Ballymote-Tubbercurry Agendas 2016

Agenda of Municipal District of Ballymote-Tobercurry to be held on Monday 26th September 2016

Corporate Services
County Hall

071 911 1005

20th September, 2016.


A meeting of the Municipal District of Ballymote-Tobercurry will be held:

AT:   2.00pm (or directly after the Special Meeting on that day)

ON:   Monday 26th September, 2016.

IN:   The Council Chamber, Riverside, Sligo.

You are requested to attend.  

L. Fitzgerald
Staff Officer



  1. To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Municipal District of Ballymote-Tobercurry held on 20th June, 2016. (Copy attached and posted on extranet).
  2. To confirm the Minutes of the AGM of the Municipal District of Ballymote-Tobercurry held on 20th June, 2016. (Copy attached and posted on extranet).
  3. Matters Arising
  4. To consider the lease of land to Hungry Horse Outside for a Traveller Men’s Horse Project in Tubbercurry. (Report attached and posted on extranet)
  5. To consider Draft Multi-Annual Restoration Improvement Programme for 2017 and 2018  (Report attached and posted on extranet)
  6. To hear an update on Town and Village Renewal Scheme. 



  1. To consider the following Motion as submitted by Councillor J Lundy:
    “That this Municipal District calls on the Government to roll out the “National Broadband Plan” in rural County Sligo as a matter of urgency”
  2. To consider the following Motion as submitted by Councillor J Lundy:
    “To provide speed ramps/cushions in Rocklands Estate (Ballymote Road, Tubbercurry), in the interest of safety for children playing and residents alike”.
  3. To consider the following Motion as submitted by Councillor J Lundy:
    “I will ask for an up-date on:-
    1. Tubbercurry Sewage Scheme
    2. Lough Talt Water Scheme”.



  1. To consider the following Motion as submitted by Councillor K. Henry:
    “That Sligo County Council erect a safety barrier and/or safety signage at Cloonlurg on the L1502”
  2. To consider the following Motion as submitted by CouncillorM. Clarke:
    “To call on Sligo County Council  to carry out repairs to Pulladivva Pier”
  3. To consider the following Motion as submitted by CouncillorM. Clarke:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to carry out inspection on a bridge at Belville, Dromore West, that was built in 1970 by this Council to provide access to a Council spring well and access for a number of farmers to their farms and home owners.  This bridge and road way was upgraded in 2006 but now due to the heavy floods, the foundations have been undermind.  Also, that a report to include the cost of the repairs needed would be prepared”
  4. To consider the following Motion as submitted by CouncillorM. Clarke:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to confirm that an application will be made this year to the  Department for pedestrian crossings at main street, Ballisodare and Dromore West”
  5. To consider the following Motion as submitted by CouncillorJ. Lundy:
    “I ask that a litter warden be appointed by Sligo County Council without delay to serve in the South Sligo Municipal District of Ballymote/Tubbercurry/West Sligo.”
  6. To consider the following Motion as submitted by Councillor J. Lundy:
    “To ask the CEO of Sligo Co. Council if there is a funding risk for this Local Authority as Motor Tax receipts decline in 2016, despite the rise in new car sales”.
  7. To consider the following Motion as submitted by CouncillorM. Gormley:“ That the council provide funding in the 2017 roads programme to carry out improvement works on the footpaths in Bunninadden Village”
  8. To consider the following Motion as submitted by CouncillorD. Mulvey:
    “To ask Sligo County Council to contact eir to find out why the fibre roll-out date for the Coolaney area which was supposed to be September has been deferred again”
  9. To consider the following Motion as submitted by CouncillorD. Mulvey:
    “To ask Sligo County Council for an update on the taking in charge and lack of any public lighting in Rockfield Manor housing estate, Coolaney.”
  10. To consider the following Motion as submitted by CouncillorM. Gormley:
    “That the timber fencing at the junction of the R293 and the Killavil road at Scully’s be repaired“
  11. To consider the following Motion as submitted by CouncillorM. Gormley:
    “Resulting from motion I submitted at the April meeting regarding accidents on the N17 at Achonry, I did request that Flashing Lights warning motorists to reduce speed be moved to this location. What is the up-to-date position?”
  12. Correspondence
    1. Letter dated 15th July, 2016 from An Garda Síochána.
  13. Any Other Business


Meeting Date 26/09/2016