Minutes 2023
Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough District of Sligo Held on Monday 20th March 2023 at 10.00 A.M. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo.
- Councillor Tom MacSharry (Mayor)
- Councillor Declan Bree
- Councillor Arthur Gibbons
- Councillor Sinead Maguire
- Ms. Dorothy Clarke, Director of Services.
- Ms. Emer Concannon, Acting Director of Services
- Mr. Thomas Kerins, Acting Senior Executive Engineer.
- Mr. Jude Mannion, Staff Officer(Meetings Administrator).
- Ms. Siobhan Ryan, Heritage Officer
Mayor Tom MacSharry presided and welcomed all present to the meeting.
Councillor Bree proposed a Vote of Sympathy to Councillor Gino O'Boyle on the death of his Grandmother, aged 91 in Carrickmacross, County Monaghan over the weekend. This was seconded by Councillor Gibbons. Councillor Maguire and the Mayor also wished to share their sympathies. The Mayor then adjourned the meeting for ten minutes as a mark of respect. Ms Dorothy Clarke on behalf of herself and the Chief Executive also wished to extend their sympathies.
Proposed by Councillor D Bree
Seconded by Councillor A Gibbons
"To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough District of Sligo held on 20" January 2023"
Councillor Bree enquired as to progress made in respect to Item No 11, concerning a meeting between Sligo County Council and the both the OPW and the Department to investigate the possibility of developing public access to the Neolithic site at Cairns Hill.
In response, Ms Dorothy Clarke advised that the Council wrote to both the Executive Chair of the OPW and to the Chief Archaeologist in the DHLGH in relation to the matter. A response was received from the Chief Archaeologist indicating a willingness to engage with the owners of the property at Cairns Hill and to work with the Council if required. However, any meeting with the Council about access to the Cairn at Cairns Hill would not be advisable unless the owners of the property were in agreement and gave their consent to the matter. At this point, the Chief Archaeologist was not aware of the identity of the owners of the site referred to at Cairns Hill.
Councillor Bree acknowledged the response and would encourage the DHLGH and OPW to work with the Council in this regard.
Proposed by Councillor T Mac Sharry
Seconded by Councillor S Maguire
Mr. Tom Brennan Senior Engineer took the members through a summary of the programme, specifically in relation to the items pertaining to this Municipal District as identified in Appendices 3.
The Mayor thanked Mr. Brennan for delivering the report and opened it up to the members.
Councillor Declan Bree welcomed the report and the positive news it contained in many areas. In particular, he welcomed the fact that the T2-112 route linking MCR to Pearse Road is now at an advanced stage and how this is an objective in the Development Plan, but has been delayed for many years due to funding contraints. This ongoing delay, he advised had caused significant difficulties for the residents of Lower St Brigids Place. Councillor Bree also welcomed the funding for footpaths at Abbeyville, & Martin Savage Terrace.
Councillor Maguire acknowledged the huge amount of work that has gone into preparing the report. However, she did make reference to the fact that the bulk of the road mileage area is in the vicinity of Strandhill itself, but yet only €60,000 approximately has been earmarked for these roads. Councillor Maguire also sought clarity on the extent of works on the Glen Road for which €51,000 has been earmarked. Councillor Maguire also referred members back to a motion which she put down last year on L3503 (from Ransboro School to St Annes Ch of lrl) which is seeing increasing volumes of traffic and sought some clarity on this this. Finally, Councillor Maguire welcomed the broad range of projects earmarked under the Active Travel Scheme.
Councillor Gibbons welcomed the report and how so many estates would see their footpaths receiving attention, but acknowledged that it was a difficult balancing act, and that not all areas would receive attention this time out. He shared Councillor Maguires concern on the small sum overall being earmarked for Strandhill, despite its overall share of the roads network. He wished to highlight the fantastic improvements to the N4/Nl 5 junction at Cartron even though it came in for some criticism in the past for the delays involved. Finally, Councillor Gibbons sought some clarity on the works at Wolfe Tone St/Knappgh Road and whether these could be extended to include Churchill and access from St Michaels Centre.
The Mayor complimented the engineering staff for the huge body of work that has been achieved post covid in the town area. He sought clarity in relation to the Cartron area as outlined in the report.
In response, Mr Thomas Kerins advised that it is not specific to one estate within the Cartron townland area, but will be clarified as the works programme progresses. In relation to other member's queries, L5303 can be considered for inclusion in the 2024 programme. As regards the split in funding between Strandhill and the Urban area, traditionally the restoration improvement grant would always have been concentrated in the urban area as the roads in the peninsula would be in better condition in the context of this grant. As regards the extent of works to the Glen Road, this will consist of Surface Dressing. Councillor Maguire in response expressed concern on water run off following particularly heavy periods of rain and how this should be monitored.
In respect to Councillor Gibbons query on the Wolfe Tone St / Knappagh Road works, this will involve creating a controlled crossing at the centra shop, but does not extend up to Church Hill, as that any issues there, could be attributed to the period of works to the junction tightening. Now these have been recently completed, any concerns have been addressed and a meeting with the NCBI had taken place in this regard.
For noting
Ms. Siobhan Ryan Heritage Officer gave a presentation on the upcoming review of the Heritage Plan and how this presentation is to touch base with the Municipal Districts and an opportunity for the members to being any particular item or issue to the attention of the executive. Ms Ryan gave an outline of the existing plan, its format, oversight structures and overall national policy context. Ms Ryan spoke on a number of projects undertaken during the lifetime of the current plan. For example the Metal Man in Rosses Point Bay, Easkey Abbey & St Fechins Ballisodare. Other examples included the removal in 2021 of vegetation from the Green Fort. Support was also provided where monument sites are in private ownership and Moygara Castle is an example of same.
Ms Ryan then went on to outline the timeline for the review of the current plan, whereby the pre-draft consultation process is open until March 315. An onsite consultation was held in the Sligo Park on 15\ March and two online sessions are scheduled for the 215 & 28\ March.
Consideration is being given to having the new plan less specific 'action' based, and instead to be more strategic. Finally Ms Ryan advised the members that there is more community driven involvement now as opposed to a 'Dublin centric' legislative focus as was the case previously
The Mayor then opened it up to the members for discussion.
Councillor Maguire welcomed the increasing role of communities and gave the example of Killaspugbrone Church in Strandhill, but acknowledged the particular physical challenges there. Cllr Maguire also sought clarity on the Biodiversity plan and the submission from the Strandhill Community which had a number of proposed actions, but which did not make it into the final publication. Councillor Maguire also sought some information on the timeline involved for inclusion on the World Heritages Sites list, as well as funding which had been received from the NPWS for a Dunes Management Plan.
Councillor Bree enquired as to what level of engagement has there been so far. Councillor Gibbons in thanking Ms Ryan for the presentation acknowledged some of the challenges there is with particular sites such as the Greenfort.
In response to the queries, Ms Ryan will revert to Councillor Maguire on the submission from the Strandhill Community on the Biodiversity Action Plan. As regards the World Heritages Sites list, generally speaking between 3-5 years is the typical lead in for submission a nomination dossier. With respect to the Dunes Management Plan, this will fall under the remit of the Bio Diversity Officer, the post of which has been sanctioned and recruitment commenced.
With respect to Councillor Brees query on the level of engagement, 14 had attended the workshop in the Sligo Park and a further 10 have registered with Eventbrite for the online sessions.
Proposed by Councillor T Mac Sharry
Seconded by Councillor A Gibbons
'That Sligo MD engineering staff would put a pedestrian crossing at the junction entrance to Wine Street car park in the interests of Health & Safety'
Councillor Mac Sharry in tabling this motion advised that this is the 20' or 3 time that he has done so.
Mr. Thomas Kerins, Acting Senior Executive Engineer in response advised that The Active Travel team has secured funding for the provision of a controlled pedestrian crossing at the entrance to Wine Street Carpark. Initial surveys and preliminary design have commenced. It is anticipated that the scheme will be delivered in 2023.
Both the Mayor and Councillor Bree welcomed this report and development.
Proposed by Councillor T Mac Sharry
Seconded by Councillor D Bree
'That Sligo MD would consider the provision of a Board Walk bridge at Bridge Street-Thomas Street to accommodate pedestrian traffic in the area in the interests of Health and Safety'.
Councillor Mac Sharry in tabling this motion noted that this proposal was at a very advanced stage over a decade ago. The need, he feels increases significantly at weekends. He feels there is a strong argument for a structure adjoining the existing bridge, similar to that achieved in Carrick on Shannon is merited.
Mr. Thomas Kerins Acting Senior Executive Engineer in response advised that The process of preparing a Local Transport Plan (LTP) for Sligo is currently ongoing. It is anticipated that the LTP will assess the requirement for a boardwalk/ pedestrian bridge at this location.
Councillor Bree expressed disappointment with this report as he had been advised 14 months ago that consultants had been appointed and noted from his own files that it was as far back as 2007 that initial grant aid was provided to commence the planning process.
Mr. Tom Brennan Senior Engineer confirmed that Part VIII planning approval had been secured previously, but that no funding was subsequently made available and the planning lapsed. Since then changes in the planning regulations have resulted in this project now requiring an appropriate screening and referral to ABP. Mr Brennan also advised that this bridge is part of the proposed Active Travel corridor between Carraroe and Ballinode and the preparation of the Local Transport Plan will inform what arrangements are being proposed for the bridge as part of this corridor.
Councillor Gibbons acknowledged the ever changing context of Planning Law, but advised that this has been the table for as long as he has been an elected member.
The Mayor advised that there an appetite from both the members and the public for this project and so wished to defer the matter to the next meeting for a definitive report.
In response, Mr Tom Brennan advised that the Council will have to await the findings of the Local Transport Plan of which a draft is expected possibly in 2 months' time and this will be a public document.
Proposed by Councillor R O'Grady
To seek an indication of when the upgrading works will commence at Gibraltar /Rocks now that funding has been secured'
In Councillor O' Gradys absence, this was deferred to the next meeting.
Proposed by Councillor R O'Grady
That a plan be put in place for the ongoing upgrading of the road surface in Kevinsfort'.
In Councillor O' Gradys absence, this was deferred to the next meeting.
Proposed by Councillor R O'Grady
That all footpaths in Treacy Ave area be reviewed and upgrading commenced where required'
In Councillor O' Gradys absence, this was deferred to the next meeting.
Proposed by Councillor G O'Boyle
That Sligo County Council review the possibility of putting mini gardens on top of bus shelters'
In Councillor O' Boyles absence, this was deferred to the next meeting.
Proposed by Councillor GO'Boyle
That Sligo County Council put 2 portable toilets at the bus stop on Connaughton road'
In Councillor O' Boyles absence, this was deferred to the next meeting.
Proposed by Councillor D Bree
Seconded by Councillor G O'Boyle
That Sligo County Council give a timeframe on when the road on Forthill will be resurfaced'.
In Councillor O' Boyles absence, this was deferred to the next meeting.
Proposed by Councillor S Maguire
Seconded by Councillor A Gibbons
That this council would install a public toilet facility within walking distance of the designated bus parking areas in the town to facilitate travellers and visitors to Sligo'
Councillor Maguire in putting down the motion was conscious that this issue has been on agendas previously and before her time as a member. She advised that she had been approached by some bus operators to say that arrangements where local businesses would facilitate use of their toilet facilities is not possible going forward.
Mr. Thomas Kerins Acting Senior Executive Engineer in response advised that There are no plans for the installation of portable toilets in the vicinity of Connaughton Road coach parking bays. He did add though, that discussions are ongoing on a pilot scheme where some of the hospitality sector will make their facilities available. Councillor Maguire replied that it is the hospitality sector who have told the Bus providers that the arrangement going forward is not feasible. Ms Dorothy Clarke felt that a number of businesses would be agreeable to the pilot.
Other suggestions were that the library be made available, but this wasn't considered feasible as it would be required by library users themselves and it is not open 7 days per week either.
Proposed by Councillor S Maguire
Seconded by Councillor A Gibbons
That this council will engage with Bus Eireann with regard to increase the bus services and bus stop facilities from Sligo to Rosses point in view of the increased numbers of Ukrainian refugees who rely on our public transport service'.
Mr Thomas Kerins in response advised that Sligo County Council will engage with Bus Eireann and the National Transport Authority as regards to this matter.
All members present were supportive of the motion and recalled that when this route was launched initially, it hadn't been envisaged that it would become as heavily used as it has. Members have witnessed occasions on where buses were unable to pick up passengers at stops such as Cartron due to the bus already been full to capacity.
Proposed by Councillor S Maguire
Seconded by Councillor A Gibbons
This motion asks the roads department to review the road painted signs in the borough and refresh the many that are fading particularly the slow signs around schools and in built up areas to ensure road user safety'.
Mr Thomas Kerins in response advised that The Roads Department will review road markings in the vicinity of schools within the urban area.
Any specific issues regarding road markings should be brought to the attention of the relevant Municipal District Manager who can consider any requests on a case-by-case basis.
Proposed by Councillor A Gibbons
Seconded by Councillor D Bree
"Noting that The Adelaide St Car Park lease will expire within the next 18 Months and, will revert back to The Housing Agency for much needed houses, What plans are being put in place by Sligo County Council to replace those much needed lost parking places within that General Area.
Mr Thomas Kerins in response advised that The Council have no current plans to replace the car parking places on the site currently leased from the Housing Agency.
Councillor Gibbons in putting down the motion noted how convenient the site is for persons attending funerals in the Cathedral, but also he has noticed it is used quite extensively for persons attending events in the town as a quiet space away from the hussle of the town. He urged that alternatives are explored over the next 18 months to seek replacement spaces in undeveloped sites in John St for an example.
Proposed by Councillor A Gibbons
Seconded by Councillor S Maguire
"That the elected members of this Council be provided with a full update and progress report on R292 Top Road in Strandhill Village".
Mr Thomas Kerins in response advised that The Active Travel Team has appointed Consultants to progress the design of Active Travel interventions for Strand hill Village. The section of the R292 which lies within the 50kph speed limit (that is St. Anne's Church as far as the junction of the R292 / L-35053 Carrowdough) is included in the Consultants brief. In conjunction with our Active Travel Team and the National transport Authority, the design team are working on the preparation of an Options Assessment Report, which we anticipate will be completed circa Ql 2023.
Councillor Gibbons welcomed that works required will come under the scope of the Active Travel Programme as when this was initially mooted, it was to be funded from Development Levies. However, the balance available at the time of approximately €130,000, was not anywhere near sufficient according to Councillor Gibbons.
Councillor Maguire sought clarity on the location for the works, as according to the map points referenced in the report, this would not provide for the road from the Cullnenamore side and it is here that requires the greatest attention according to Councillor Maguire. Mr Kerins in response said that the Options Assessment Report will provide for this location.
Proposed by Councillor D Bree
Seconded by Councillor A Gibbons
"That the meeting be pro vided with a pro gress report relating to Phase 1 of the proposed fo otpath construction/ reinstatem ent and provision of access steps at Gibraltar."
Councillor Bree in putting down this motion declared how popular a bathing area Gibraltar Point had been, but since the development of the Waste Water plant had become neglected. However, the travel restrictions during the Covid period has seen the area become a popular attraction once again. Councillor Bree accepts that it is in an area of Special Area of Conservation and so approval for any refurbishment works must be sought from An Bord Pleanala.
Mr Thomas Kerins in response advised that an application for funding under the Community Recognition Fund has been submitted to the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD). This application contains a proposal for the refurbishment of footpaths and general access at Gibraltar. Sligo County Council currently awaits confirmation of approval of the proposed scheme from DRCD.
Regarding the upgrade of the access and footpaths, a Method Statement and Risk Assessment has been prepared. The Council has commissioned the preparation of an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report which we anticipate will be completed by the end of March 2023 further to which the Council will engage with National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Subject to funding approval and satisfactory environmental screening of the works, it is anticipated that the footpaths and access enhancements could proceed during 2023.
Councillor Bree replied that this was very positive news and thanked Thomas and Brian Flynn in particular for their work on this. All members welcomed this news on a long running issue.
Proposed by Councillor D Bree
Seconded by Councillor A Gibbons
That an additional Disabled Parking Space be provided in the High Street/West Gardens area
Councillor Bree in tabling this motion did so in the context of the opening of the Centre of Independent Living on High Street in the past year which has increased the need for such an additional place. Counicllor Gibbons in seconding the motion agreed and also referred to the use of the Friary by elderly or less mobile persons.
Mr Thomas Kerins in response advised that Sligo County Council Roads Department will consider the installation of an additional disabled parking bay in the High Street / West Gardens area. He further advised that the likely location, if possible would be beside the uncontrolled crossing.
Proposed by Councillor D Bree
Seconded by Councillor A Gibbons
"Recognising that the necessary road improvement works and the provision of a new footpath and public lighting on the second Sea Road will require some land acquisition, can the meeting be advised as to: (1) when the draft road alignment design is expected to be completed; (2) the estimated costs of the improvement works; (3) the potential source of funding for the works; and to ask what temporary traffic calming measures will be provided in advance of the improvement works."
Councillor Bree in tabling this motion did so in the context of having also done so at the plenary over 2 years ago. He acknowledges that improvement works would have the added challenge of land acquisition, but that this road has seen significant housing development and consequently vehicular traffic and a number of accidents have occurred and the non-continuous nature of footpaths for each development is hazardous.
Mr Thomas Kerins in response advised that Upgrading of the Second Sea Road is currently not included in any Roads Programme. A preliminary road alignment design was developed in 2022 and it was determined that significant challenges will have to be overcome in order to deliver any realignment works, most notably that of land acquisition. We do not have any estimated costs at this stage. The requirement for any shorter-term traffic calming measures will be reviewed by the Roads Department. The Second Sea Road will certainly be considered for inclusion in future funding programs e.g. Active Travel, Low Cost Accident Schemes etc.
Councillor Bree expressed disappointment with the fact that it is not included in any roads programme, and so enquired as to when it could be as residents would greet this news with dismay in his opinion, and that it is the only outlying residential area in the borough in such a condition, as in non-continuous footpaths.
Mr Tom Brennan Senior Engineer advised that it has been highlighted to the Council, and that land acquisition will be required giving the narrow entrance onto Strandhill Road. Some interim solutions such as traffic calming could be explored.
Councillor Bree bought to the Executives attention that the property at the junction has recently come onto the market and how this might be a good time to acquire same on the open market as opposed to a potentially difficult compulsory purchase at a later stage.
No Correspondence.
The Deputy Mayor thanked members for their co-operation during the meeting. The Mayor gave his apologies as he had to leave the meeting before it completed business.
The business of the meeting concluded at 12.15 pm
Meeting Date 20/03/2023