Agendas 2013

Agenda of February Ordinary Meeting of Sligo County Council to be held on Monday 4th February 2013 at 11 am in The Council Chamber, County Hall, Riverside, Sligo

Corporate Services
Sligo County Council
County Hall

Phone: (071) 9111111

29th January, 2013



An Ordinary Meeting of Sligo County Council will be held:

ON:     Monday, 4th February, 2013

AT:     11.00 AM

IN:      The Council Chamber, County Hall, Riverside, Sligo

You are requested to attend.


F. Mac Nabb
Meetings Administrator



  1. To confirm the minutes of the Ordinary January Meeting held on 14th January. 2013. (copy attached)
  2. To confirm the minutes of the Special Meeting held on 14th January. 2013. (copy attached)
  3. To confirm the Minutes of the Sligo County Council Corporate Policy Group Meeting held on 3rd December, 2012. (copy attached)
  4. To confirm the Minutes of the Sligo County Council Corporate Policy Group Special Meeting held on 29th November, 2012. (copy attached)
  5. To confirm the Minutes of the Tubbercurry Electoral Area Meeting held on 4th October, 2012. (copy attached)
  6. To confirm the Minutes of the Tubbercurry Electoral Area Meeting held on 15th June, 2012. (copy attached)
  7. To confirm the Minutes of the Tubbercurry Electoral Area Meeting held on 30th March, 2012. (copy attached)
  8. Presentation by Mr Liam Scollan, Chairman, Ireland West Knock Airport.



  1. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G. Mullaney and Councillor P. McGrath
    “To call on the Director of Services for Housing, Ms Dorothy Clarke to allow lands in Collooney, beside the GAA pitch, for use by the Collooney Allotment Group.”
  2. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillors P. McGrath, G. Mullaney, T. Collery and M. Baker
    “To ask for an update on progress on the completion of planning documents for the N4 Collooney to Castlebaldwin Realignment Scheme and furthermore, to call on the NRA to allow this scheme to be submitted to An Bord Pleanála for planning approval in early 2013.”



  1. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor S. MacManus
    “That Sligo County Council views, with grave concern the publication on 11th January 2013 of the Water Services Bill 2013, which removes water services from democratic accountability as a function of local government and, ultimately, from public control through the process of privatisation.

    We deplore the proposed draconian powers designed to impose water meters on all homes and to extract a further payment from already hard-pressed citizens and families. Consequently, we call on the Government not to proceed with the Water Services Bill 2013 and to retain water services as a function of local government.

    We further call on the Government to undertake comprehensive measures to address the need for water conservation, co-ordination of services and to address the outstanding issue of local government funding on the basis of fair taxation and ability to pay.”
  2. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor J. Queenan
    “To ask the Director of Services to outline when will inspections of septic tanks commence;   
    1. Is there a permit needed by anyone empting there own tank ?
    2. Can it be emptied at any time of year? 
    3. Does a contractor need a permit and at what cost? 
    4. Will staff be trained to carry out inspections?”
  3. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor J. Queenan
    “To call on Minister for Communications to ensure that the Communication Regulator protect mobile phone users in the county.”
  4. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor S. MacManus
    “That the members of Sligo County Council by resolution request the County Manager to refrain from increasing the rent payable by local authority tenants as a result of the imposition of the government’s property tax (Home Tax).”
  5. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Gormley
    “That this Council calls on the NRA to approve the publication of the EIS and CPO documents for the Bypass of Tubbercurry which was submitted to them in 2011, in order to allow it progress to the next stage of the planning process.”
  6. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree
    “Noting that Sligo County Council imposed a ‘Central Management Charge’ of €673,389 on Sligo Borough Council as part of the Urban Demand figure for 2013, this Council calls on the County Manager to explain why such a significant charge was imposed in the current year while no ‘Central Management Charge’ was imposed last year or in previous years.”
  7. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree
    “Noting that the Council adopted the following motion at its meeting in January 2012, “Taking into consideration that a sum of €2.92 million was allocated by the Department of the Environment under the ACCESS Programme for the development of a new museum, and further noting from the Auditors Report that the County Council provided a sum of €4.37million towards the Museum, it is hereby resolved that this Council be provided with a comprehensive report on the progress of the Museum project including details of all funding spent on the project, when the spending was approved and the source of the funding.”;  this Council calls on the County Manager to provide the said report without further delay.”
  8. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Clarke
    “To call on Sligo County Council to repair damages done to Cloonkeelane - Killbride Road.”
  9. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor J. Lundy
    “Due to the high level of anti-social behaviour in Summerhill Estate, Mountain Road, Tubbercurry, I will ask the Director of Services for Housing to address all issues of concern to the residents of Summerhill Estate as soon as possible.”
  10. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Mulvey
    “I welcome the allocation of €7,771,979 from the NRA for Sligo County Council and the funding of €4,800,00 for works at Farranyharpey to Ballygreighan Realignment on the N59,and also the funding of €42,000.00 for safety works on the N59. What funding has been sought for the next phase of realignment works on the N59 for 2014? I welcome the amount of €200,000 allocated for the N17 Collooney to Tubbercurry section. Will some of this allocation be used for improvement works at Thornhill Bridge at Ballinacarrow?”
  11. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Mulvey
    “I welcome the additional allocation of €8,547,821 for Regional and Local Roads from the Department of Transport. What portion of this funding will be under the Enniscrone Area Office which covers the Dromore/Coolaney/Ballinacarrow area?”  
  12. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Mulvey
    “To ask Sligo County Council for  funding for 2 public lights to be fitted at Bleachgreen, Collooney from Quigleys Shop  to the  Coolaney junction as a matter of urgency for pedestrians and cyclists.”
  13. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Gormley
    “That this Council provide;
    1. Ramps in Gurteen View Estate in the interest of safety
    2. That the speed limit signs on the Tubbercurry Road out of Gurteen be extended past the Gurteen View Estate.”
  14. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Fleming and Councillor G. Mullaney
    “To congratulate the Fred Finn Branch CCE  on the successful application to host Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann and propose that funding be allocated in the Council Estimates for 2014.”
  15. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Fleming
    “That Sligo County Council welcomes the proposed extension of the Community Employment Programme and encourages community organisations to apply for sponsorship of projects.”
  16. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree
    “That this Council welcomes the decision of the Ard Comhairle of Comhaltas Ceoltoirí Éireann to award Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 2014 to Sligo; congratulates all those associated with the successful application, and further confirms that Sligo County Council will allocate financial assistance to Comhaltas in Sligo to assist the organisation in covering the significant costs of hosting the event.”
  17. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Clarke
    “To call on Sligo County Council to provide a report on Sligo Port. It has been over a year since Sligo County council passed a motion calling on the Council to ask Sligo Institute of Technology to produce an economic strategic report and an environmental study on the 70 acre site. Since then An Bord Pleanála has given the green light to the dredging of the port. Can the report include;
    1. An executive Overview.
    2. What management team has responsibly for the port.
    3. Is there any report from the Port management.
    4. Is there a current application with the Department to dredge the port.
    5. Has the council sought to involve the private sector in the management of the port.
    6. What income has the port generated in 2012 and what has the Port Cost the Council in 2012.”
  18. To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor G. Mullaney
    “To call on the Director of Services for Infrastructure, Mr. Tom Kilfeather, to begin the process of taking in charge Lisruadh Housing Estate in Ballinfad.”
  19. Votes of Sympathy
  20. Votes of Congratulations
  21. Conferences
  22. Correspondence<
    1. Letter dated 8th January, 2013 from the Social Welfare Appeals Office regarding backlog in number of appeals.
    2. Letter dated 10th January, 2013 from An Post regarding placement of Post Boxes.
    3. Letter dated 16th January, 2013 from the Office of the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government re the reform set out in ‘Putting People First’ document.
    4. Letter dated 18th January, 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Social and Family Affairs acknowledging receipt of letter re benefits for the self-employed.
    5. Letter dated 18th January, 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Health acknowledging receipt of letter re Sligo General.
    6. Letter dated 21st January, 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport acknowledging receipt of letter re Ireland West Airport.
    7. Letter dated 21st January, 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Justice and Equality acknowledging receipt of letter.
    8. Letter dated 23rd January, 2013 from Limerick County Council re resolution passed by the council regarding banks support by the state.”
    9. Letter dated 23rd January, 2013 from the Minister for Health re abortion legislation.
    10. Letter dated 24th January, 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Agriculture acknowledging receipt of letter re a ‘suckler cow scheme’.
    11. Letter dated 25th January, 2013 from Ennis Town Council re resolution passed by the council regarding Oireachtas members paying rates on their constituency offices.
  23. Matters Arising from Minutes
  24. Any Other Business


Meeting Date 04/02/2013