Rates Payment Options

1. EFT payment:-

Bank of Ireland, Sligo
Sort Code: 90-54-40
A/C No: 18581472
IBAN No: IE 16 BOFI 905440 18581472

2. Standing Order 

Standing Order form (PDF) - 338 kbs  PDF

3. Cash Office

at the Sligo County Council Offices, Riverside, Sligo, F91 Y763.
Phone: 071 911 1555

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, excluding Bank/Public Holidays
10:00am to 4:00pm - open through lunch

4. Online at https://www.sligococo.ie/Payments/

Using your Customer Number and Online PIN, as outlined in your Annual rate demand.

Please note that Bank Draft, Postal Orders, etc. should be made payable to Sligo County Council and crossed “A/C Payee only”

Any queries, can be directed to your local Authorised Officer.