Minutes 2011

Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Sligo County Council held on Monday 27th June, 2011 at 12.00 Noon in The Council Chamber, County Hall, Riverside, Sligo.


  • Councillor Baker, 
  • Councillor Barrett, Councillor Barry, 
  • Councillor Bree, 
  • Councillor D. Cawley, 
  • Councillor V. Cawley, 
  • Councillor Clarke, 
  • Councillor Collery, 
  • Councillor Devins, 
  • Councillor Fleming, 
  • Councillor Gormley, 
  • Councillor Healy McGowan, 
  • Councillor Keaney, 
  • Councillor Leonard, 
  • Councillor Lundy, 
  • Councillor Lyons, 
  • Councillor MacManus, 
  • Councillor McGarry, 
  • Councillor McGrath, 
  • Councillor McLoughlin, 
  • Councillor Mullaney, 
  • Councillor Mulvey, 
  • Councillor Murray, 
  • Councillor O’Grady 
  • Councillor Queenan


  • Mr T. Kilfeather, Deputy County Manager
  • Mr J. Clancy, Acting/Director of Services
  • Ms P.R. Gallagher, Acting/Director of Services
  • Ms D. Finnerty Senior Executive Officer
  • Mr K. Colreavy, Communications Officer
  • Mr F. Mac Nabb, Meetings Administrator
  • Ms M. McGovern, Clerical Officer


The Cathaoirleach, Councillor J. Leonard presided.

The Members complimented Councillor Leonard on the way he performed his duties during his term of office and for the efficient, fair and balanced manner in which he ran the meetings.

Councillor J. Leonard thanked the Members, County Manager and Staff for their support and encouragement during his term as Cathaoirleach. He thanked the Meetings Administrator, Communication Staff and Press for their help and co-operation throughout the year.

Mr T. Kilfeather, Deputy County Manager on behalf of the Management and Staff of the Council thanked the outgoing Cathaoirleach for his courtesy and kindness during his term of office and wished him well.


Proposed by Councillor T. Collery
Seconded by Councillor G. Murray

"That Councillor M. Fleming be nominated for the position of Cathaoirleach of Sligo County Council.”

Proposed by Councillor J. Queenan
Seconded by Councillor P. Barry

"That Councillor J. Devins be nominated for the position of Cathaoirleach of Sligo County Council.”

As there were 2 nominees for the position of Cathaoirleach, Councillor J. Leonard called for a vote and that the members indicate their preference for either Councillor M. Fleming or Councillor J. Devins.

For Devins: Baker, Barry, Devins, Healy McGowan, Lundy, O’Grady, Queenan.

For Fleming: Barrett, D. Cawley, V. Cawley, Collery, Fleming, Keaney, Leonard, Lyons, McGarry, McGrath, McLoughlin, Mullaney, Mulvey, Murray.

Abstain: Bree, Clarke, Gormley, MacManus.

As the vote was 7 for Devins, 14 for Fleming and 4 Abstentions Councillor Leonard declared Councillor Fleming elected as Cathaoirleach.

Councillor Fleming took the Chair and addressed the meeting. He thanked the Members for their support and stated that he was honoured to be elected to the office of Cathaoirleach and looked forward to the year ahead.

It was then agreed to take a photo of the full Council when all 25 members were present.

The Cathaoirleach then asked for nominations for the position of Leas Cathaoirleach.


Proposed by Councillor H. Keaney
Seconded by Councillor D. Cawley

"That Councillor M. Lyons be nominated for the position of Leas Cathaoirleach of Sligo County Council.”

Proposed by Councillor M. Baker
Seconded by Councllr D. Healy McGowan

"That Councillor S. MacManus be nominated for the position of Leas Cathaoirleach of Sligo County Council.”

As there were 2 nominees for the position of Leas Cathaoirleach, the Cathaoirleach called for a vote and that the members indicate their preference for either Councillor M. Lyons or Councillor S. MacManus.

For Lyons: Barrett, D. Cawley, V. Cawley, Collery, Fleming, Keaney, Lyons, McGarry, McGrath, McLoughlin, Mullaney, Mulvey, Murray.

For MacManus: Baker, Barry, Bree, Devins, Healy McGowan, Lundy, MacManus, O’Grady, Queenan.

Abstain: Clarke, Gormley.

As the vote was 13 for Lyons, 9 for MacManus and 2 Abstentions the Cathaoirleach declared Councillor Lyons elected as Leas Cathaoirleach.

Councillor Lyons thanked his supporters and wished the newly elected Cathaoirleach well.

Members also expressed their congratulations to Councillor R. O’Grady on being elected Mayor of Sligo Borough and Councillor V. Cawley as being elected Deputy Mayor.

Mr. F. MacNabb, Meetings Administrators reminded the members of a motion passed at the previous meeting agreeing to a special meeting in July to consider the presidential nominees. A date had not been agreed and Mr. Macnabb asked the members to agree a date.

July 25th at 11am was agreed as the time and date for the special meeting.


The meeting ended 1pm

Meeting Date 27/06/2011