Borough District of Sligo 2022 Agendas

Agenda of Meeting of the Borough District of Sligo to be held on Monday, 22nd November at 10 A.M.



Community & Economic Development
City Hall
Quay Street

November 22nd 2022


A meeting of the Borough District of Sligo will be held:

AT: 10.00 a.m.

ON: Monday, 28th November 2022

IN: Council Chamber, City Hall, Sligo

You are requested to attend.

Jude Mannion
Staff Officer



1. To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough District of Sligo held on 17th October 2022 (copy attached).
2. Matters Arising
3. To consider the draft Local Economic & Community Plan for Sligo (Sligo 2030–One Voice One Vision) incorporating detailed objectives and outcomes, and draft Implementation Plan (reports attached)
4. Update on the RRDF funded public realm enhancement scheme for Strandhill.


5. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor S Maguire
That Sligo County Council would conduct a traffic survey along the R292 between Cummeen and St. Anne’s Church, in conjunction with TII to establish if dedicated turning lanes are required or some form of speed calming measures to facilitate those drivers turning onto or exiting from the minor road off the R292
6. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor S Maguire
This motion seeks an update with regard to the Public Lighting application for Mitchell Curley Park


7. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor R O’Grady
That Sligo County Council review the access times to Mitchell Curley Park.
8. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor R O’Grady
That Sligo County Council do a full review on the footpaths in Treacy Avenue
9. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D Bree
That the meeting be provided with a report on the property located at No’s 16 and 17 High Street, including the decision to prevent car parking adjacent to the property (both buildings are included in the Councils Record of Protected Structures.
10. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D Bree
To ask when it is expected that the draft bye laws to prohibit Heavy Goods Vehicles from using the road network through the Cranmore housing estate, Martin Savage Terrace and Doorly Park housing estates and Cleveragh Drive; will be brought before the Council for consideration.
11. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D Bree
That the Council consider providing public seating in appropriate areas/streets in the town centre.
12. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G O’Boyle
That the Council provide a detailed report on funding got for the Cemetery gate lodges and an update on current works
13. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G O’Boyle
That Sligo County Council investigate the possibility of a Pedestrian crossing at Markievicz line
14. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor A Gibbons
Seeing that inflation has risen by 9.5% so far this year and the price of coal & Heating oil and electricity doubling in price. I am calling on Sligo county council to seek funding to have a full BER rating carried out on all its houses in Caltragh Crescent and also make provisions within funding to have all of the defective windows and doors in the estate replaced.
15. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor A Gibbons
That this Local Authority calls on the Roads Department to install a number of bollards along the lower footpath of Martin Savage Terrace/Doorly Park to deter vehicles from mounting the footpath.
16. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor A Gibbons
That the following works would be carried out on the R291 in the interest of safety. That the 3 wooden ESB poles adjacent to the road close to the entrance of Cartron Heights be removed or reinstalled further back from the roadside Curb & that a yellow box would be installed on the road for traffic exiting Cartron Heights. There is also a need for a Bus Shelter at the Bus Stop on the same stretch of road.
17. Correspondence
18. Any other Business



Meeting Date 28/11/2022