Minutes 2021
Minutes of Meeting of The Borough District of Sligo held on Monday18 October 2021 at 10.00 am in The Council Chamber, County Hall, Riverside, Sligo
- Councillor Declan Bree
- Councillor Arthur Gibbons (Mayor)
- Councillor Tom MacSharry
- Councillor Sinéad Maguire
- Councillor Gino O’Boyle
- Councillor Rosaleen O’Grady
- Mr. Martin Lydon, Chief Executive
- Ms. Dorothy Clarke, Director of Services (virtual via MS Teams)
- Ms. Emer Concannon, A/Director of Services
- Mr. Jim Molloy, Director of Services
- Ms. Aine Carr, Staff Officer (Meetings Administrator)
- Mr. Jimmy O’Brien, Acting Head of IT
- Mr. Joe Murphy, Senior Executive Officer (virtual via MS Teams)
The Mayor, Councillor Arthur Gibbons, presided and welcomed all present to the meeting. The Mayor reminded all present of the Covid19 compliance requirements for the meeting.
Proposed by Councillor D. Bree
Seconded by Councillor R. O’Grady
“To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough District of Sligo held on 19th July 2021”.
Proposed by Councillor D. Bree
Seconded by Councillor R. O’Grady
“To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Borough District of Sligo held on 28th June 2021”.
Councillor Bree asked that it be noted that there was no agreement in relation to the D’Honte system at the AGM. Councillor O’Grady added that she was in agreement. Councillor Maguire asked if it could be confirmed that what Councillor O’Grady has just stated is in contradiction to what she stated at the AGM. Councillor O’Grady said that absolutely that was the case, that what Councillor O’Grady had said at the AGM was not correct. Councillor Maguire asked for further clarification that when Councillor O’Grady was correct and that he is now saying it is incorrect. Councillor Bree stated as a point of order that is not correct. He added that he thought that raising the issue on the day that a new Mayor was being elected was out of order. He confirmed that no decision was made at the AGM in relation to the d’Honte system. Both Councillors O’ Grady and MacSharry agreed that the occasion of electing a Mayor was not appropriate for discussion on the d’Honte issue. Councillor MacSharry enquired if Councillor Maguire had received his correspondence on the matter, who confirmed she had but that it was unnecessary and condescending in tone.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
“To consider Report from Director of Services on representation on the Cranmore Regeneration Steering Group”.
Proposed by Councillor D. Bree
Seconded by Councillor R. O’Grady
Mr. Jim Molloy, Director of Service reported on the proposal to extend the membership of the Cranmore Regeneration Project Steering Group. Mr. Molloy noted that at meetings of the Cranmore Regeneration Steering Group on the 18 May 2021 and 29th July 2021, the issue of extending the membership of the Group was considered. The decision at the July Municipal meeting was that a report would be prepared for consideration by the Members at the next Borough Municipal District Meeting.
Mr. Molloy outlined the representation on the Cranmore Regeneration Steering Group as was agreed by the Members of the Group in March 2015.
In relation to Community representation, Mr. Molloy reported that representation from the Cranmore area has historically been dealt with by way of nomination from the Cranmore Community Co-op. Currently there are two representatives from the Cranmore Estate and one from Tonaphubble & Commons on the group. There are no representatives from Garavogue Villas, Doorly Park/ Martin Savage Terrace on the group at this point. The Co-op have confirmed that they will work with and support the Garavogue /DoorIy Park Communities to address their needs within the community which could see a community group being formalised and a representative coming forward. He noted that renewal of community representation from the Cranmore area will be dealt with by a process facilitated by the Co-op.
Mr. Molloy reported that the Cranmore Regeneration Steering Group were of the opinion that agency representation should be dealt with separately from community representation. The Group were also concerned that it might not function so well were it to become too large. They propose extending membership from three agencies based on the estate, namely Abbeyquarter Community Centre, Sligo Springboard Family Support Service and Cranmore Community Co-Op. This will bring membership number to 22. Membership from other groups or agencies can be dealt with via a sub-group as per the Group’s Terms of Reference. Mr. Molloy concluded by stating that if this motion is adopted, the Group will bring it to their meeting on November 4th for endorsement.
Councillor Bree thanked the Director of Service for his report, stating his agreement in principle. He voiced his concerns in relation to Doorly Park and Garavogue area and the reluctance of residents to get involved. He stated that the reason for this is that the Cranmore Group is seen as having too much influence. He did not see why Sligo Springboard, Abbeyquarter Community Centre or the Community Co-Op wouldn’t want to be involved. Councillor Bree sought clarification on representation where one representative and one nominee is being sought, stating that he did not think the use of nominees or substitutes was a good idea. He also asked for clarification on the point where a representative should not be a board or staff member.
The Director of Service, Mr. Molloy replied that the thinking behind it was that given that the Co-Op is involved in the selection of representatives from the community and to ensure that no group outweighs the others, the same rules will apply to all groups including the Co-Op.
Councillor Bree stated that he understood the clarification because as Co-Op nominates two, it would not be fair if they were all board or staff members.
Proposed by Councillor D. Bree
Seconded by Councillor G. O’Boyle
“To note update on the Enterprise & Community Centre & Urban Park at Cranmore, Sligo.”
Mr. Jim Molloy, Director of Services reported that tenders for this project were returned on 9th March but due to Covid and Brexit factors, the prices submitted exceeded the available funding. This update was communicated to the Urban Regeneration Development Fund but the Council were informed in April that this application was not successful. A submission was made to Department of Housing and to Minister Burke following his visit in August. This was acknowledged on 3rd September 2021. Sligo County Council have been recenlty informed by the preferred tenderer that the tender validity period has lapsed and that they can no longer offer the price offered due to inflation costs. The second tenderer is not in a position to fulfill their tender. The project will be retendered mid October with tender deadline of mid December.
Councillor Bree asked that the report be noted.
Proposed by Councillor Bree
Seconded by Councillor O’Grady
“To consider proposal from Sligo Tourist Development Association and Sligo Leader Partnership Co. for the operation of the Gate Lodge, Doorly Park, Sligo”.
Councillor Bree noted this report resulted from a motion he had proposed at the last Municipal meeting. He also stated that the Gate Lodge is an important part of Sligo’s built heritage and that the building is included in the list of Protected Structures. He recalled that the first grant instalment was awarded four years ago. Formal request from Sligo Tourism Development Association to lease the building for promotional purposes and specifically the new Pontoon. The Council formally endorsed the lease with the additional condition that the building be available to the community of the Doorly Park area. He added that he wished to thank the Sligo Tourism Development Association and the Sligo Leader Partnership company for their reports. He welcomed that the refurbishment would be complete before the year end. He was pleased to note that the lodge is due to open by March 2022. Councillor Bree noted that he was not overly enthusiastic about the use of TUS staff. He noted that this would operate as a pilot social enterprise and requested that this council be kept informed of the service.
Councillor O’Grady thanked the Director of Services for her report. She noted that the lodge lay derelict for many years and acknowledged that it was Councillor Bree who pioneered its development. She thanked the Sligo Tourism Development Association and was heartened that Sligo Leader Partnership Company are involved. She looked forward to its opening in March.
The Mayor also acknowledged Councillor Bree’s championing of the project for more than twenty years. Councillor Maguire noted that the lodge is an iconic building on the waterfront and applauded the proposal as a perfect solution. She concurred with Councillor O’Grady’s remarks.
Proposed by Councillor T. MacSharry
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree:
“That Sligo County Council Engineering staff assess the following as requested by the residents in the Cairns Road & Markievicz Heights area,
- The introduction of a table top speed ramp at the Bus stop.
- A footpath repair programme for Markievicz Heights.
- Road resurfacing works at the junction of Cairns Road- Markievicz Heights.
- Write to An Post to have the post box removed from the junction of Markievicz Heights to the Shop on Cairns road (shop owner consents to same) in the interests of security.”
Councillor MacSharry asked if the replies to Notice of Motions could be sent in advance of meetings as per the Ordinary Meetings.
Acting Director of Services, Ms. Emer Concannon reported that the Area Engineer will consider items 1, 2 and 3 during the preparation of works programmes for 2022 and beyond.
The Council will write to An Post requesting the location of post box in line with the above.
Councillor MacSharry welcomed the report and that consideration for the 2022 Work Programme. He noted the excellent Residents Association.
Councillor Bree supported and endorsed the motion stating the footpath was in urgent need of attention, that road surfacing was needed and hoped for its inclusion in the work programme.
Proposed by Councillor T. MacSharry
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree
“That Sligo County Council would put down double yellow lines in Old Cartron Hill”
Councillor MacSharry noted that commercial vehicles are clogging up footpaths and that there is a precedent for double yellow lines in Summerhill village. He highlighted the concerns of elderly residents and urged consultation with all residents.
A/Director of Services, Ms. Emer Concannon, stated that the Area Engineer will examine the need for double yellow lines in Old Cartron Hill in consultation with the residents of this estate.
The Mayor called for consultation with all residents concerned.
Proposed by Councillor T. MacSharry
Seconded by Councillor R. O’Grady
“That Sligo County Council install CCTV cameras at Sligo Cemetery”.
Councillor MacSharry applauded the efforts of Ms. Hilda Murrin (whom he said he had permission to name) who collected 500 petitions to highlight the need for CCTV in Sligo Cemetery .
He noted that CCTV was in use to tackle anti-social behaviour in cemeteries in Limerick, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown and Cork. He asked Sligo County Council to consider cameras at key locations.
Acting Director of Services, Ms. Emer Concannon stated that CCTV is subject to GDPR legislation. Therefore it must meet one of four criteria: Purpose, Necessity, Security or Transparency. She added that prior to any decision to install CCTV at Sligo Cemetery it will be necessary for the Council to consider the above and all/any other GDPR related issues in advance of liaising with An Garda Síochána who may authorise the installation and operation of CCTV in public places in accordance with Section 38 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005.
Councillor O’Grady stated that she understood the GDPR considerations and recommended that the advice of other local authorities would be sought on the matter.
The Mayor noted that he would like to be associated with the previous comments. Councillor O’Boyle queried if street cameras could be utilised. Ms. Emer Concannon replied that the same GDPR consideration would apply.
Mr. Martin Lydon, CE added that this was a complex area and warranted further investigation. He elaborated on the role of the Data Controller in the process.
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor R. O’Grady:
“That SCC commence the taking in charge of Brooklawns Estate.” Councillor O’Grady asked for the motion to be deferred to the next meeting.
She also acknowledged the assistance of Mr. Mark Cummins on the matter.
Proposed by Councillor O’Grady
Seconded by Councillor Gibbons
“That a review is done on the Traffic Lights on the Roger Eames Rd.”
Councillor O’Grady noted that the time interval between the lights at Roger Eames Road is short and requested if this could be shortened to allow for ease of crossing.
A/Director of Services, Ms. Emer Concannon, reported that the new Western Distributor Road (WDR) opened in January of this year, at a time when traffic volumes were considerably lower than normal due to Covid 19 restrictions. With the easing of restrictions, the full reopening of schools and the increasing numbers of people returning to the office environment, normal traffic volumes are resuming. New traffic patterns are emerging given the accessibility of the WDR, thereby resulting in greater levels of vehicular traffic using Roger Eames Road.
Ms. Concannon concluded that as normal volumes have resumed and traffic patterns are emerging, the Roads Offices will commission a review of the traffic signal timings at the junctions of the R292 Strandhill and Ballydoogan.
Councillor O’Grady thanked Ms. Concannon for her report.
Proposed by Councillor R. O’Grady
Seconded by Councillor T. MacSharry
“That a programme is put in place for the ongoing cleaning of drains in the Sligo/Strandhill area.”
Councillor O’Grady raised the motion in the context of heavy rainfall
A/Director of Services, Ms. Emer Concannon, reported that the cleaning of gullys and drains in the Sligo Strandhill Engineering area takes place throughout the year as required, but with a particular emphasis from the month of October onwards as leaf fall commences. Scheduled cleaning of gullys commenced two weeks ago within the area and will continue over the next 6-8 weeks in conjunction with the opening of roadside inlets.
Ms. Concannon stated that the cleaning of gullys and drains in the Sligo Urban Area takes place throughout the year as required but is also more focused towards the last quarter of the year. An extensive gully cleaning programme was carried out in 2020 which included gully’s on all roadways (regional, local and housing estates) throughout the Urban Area. She concluded that the gullies on National and Regional roads through the Urban Area are scheduled to be cleaned in early November.
Councillor O’Grady welcomed the report and acknowledged the work of Darren Wall.
Councillor MacSharry queried if the cleaning programme was working and asked if it was due to funding or resources. He raised specific concerns in relation to Cairns Drive. He complemented the engineering staff on responding quickly to instances of drain blockages.
Ms. Concannon confirmed that Roads staff respond quickly to issues as they arise. She acknowledged the difficulty in planning for weather related issues. She urged members to contact the Area Engineer when issues arrive. She noted the issue raised by Councillor MacSharry in relation to Cairns Drive.
13. T2-T12 ROAD:
Proposed by Councillor Bree
Seconded by Councillor MacSharry
“That the meeting be provided with a progress report on the proposed T2-T12 road, linking the junction of Mail Coach Road/Connolly Street with the junction of Burton Street/Pearse Road
Councillor Bree noted that the development of the T2-T12 road has been delayed for 15 years. That no department funding had been forthcoming. He added that only small amounts of funding had been made available. The delays continue to cause problems for residents. Councillor Bree stated that he was anxious to hear an update since he last raised the issue when the Council was finalising the CPO.
A/Director of Services, Ms. Emer Concannon, reported Sligo County Council have concluded the process for the CPO of the Land required for the construction of the scheme. SCC have engaged a design consultant to progress the design, procurement and contract administration for the project. The initial surveys required for the detailed design phase of the project are ongoing. It is envisaged that the detailed design of the project will be completed by Q2 of 2022.
Subject to Department approval it is expected to tender the project for construction in the second half of 2022 with construction in 2023.
Councillor Bree warmly welcomed the report. He added his hope that the Department will provide funding.
Councillor O’Grady also welcomed the funding in particular for the residents of St Brigid’s Place.
Councillor MacSharry acknowledged Councillor Bree’s efforts keeping this project to the fore. The Mayor wished to be associated with the item.
14. NO 15 & 16 HIGH ST:
Proposed by Councillor D. Bree
Seconded by Councillor G. O’Boyle
“To ask what action the Council has taken to protect No’s 16 and 17 High Street, Sligo, (both buildings which are included in the Councils Record of Protected Structures).”
Councillor Bree requested an update on No’s 16 and 17 Hight Street, given the Council’s statutory responsibility to protect this historic building, one of the oldest roofed buildings in Sligo.
Director of Services, Ms. Dorothy Clarke reported that a Section 59 Notice was served on the owner of numbers 16 and 17 High Street on 21 December 2017. Section 59 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 makes provision for the service of notices to require works to be carried out to prevent a protected structure from becoming or continuing to be endangered.
The notice specified that the following works would be undertaken under the supervision of a suitably qualified person:
- Stabilise the structural integrity of the protected structures
- Provide safe access to carry out works to the protected structure site
- Carry out assessment of roof timbers to determine the extent of timber decay
- Undertake all necessary remedial works to secure the existing roof
- Appoint a suitable contractor with specialist conservation skills to carry out the work
- Clear all rubble and make good the existing structures
In January 2018, Duncan McLaren (Grade 1 Architect) from Dedalus Architecture was appointed by the owner of the properties as the Conservation Architect. A Conservation Report prepared by Duncan McLaren was submitted to Sligo County Council on 10th May 2018. The report sets out a detailed condition assessment and analysis of the conservation needs of the properties.
Following an inspection on the 16th January 2020 we confirmed that the steps outlined in the Section 59 were substantially completed and that the property was stabilised. The owner was advised that no further works could take place without planning permission and any planning application would require input from a Conservation Architect.
Ms. Clarke concluded that to date no further works have taken place to the property and no planning application has been lodged.
Councillor Bree thanked Ms. Clarke for her report. He stated that he was happy to hear that Council officials confirmed that the property is stabilised and will not be allowed to deteriorate any further. He welcomed a planning application for the property.
Proposed by Councillor A. Gibbons
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree
“Recognising that Tourism is one our main industries I am calling on Sligo County Council to carry out cosmetic maintenance on the Top Road in Strandhill, i.e. Road repairs footpath maintenance and hedge and foliage trimming until such time when monies became available through the development funding or through road maintenance programme””.
Acting Director of Services, Ms. Emer Concannon reported that Sligo County Council will inspect the road and footpaths in question and will carry out remedial works to items that may cause health and safety concerns within the public domain. The trimming of roadside hedges and verges including the R292 commenced within the Sligo Strandhill Engineering area on Thursday 7th October.
It should be noted that hedges within the confines of the top road are garden hedges and are the responsibility of individual landowners to maintain.
Councillor Gibbons acknowledged the frustration of residents regarding the state of footpaths. He stated the works required are cosmetic works. He noted that the development fund is not sufficient to carry out works. He alluded to the Roads programme as a potential source of funding.
Proposed by Councillor A. Gibbons
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree
‘That Sligo County Council would bring properties no 3, 4, 5 & 7 Lower Abbey Street up to the same Standard of refurbishment as was carried out on No 6 lower Abbey Street, and replace all the doors and sash windows with PVC in the 5 properties.’
Director of Services, Mr. Jim Molloy reported that the property at 6 Lower Abbey Street, Sligo was vacant and works were carried out to it to bring it to a standard suitable for re-letting in 2021. There is some funding available from the Department’s Voids (vacant houses) Programme 2021 with respect to these works.
In tandem with this, Energy Efficiency/ Retrofitting works were also carried out to the house. There is some funding available from the Department’s Energy Efficiency/ Retrofitting Programme 2021 with respect to these works.
Details are awaited with regard to the Energy Efficiency/ Retrofitting Programme for 2022. It is expected, if similar to 2021, that the Council will be required to submit a Works Programme, to include property addresses of houses, to the Department in early 2022.
The four properties referred to above, together with a number of other local authority houses, will be assessed by Council staff, following which a final list of properties will be drawn up and submitted to the Department for funding, under the Energy Efficiency/ Retrofitting Programme 2022.
Mr. Molloy stated that the Council has no funding to carry out any remedial works to occupied properties.
Councillor Gibbons stated that tenants reported badly insulated and draughty properties, with doors and windows needing replacement, and tenants are demanding that properties are upgraded.
Proposed by Councillor A. Gibbons
Seconded by Councillor G. O’Boyle and Councillor O’Grady
“That the Roads Department of Sligo County Council install pedestrian crossings at Upper and Lower Holborn Street, Sligo to facilitate wheelchair users, children and the general public in accessing the Shops, Doctors, and the Town, can this works be included in the 2022 roads programme.”
Acting Director of Services, Mr. Emer Concannon reported that the provision of pedestrian crossings on Lower Holborn Street will be considered in the context of the on-going Sligo Streets Refurbishment Project.
With regard to Upper Holborn Street, the Area Engineer has sought funding under the heading of Low Cost Safety Improvements Scheme 2022 for the provision of a pedestrian crossing at this location.
Councillor O’Boyle asked if there was any update on roadworks at Healthwise chemist to lower the kerb for ease of use by wheelchair users. Ms. Concannon replied that she would revert to Councillor O’Boyle on the matter after the meeting.
Proposed by Councillor G. O’Boyle
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree
“Can Dogs Trust provide transparency to Sligo County Council of the dogs being rehoused in Sligo? Also why are dogs not being advertised in Sligo first.”
A/Director of Service, Ms. Emer Concannon replied that given the varied nature and types of dogs surrendered to the Dog Warden there is no single policy when it comes to rehoming dogs. In the last number of years Sligo County Council and the Sligo Dog Warden Service have worked with a number of charities to rehome dogs which have been surrendered. Many of these dogs go the Dogs Trust as it works with charities and Councils across the country and has the expertise and resources to ensure that dogs are fully assessed and receive all necessary treatments and supports and are re-homed to suitable owners. In general Dogs Trust does not rehome dogs into the county they came from.
Dogs are also rehomed locally. This usually involves people contacting the shelter directly and if any suitable dog is available arrangements are made to view it. A dog was recently surrendered which required surgery which was done locally before rehoming. It can also involve working with certain charities/people who deal with specific breeds which because of their size/temperament can’t be rehomed to the general public.
Using the various methods detailed above the vast majority of dogs entering the shelter are rehomed . In 2005 139 dogs were put to sleep in the Dog Shelter. In 2019 there were only 5 and so far this year no dogs have been euthanised.
Councillor O’Boyle thanked Ms. Concannon for her response. He queried if Sligo County Council is paying Dogs Trust to outsource the work.
Ms. Concannon replied that the dog warden service makes a judgement call on when to bring in the expertise of the Dogs Trust.
She confirmed that no funding is spent unwisely.
Proposed by Councillor G. O’Boyle
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree
“Can Sligo County Council do a structural review of the wall at the entry to City View and possibly put a drain to stop the road flooding.”
Councillor O’Boyle asked if the drain could be moved to alleviate flooding at City View/Ring Fort.
Director of Services, Mr. Jim Molloy stated that a report would be prepared. Mr. Joe Murphy, SEO confirmed that the housing department will investigate.
Proposed by Councillor G. O’Boyle
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree
“Can Sligo County Council clean up the green area in Avondale park removing trees bushes and rubbish and possibly have a look to put dog bin in place. Also if there is any grants available to put an area for kids to play in.”
Councillor O’Boyle highlighted the need for dog bins and signage in the area.
Acting Director of Services, Ms. Emer Concannon reported the Council’s Parks Department will inspect this area in order to ascertain the extent of works involved in removing / pruning trees and bushes, disposal of rubbish and to make an assessment of costs. There is no specific budget for these works so we would invite the members to allocate funding to same.
Ms. Concannon confirmed that it is possible to place a dog waste bin within the estate. However, in doing so, the Council would require commitment from the Residents Association that the residents would manage and maintain this facility.
With regard to the grants for kids play areas, this matter will be forwarded to personnel within the Planning Community & Economic Development Directorate for their consideration.
Councillor Bree endorsed Councillor O’Boyle’s motion, stating that if a clean up would discourage the minority from dumping in the area.
Councillor Maguire, Councillor O’Grady and the Mayor offered to contribute to funding for the works. Councillor O’Grady voiced her concerns about residents undertaking to maintain bins in estates.
Proposed by Councillor D. Bree
Seconded by Councillor G. O’Boyle
That a report be provided indicating why the Aylesbury Park housing development (2nd Sea Road, Sligo) has not yet been taken in charge by the Council and to further ask when it is expected that the development will be taken in charge.”
Councillor Bree explained that the Aylesbury Park developer has ceased trading and that five years have passed since the residents requested that the Council take this estate in charge. The enforcement section has been involved in dealing with wastewater issues as well as lighting to date. He highlighted ownership issues and was aware of upgrading of lighting. He welcomed a timetable indicating the steps the council will take to take the estate in charge.
Director of Services, Ms. Dorothy Clarke reported that there is currently a development of 38 Units being constructed to the east of Aylesbury Park and access to this development is through Aylesbury Park.
Ms. Clarke added that when this latest development is fully completed to a satisfactory standard the Council will commence the process of taking in charge all of Aylesbury Park.
The Council have recently engaged Electric Skyline to bring all the existing Public Lights in Aylesbury Park up to a taking in charge standard. When this work is complete the public lights will be taken in charge.
Ms. Clarke stated that she will revert with a timetable.
She noted that a lot of trucks are being transported via Aylesbury Park to get to Silver Cove currently and as soon as that finishes, the Council will be able to proceed.
Councillor Bree thanked the Director for her report. He welcomed the schedule for the taking in charge. In the interim, he said it was important to maintain the pumping station and that the lighting upgrades proceed.
Councillor O’Boyle supported the motion.
The correspondence from the Department of Transport was noted.
Councillor Maguire asked to clarify her comments, stating the AGM was the only forum where she felt the D’Honte question could be raised. She asked if there was any other forum where the matter could be discussed. She also stated that she wished to apologise if any offence was caused to the Mayor on raising the matter at the AGM.
Councillor MacSharry apologised to Councillor Maguire for the tone of his email. Councillor Maguire thanked Councillor MacSharry for his apology.
Director of Services, Mr. Jim Molloy asked if the members required a special meeting on the Robber’s Lane, Maugheraboy Part VIII.
The Mayor stated that he would welcome a meeting. Councillor Bree was also supportive. Councillor Maguire said she was unavailable on the date proposed Friday 29th October but could attend virtually.
The Mayor thanked Members for their co-operation during the meeting.
The business of the meeting concluded at 11.25 a.m.
Meeting Date 18/10/2021