Borough District of Sligo 2019 Agendas
Agenda of meeting of the Borough District of Sligo to be held on Monday 22nd July, 2019
Corporate Services
County Hall
071 9111005
16th July 2019
A meeting of the Borough District of Sligo will be held:
AT: 10.00 a.m.
ON: Monday, 22nd July 2019
IN: Council Chamber, City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo
You are requested to attend.
C. Quinn
Staff Officer
- To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Municipal District of Sligo held on 15th April 2019 (copy attached and posted on extranet).
- To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Borough District of Sligo held on 17th June 2019 (copy attached and posted on extranet).
- Matters Arising.
- To appoint two (2) Members to the Sligo Placenames Committee.
- Social and Economic Development of Sligo / ‘Smart Sligo 2030’ Pilot Project.
- To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor C. MacManus:
“Recognising the lack of affordable, social and private housing available for rental or purchase in the Sligo urban area;
Recognising that Sligo City is a designated Regional Growth Centre as part of ‘Project Ireland 2040’s’ National Development Plan and National Planning Framework;
And recognising that Sligo County Council have agreed that residential development growth in the wider Sligo Urban area including a strengthening of the residential footprint within the commercial core should be prioritised;
As a Borough District Council we agree that the development of social, affordable and private housing in the greater Sligo Urban area, to alleviate the crises regarding both rental and home purchase in our community is of urgent importance;
That we seek an update on how the Council will manage our existing Land Bank with a view to pro-actively develop existing sites to provide social and affordable housing;
That we engage with the Department of Housing to see if innovative pilot schemes can be introduced in the Sligo Urban area, such as the ability for this Council to self-develop housing units with its own development entity;
That we engage with the Housing Co-Operative sector such as the Ó Cualann model to look at provision of affordable rental and affordable purchase housing;
And that we use existing legislation such as the Vacant Sites Register and the Derelict Sites Register to encourage private land and property owners to develop their sites”. - To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor C. MacManus:
“To ask the Roads Department when they will consult with residents about the needed works on the ‘Top Road’ in Strandhill for which funding has been ring-fenced from levies acquired from local developments. Further, to ask what efforts are being made to provide a continuous and adequate footpath from the ‘Top Road’ down alongside Hill Crest Park towards the local school”. - To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. MacSharry:
“That Sligo County Council engineering staff unblock the storm drains at Ard Na Veigh and Maugheraboy”. - To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. MacSharry:
“That Sligo County Council engineering staff would clear out the laneway connecting Oakfield Crescent and Oakfield Road”. - To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. MacSharry:
“That Sligo County Council calls on the Minister for Health to adequately fund home help services in Sligo”. - To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor R. O’Grady:
“I request an update on the taking in charge of Brooklawns Estate”. - To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor R. O’Grady:
“I am seeking clarity regarding the ownership of the laneway from Oakfield Road to Oakfield Crescent with a view to upgrading same”. - To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree, Councillor Gino O’Boyle, Councillor Chris MacManus & Councillor R. O’Grady:
“Noting that the former Borough and Town councils were the most efficient, competent and effective element within the Irish local government system; Recognising that municipal-town councils should be at the heart of our local government system; This inaugural meeting of the Borough District of Sligo resolves to lobby and campaign for the restoration of Sligo Borough Council and for a new tier of sub-county municipal government with directly elected Mayors with executive powers.” - To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree:
“That a progress report be provided in regard to the refurbishment of the Gate Lodge at Doorly Park for tourism and community purposes”. - To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree:
“That the meeting be provided with an up to date report on the proposed T2-T12 road linking the junction of Mail Coach Road/Connolly Street with the junction of Burton Street/Pearse Road; the report to include details of the most recent submission made to the Department seeking funding for the project”. - To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G. O’Boyle:
“Can Sligo County Council assess the need for speed ramps or extra signage in Woodtown Lodge and also Rusheen Crescent?” - Correspondence:
- Letter from Department of Finance dated 26th June 2019 (re: resolution passed at Sligo Municipal District meeting held on 15th December 2018 re: Sugar Sweetened Drinks Tax).
- Arrangements for times of future meetings.
- Any Other Business.
Meeting Date 22/07/2019