invitation to event: Rural Data Café: Data for People-Centered Decision-Making (10/10/2023)
5. Sligo LCDC - Economic Visioning Study of proposed SLNCR Greenway – Sligo to Enniskillen. (11/10/2023)
6. HSE - Health & Wellbeing update (11/10/2023)
7. Sligo LCDC - Invitation to Launch of Healthy Sligo Physical Activity Programme (24/10/2023)

  1. Date for next LCDC/LAG meeting – Thursday 7th December 2023
  2. Any Other Business


Meeting Date 26/10/2023