Borough District of Sligo 2024 Agendas

Agenda of Meeting of the Borough District of Sligo to be held on Monday 20th May, 2024 at 10 a.m.

Sligo County Council
Community & Economic Development
City Hall
Quay Street

May 14th, 2024


A meeting of the Borough District of Sligo will be held:

AT:       10.00 a.m.

ON:      Monday, May 20th 2024.

IN:        Council Chamber, City Hall, Sligo

You are requested to attend.

Jude Mannion
Staff Officer



  1. To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough District of Sligo held on March 25th 2024 (copy attached).
  2. Matters Arising
  3. To consider Sligo Bay Coastal Flood Erosion Risk Management (CFERM) Study”
  4. Update on the preparation of a County Sligo Biodiversity Action Plan
  5. Update on the Croi Conaithe Towns Fund (Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant)



  1. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G O’Boyle
    “That Sligo County Council clean up the green area in Avondale Park removing trees bushes and rubbish and possibly have a look to put dog bin in place. Also, to enquire if there is any grants available to put an area for kids to play in.”
  2. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G O’Boyle
    “That Sligo County Council clean up the stream in Rathbraughan Park.”
  3. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G O’Boyle
    “That Sligo County Council repair the footpaths outside St John’s Hospital.”



  1. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G O’ Boyle
    “ That Sligo County Council ensures that all Bus Stops are wheelchair accessible”.
  2. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G O’Boyle
    “That Sligo County Council put in a pedestrian crossing and/or traffic calming measures close to Jinks Avenue”.
  3. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G O’Boyle
    “That an update be provided on when the remainder of resurfacing works at Holborn Hill will take place”.
  4. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor S Maguire
    “That an update be provided on the proposal for a boardwalk in conjunction with the dune management plan in Strandhill”.
  5. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor A Gibbons
    “That this local authority direct the Roads Department to carry out a full inspection and replace the broken footpaths in Avondale House estate.”
  6. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor A Gibbons
    “To call on this local authority to start the process to have the complete retrofitting and installation of Air-To-Water heating at Sea-View villas complex, First Sea Road”.
  7. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor A Gibbons
    “That this Local Authorities Roads Department carry out road resurfacing and footpath repairs in Cartron Heights.”
  8. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D Bree
    “To ask when it is expected that the draft bye laws to prohibit Heavy Goods Vehicles from using the road network through the Cranmore housing estate, Martin Savage Terrace and Doorly Park housing estates and Cleveragh Drive; will be brought before the Council for consideration.”
  9. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D Bree
    “That the necessary speed survey on Keaveney’s Lane, Tonaphubble, be carried out at the soonest possible time so as necessary traffic calming measures can be introduced on the road.”
  10. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D Bree
    To ask what progress has been made regarding proposals to provide public seating in O’ Connell Street and other appropriate areas/streets in the town centre.”.
  11. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T Mac Sharry
    “That Sligo MD engineering staff would put traffic calming measures at Keaveney's Lane, Tonaphubble, Sligo as requested by all of the residents from the area in the interests of Health & Safety.”
  12. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T Mac Sharry
    “That Sligo MD would conduct a traffic plan for the entire village of Strandhill, to deal with urgently needed traffic calming and speed reduction, pedestrian crossing points in the interests of Health & Safety”.
  13. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T Mac Sharry
    “That Sligo MD would consider a process to employ one contractor to deal with the seasonal grass cutting in all estates within the Borough area.”
  14. Correspondence
  15. Any Other Business


Meeting Date 20/05/2024