Draft Ministerial Direction
On 8 November 2024, Alan Dillon, the Minister of State for Local Government and Planning, gave notice of his intention to issue a direction to Sligo County Council to take certain measures regarding the Sligo County Development Plan 2024-2030, consequent to a recommendation made by the Office of the Planning Regulator on 27 October 2024.
The Minister’s notice was accompanied by a draft of the Direction and a request to publish notice of the Draft Direction no later than two weeks after receipt of the Minister's notice.
Public consultation on the Draft Direction took place from 25 November to 9 December 2024. A total of 113 submissions were received during this period. All submissions are published on Sligo County Council’s Consultation Portal at https://consult.sligococo.ie/en/browse
On 14 January 2025, the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions relating to the Draft Direction was sent to the Elected Members of Sligo County Council, the Office of the Planning Regulator, the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, and the Northern and Western Regional Assembly.