Agendas 2024

Agenda of May Ordinary Meeting of Sligo County Council to be held Monday, 13th May 2024 at 10 a.m.

Sligo County Council
Corporate Services,
County Hall,

7th May 2024


The Ordinary Meeting of Sligo County Council will be held:

ON:   Monday, 13th May 2024

AT:   10.00 a.m.

IN:  Council Chamber, County Hall, Riverside, Sligo.

You are requested to attend.

Sinéad Branley
Meetings Administrator



  1. To note minutes of Meeting of Cranmore Regeneration Steering Group held on 30th March 2023 (Copy attached)
  2. To note minutes of Meeting of Cranmore Regeneration Steering Group held on 29th June 2023 (Copy attached).
  3. To confirm minutes of Meeting of Sligo Joint Policing Committee held on 6th October 2023 (Copy attached).
  4. To note the minutes of the County Sligo Placenames Committee held on 26th October 2023 (Copy attached).
  5. To confirm minutes of Ordinary Meeting of Sligo County Council held on 8th April 2024. (Copy attached)
  6. To confirm minutes of Special Meeting of Sligo County Council to consider the Draft Sligo County Development Plan 2024-2030 and the Second Chief Executive’s Report on submissions and observations relating to the Draft CDP 2024-2030 held on 15th April 2024 (Copy to follow).
  7. To confirm minutes of Adjourned Special Meeting of Sligo County Council to consider the Draft Sligo County Development Plan 2024-2030 and the Second Chief Executive’s Report on submissions and observations relating to the Draft CDP 2024-2030 held on 22nd April 2024 (Copy to follow).
  8. To receive a presentation from the Young Carer’s Association.
  9. To consider Chief Executive’s Report and Recommendation to proceed with the Proposed Development, consisting of the Construction of a Strategic Road Maintenance Facility and all associated site development works, landscaping, and associated drainage including associated on site effluent treatment system, at Drumfin Co. Sligo, pursuant to Section 179(3) and 179 (4) of Part XI of the Planning Act 2000 (as amended) (Report attached).
  10. To approve in accordance with Section 6 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1992, and Regulations thereunder, provision of assistance in the form of the Capital Assistance Scheme Loan in the amount of €212,491 to Focus Housing Association Company Limited by Guarantee in respect of No. 5 Rockwood Crescent, Tobergal Lane, Sligo (Report circulated previously).
  11. To approve in the form of a Capital Assistance Scheme Loan in the sum of €1,172,110 to Sophia Housing Association CLG Ltd for the provision of 10 Turnkey units of housing accommodation at Seaville, Finisklin, Sligo (Report previously circulated).
  12. To note audited accounts of the Sligo BID Company Limited by Guarantee (Reports attached).
  13. Approve allocations under the Community & Voluntary Grant Scheme 2024 (Report attached).
  14. Adoption of Draft Polling Scheme (Reports attached).
  15. To consider the issuing of Polling Cards for the 2024 Local Elections (Report attached).
  16. To note arrangements for Annual General Meeting of  Sligo County Council.
  17. To adopt Sligo County Council’s Annual Report 2023 (Report attached).
  18. To note Annual Financial Statement 2023 (Report & AFS attached).
  19. To authorise over expenditure of €21,670,593 reported in the 2023 Annual Financial Statement in accordance with section 104(7) of the Local Government Act 2001 and approve transfers to Capital of €1,704,707 (Reports attached).
  20. To amend Article 6 of the current Allocation Scheme 2022 of Sligo County Council in order ‘to designate up to one dwelling in each of the Council's electoral areas each year for allocation to returning emigrants’ (Reports previously circulated).
  21. To consider and approve Placename Proposals (Report to follow).
  22. To note the Monthly Management Report for April 2024 (Report to follow).


  1. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Clarke:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to seek an update on the defective block scheme from the Minister for housing.”
  2. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. MacSharry:
    “That Sligo County Council call on the Government to establish a victims of crime compensation fund in the interests of Justice.“


  1. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Casserly:
    “That this Council urge the Government to carry out vital social impact assessments on Public Health, Public Order nd Public Transport before introducing all night drinking in pubs and clubs.”
  2. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Gilroy:
    “That Sligo County council install throughout the county signage to inform the public on appropriate safety measures in response to tick dangers with a QR Code or similar link for further information.

    And that Sligo County Council include relevant information on tick dangers/safety on the website referencing removal, repellents and Avoidance.”
  3. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Walsh:
    “That Sligo County Council call on credit unions in the Sligo area to join Cultivate and offer finance to farmers and the agri sector via the Cultivate brand.  There is a huge demand among the agri sector for access to finance and having access to local staff making decisions is a big advantage for credit unions over the banks. 

    That this motion be relayed to all Sligo Credit Unions and The Irish League of Credit Unions Board.”
  4. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Mulvey:
    “I call on Sligo County Council to write to the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamonn Ryan seeking grant assistance to cover the cost of radon gas remediation for homeowners. Some radon reduction techniques are more expensive than others and each one will need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. However, the typical price for retrofitting a radon sump into a standard house is approximately €925 but can be higher.”
  5. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Mulvey:
    “I call on Sligo County Council to put a schedule of works in place to maintain roadside drainage works on local drainage and water tables annually due to the increasing amounts of rainfall during autumn and winter time of year.”
  6. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G. Mullaney:
    “To request Uisce Éireann to take in charge the temporary waste water treatment plants stalled by construction companies during the building boom”
  7. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G. Mullaney:
    “That (A) Signage be installed throughout the county to inform the public on appropriate safety measures in response to tick dangers with QR code for further information;

    (B) Sligo County Council include relevant information on tick danger/safety on their website referencing removal, repellents and avoidance.”
  8. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G. O’Boyle:
    “That (A) Signage be installed throughout the county to inform the public on appropriate safety measures in response to tick dangers with QR code for further information;

    (B) Sligo County Council include relevant information on tick danger/safety on their website referencing removal, repellents and avoidance.”
  9. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Walsh:
    “Following on from my Notice of Motion in November 2023, that there be a further update issued to members:

    ‘That Sligo County Council formally form a festival and events steering team for County Sligo made up of nominated stakeholders. That this Committee could have oversight on Queen Maeve Square and Cleveragh Outdoor Performance Space as well as feeding into local policy/strategies in the county.

    That this motion be moved to the CPG for further discussion and exploration.”
  10. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Casserly:
    “To ask that this council write to the Departments of Housing and Finance and request that first time builders can recoup the 13% VAT paid to contractors over the course of building their new home.”
  11. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Healy:
    “To Call on Sligo County Council to write to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage to see what measures they are introducing to ensure cost rental and affordable housing can be made available in Sligo.”
  12. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Mulvey:
    “I ask Sligo County Council to adopt the motion that:

    (A)  Signage be installed throughout the county to inform the public on appropriate safety measures in response to tick dangers with QR code for further information.

    (B)  Sligo County Council include relevant information on tick danger/safety on their website referencing removal, repellants and avoidance.”
  13. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Casserly:
    “I wish to propose the motion that:

    (A) Signage be installed throughout the county on council owned parks and walkways to inform the public on appropriate safety measures in response to tick dangers with QR code for further information

    (B) That Sligo County Council include relevant information on tick danger/safety on their website referencing removal, repellents and avoidance.”
  14. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor A. Gibbons:
    “That this local authority ask the government to think again on recent carbon tax hikes.”
  15. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor A. Gibbons:
    “That this local Authority calls on this Government to stop taking people for fools with latest so-called housing 'progress' report.”
  16. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillors T. Walsh and G. Mullaney:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to make an application to the OPW for the necessary flood mitigation funding to change the penstock gates on the Garavogue River in order to prevent flooding on the R287 and L36025 roads and at the Waterglades Garden Centre which is now an ongoing issue.”
  17. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Clarke:
    “To call on Sligo County council to write to Minister Eamon Ryan regarding the amount of telecommunications wire and poles littering the country and to take the required action to address the problem.”
  18. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree:
    “That the Council erect signage in the county to inform the public on appropriate safety measures in response to tick dangers, the signage to include a QR code to provide additional information.”
  19. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree:
    “Recognising the ongoing failure and the inequality of Ireland’s two-tier health system, this Council calls on the government to introduce a universal one-tier healthcare system which will guarantee access to medical care on the basis of medical need, not income.”
  20. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree:
    “Does the Council have a policy to address situations where contractors submit tenders, are successful and awarded contracts and then withdraw from contracts.”
  21. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Healy:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to write to government to include landowners with land on all main and regional roads in the ash dieback scheme and to give education and information for all landowners to identify signs of ash dieback and then to diagnose the problem if it exists.”
  22. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Healy:
    “To call on Sligo County Council to write to the Minister of State for law reform James Browne TD, calling on him accept amendments to the Gambling Regulations Bill.

    This Bill must be amended to exempt charities and sports clubs from the negative provisions of the Bill, which would ban advertising fundraisers with prizes over €10,000.

    Changes to the bill must be delivered for ordinary people, voluntary organisations, and those in recovery, while preserving jobs and protecting vital sources of fundraising.”
  23. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Clarke:
    “That Sligo County Council write to the Taoiseach Simon Harris and Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien to end the mixed messaging and correct and update the required area of zoned land for housing given the Taoiseach’s comments that 250,000 housing units are required.”
  24. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor A. Gibbons:
    “That this local authority calls on the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage to carry out a review of the cost Tenant in Situ scheme and increase the financial threshold limit in line with the current housing market prices in County Sligo.”
  25. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Mac Sharry:
    "That Sligo County Council would assess the need for new or upgraded public toilets at all seaside resorts in County Sligo.”
  26. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G. O’Boyle:
    “Sligo County Council calls on the Minister for Health to lower the age of bowel cancer screening from 59 to 50.”
  27. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G. O’Boyle:
    “How many houses since 2019/2024 have been rented on HAP/RAS through the council and how many housing inspections have taken place in the HAP or RAS properties.”
  28. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor S. Maguire:
    “This motion requests that:

    A) Signage be installed throughout the county to inform the public on appropriate safety measures in response to tick dangers with QR code for further information

    (B) Sligo County Council include relevant information on tick danger/safety on their website referencing removal, repellents and avoidance.”
  29. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Gilroy:
    “That Sligo County Council provide a list of what surface repairs will be carried out in 2024 on each of the National Primary (N4, N15, N16, N17) and National Secondary (N59) roads and at what location on each road.”
  30. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Gilroy:
    “To ask Sligo County Council to report on what measures and inspections have taken place over the last two years to ensure that dog welfare is maintained at licenced Dog Breeding establishments or “Puppy Farms” as they are more commonly known within the county, and if the council believe that any illegal dog breeding establishments exist within the county.
    To Include
    How many Dog Breeding farms are Licenced?
    How many Dogs are kept at each for Breeding purposes?
    How many Inspections have taken place?
    How many Unannounced Inspections have taken place?
    Have any investigations into possible illegal Dog Breeding Establishments within the county taken place?”
  31. Votes of Sympathy.
  32. Votes of Congratulations.
  33. To approve the Conferences/Training events as circulated.
  34. To note the summary of proceedings of conferences attended in accordance with Section 142(5) (f) of the Local Government Act, 2001.
  35. Correspondence:
    1. Acknowledgement letter from the Office of the Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform regarding public access to the Neolithic monument located above the Fox’s Den on Cairns Hill.
    2. Letter received on 8th April 2024 from the Office of the Minister for Social Protection in relation to availability of funding for patients with a cancer diagnosis receiving ongoing treatment, to adequately heat their homes.
    3. Email dated 9th April 2024 from the Office of the Minister for Education in relation to the Department of Education’s Counselling in Primary Schools Pilot programme.
    4. Letter dated 9th April 2024 from the DHLGH regarding the vacant property refurbishment grant.
    5. Acknowledgement email dated 16th April 2024 from the Office of the Minister for Justice regarding supports for more road safety workshops and campaigns in all second level schools.
    6. Acknowledgement email dated 15th April 2024 from the HSE in relation to Markievicz House.
    7. Acknowledgement email dated 15th April 2024 from the HSE in relation to hydrotherapy pool in Sligo and Leitrim.
    8. Acknowledgement letter from the Office of An Taoiseach dated 16th April 2024 regarding backlog of apprentices training.
    9. Acknowledgement letter from the Office of An Taoiseach dated 16th April 2024 regarding United Nations Relief Works Agency.
    10. Acknowledgement letter from the Office of An Taoiseach dated 16th April 2024 regarding children’s mental health services.
    11. Acknowledgement letter from the Office of An Taoiseach dated 16th April 2024 regarding banning of Israel from the Eurovision.
    12. Acknowledgement letter from the Office of An Taoiseach dated 16th April 2024 regarding funding for upgrade of N59.
    13. Acknowledgement letter from the Office of An Taoiseach dated 16th April 2024 regarding hydrotherapy pool for Sligo and Leitrim.
    14. Acknowledgement of Vote of Congratulations letter to Helen O’Donnell.
    15. Letter dated 17th April 2024 from the DHLGH regarding public access to the Neolithic monument on Cairns Hill.
    16. Copy of resolution passed by the Members of Louth County Council regarding the Good Friday Agreement.
    17. Letter dated 9th April 2024 from the OPW regarding Neolithic Monument on Cairns Hill.
    18. Letter dated 19th April 2024 from the Department of Social Protection regarding extension of Child Benefit to 18 year olds in full time education.
    19. Acknowledgement email dated 19th April 2024 from DCEDIY regarding hydrotherapy pool in Sligo and Leitrim.
    20. Email from TII dated 25th April 2024 regarding the Winter Service Plan Sligo.
    21. Letter dated 26th April 2024 from the HSE in relation to Markievicz House.
    22. Email dated 3rd May 2024 from DHLGH regarding defective concrete blocks scheme.
    23. Email dated 3rd May 2024 from DHLGH regarding defective global investment funds.
    24. Letter dated 26th February 2024 from the Minister for Finance regarding exemption for first time buyers from the Local Property Tax (LPT).
  36. Matters arising from Minutes.
  37. Any other business.


Meeting Date 13/05/2024