Sligo Drumcliff Agendas 2024

Agenda of Meeting of the Municipal District of Sligo-Drumcliff to be held on Monday 27th May, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.

Sligo County Council
Corporate Services
County Hall

(071) 91 11111

21st May 2024


A meeting of the Municipal District of Sligo-Drumcliff will be held:

on:       Monday 27th May 2024

at:        9.30am

in:        Council Chamber, Riverside, Sligo

You are requested to attend.

J. Golden
Meetings Administrator



  1. To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Municipal District of Sligo-Drumcliff held on 11th March 2024
  2. Matters Arising
  3. Update report on the Croí Cónaithe Towns Fund - Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant
  4. Update on the preparation of a County Sligo Biodiversity Action Plan



  1. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Casserly:
    “That Sligo County Council collaborate with Fáilte Ireland to develop a new Tourism and Marketing Plan for the village of Mullaghmore as it is an important destination point on the Wild Atlantic Way”
  2. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Casserly:
    “To seek an update on all village enhancement works in Rosses Point” 
  3. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Casserly:
    “That Sligo County Council ask as a matter of urgency that TII provide funding for safety improvement works in the form of new road markings to include designated turning lanes at junctions between the villages of Grange and Cliffoney”
  4. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Healy:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to carry out a safety survey to address concerns with speeding going through the villages at both entrances into Ballygawley, Carrowroe, Sooey and other villages along the R284 in the interest of health and safety and to make signage more visible when entering these villages”
  5. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Healy:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to extend the footpath on the R286 from Calry/St Joseph GAA Club to  St. Angela's College, this would be of great benefit to the community and the students travelling to the college under the achieve travel scheme”
  6. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Healy:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to address the ongoing concerns at Carraroe National School in the interest of pedestrian safety and the need for traffic management on the approach roads and around our school area”
  7. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Walsh:
    That Sligo County Council provide an update on the provision of the urgently required pedestrian crossings in Carraroe centre to ensure the safety of the local community and school children”
  8. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Walsh:
    “That Sligo County Council provide an update on timeline for the procurement of design team to develop a concept for Ballisodare centre which has funds of €400,000 available to it under the RRDF”
  9. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Walsh:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to make provision for additional parking in Collooney Centre and to ensure where there is further development that the provision of parking is conditioned”
  10. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Gilroy:
    “To ask for a timeline for the repair of footpaths at Pine Grove Grange
  11. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Gilroy:
    “That Sligo County Council put in place safety barriers as warning signs are being ignored at the bridges approx 950m past the derelict school on a steep decline where there is a dogs leg turn on the road as it descends the mountain Townland of Gleniff on the Horseshoe Road L7130 travelling clockwise. This Scenic route has become extremely popular with tourists as motorists and cyclists and a number of vehicles have ended up in the Ballaghnairillick (Ballintrillick) River thankfully with no fatalities so far”
  12. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Gilroy:
    “That Sligo County Council Placenames Committee consider calling the next road to be named in the Grange Area to be called Barry Road in recognition of service to Sligo County Council by the late Councillor Patsy Barry”
  13. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Fox:
    “To request that Sligo County Council provide footpaths on the N16 north of the Abbvie roundabout at Barraroe”
  14. Votes of Sympathy
  15. Votes of Congratulations
  16. Correspondence:
    (a) Letter An Taisce – IBAL Anti-Litter League 2024
  17. Any Other Business

Meeting Date 27/05/2024