Sligo Drumcliff Agendas 2024

Agenda of Meeting of the Municipal District of Sligo-Drumcliff to be held on Monday 15th July, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.

Sligo County Council
Corporate Services
County Hall

(071) 91 11111

 9th July 2024


A meeting of the Municipal District of Sligo-Drumcliff will be held:

on:       Monday 15th July 2024

at:        9.30am

in:        Council Chamber, Riverside, Sligo

You are requested to attend.

J. Golden
Meetings Administrator



  1. To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Municipal District of Sligo-Drumcliff held on 27th May 2024
  2. To confirm the Minutes of the AGM Meeting of the Municipal District of Sligo-Drumcliff held on 28th June 2024
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Update report on the Croí Cónaithe Towns Fund - Vacant Property Refurbishment 



  1. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Casserly:
    “To ask for an update on the taking in charge of Ceol na Mara and Seaview Park in Cliffoney”
  2. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Casserly:
    “To request that verges be trimmed at all junctions in the MD in the interest of road safety”
  3. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Casserly:
    To seek an update on the R278 re plans for safety improvement works on that road to the Leitrim border”
  4. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Healy:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to write to the HSE to receive an update on the Capital Development submission to bring Collooney Primary Care & Daycare Centre up to a higher level of standard for the growing population that avail of this service”
  5. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Healy:
    “To call on Sligo County Council for a full report on the funding received to Ballisodare under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund in 2022 of €580.000 plus matching funding from Sligo County Council of €145.000 bringing a total of €725.000 
    1. What money has been spent to date and where and who decided this 
    2. What level of engagement with the residents has taken place or other stakeholders in Ballisodare 
    3. When will plans be put up for public consultation on where and how the money will be spent 
    4. What is the date that all funding has to be spent by and who is leading out on this project 
    5. When will a full presentation be given to the Sligo/Drumcliffe MD area” 
  6. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Healy:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to put a plan in place for the commitment of providing an initial trial of a one-way system in Collooney commencing in September and that all stakeholders are notified in time” 
  7. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Walsh:
    “That Sligo County Council review the unprecedented speed levels on approach to Ballyfree Bridge between Carraroe and Oakfield with a view of a LCAS application”
  8. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Walsh:
    “That Sligo County Council provides an update on the provision of bus shelters and pedestrian crossings for Ballisodare village”
  9. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Gilroy:
    “That Sligo County Council deal with the drainage issues and the damage consistently done to the road surface on the L-7229-0 at Ballymulderry/Ardtarmon on the main access road to Raghly Harbour”
  10. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Gilroy:
    “That Sligo County Council carry out a survey of road signage along the N15 and identify any road signs that inhibit sight lines from access roads or from dwellings, and that these signs are removed or relocated to a safer location”
  11. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Gilroy:
    “That Sligo County Council provide members with a list of the roads (RM or RI) on the Roads Programme 2024 that have so far not had the agreed works as described in the roads schedule carried out and to provide a reason why each of these roads have not been completed”
  12. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Walsh:
    “Given the fact that there has been two fatalities on the section of road, I call on Sligo County Council to make an application for funding to the Department of Transport to realign a section of the R290 between Kilross and CastleDargan at Dunamurray”
  13. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor E. McSharry:
    “To call on Sligo Council to explore the possibility of purchasing adjacent available land to reopen Kilmacowen cemetery”
  14. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor E. McSharry:
    “To call on Sligo Council to widen the road at the very dangerous corner on R292 past the Ransboro roundabout on the route to Strandhill. There is no visibility on the corner for oncoming cyclist walkers or cars”
  15. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor E. McSharry:
    “To call on Sligo Council to provide the following in Rosses Point:
    1. basic showers and a safety rail at the swimming access
    2. repairs to the public toilet
    3. a safe walking access to the beach”
  16. Votes of Sympathy
  17. Votes of Congratulations
  18. Correspondence
  19. Date & Venue of the next meeting
  20. Any Other Business


Meeting Date 15/07/2024