Agendas 2010
Agenda of July Ordinary Meeting of Sligo County Council to be held on 5th July 2010
Sligo County Council
Corporate Services
Sligo County Council
County Hall
Phone: (071) 9111111
29th June, 2010
TO: The Cathaoirleach and Each Member of the Council
An Ordinary Meeting of Sligo County Council will be held:
ON: Monday, 5th July, 2010
AT: 11 am
IN: Council Chamber, County Hall, Riverside, Sligo
You are requested to attend.
F. Mac Nabb
Meetings Administrator
To confirm the minutes of the June Ordinary Meeting held on the 14th June, 2010. (copy attached)
To confirm the minutes of the Tubbercurry Electoral Area Meeting held on the 22nd April, 2010. (copy attached)
To confirm the minutes of the Tubbercurry Special Electoral Area Meeting held on the 1st April, 2010. (copy attached)
To confirm the minutes of Sligo/Strandhill Electoral Area Meeting held on the 1st February, 2010. (copy attached)
To confirm the minutes of Sligo/Strandhill Electoral Area Meeting held on the 7th December, 2009. (copy attached)
To approve, pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001: -
The disposal of a dwelling at Bearlough, Rathmullen, Co. Sligo to John Smyth. (previously circulated) -
To approve in accordance with Part 8 (Article 81) of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Regulations, 2001 (as amended by the Planning and Development Regulations, 2006) the provision of a demountable dwelling and connection to existing septic tank, percolation area, and all associated site development works at Achonry Td, Achonry, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo (copy attached)
To consider report in relation to commencing the process of taking in charge a development of 7 no. houses at Strandhill, Co Sligo. (copy attached)
To consider report in relation to commencing the process of taking in charge “Cluain Carn”, a development of 9 no. houses at Abbeytown, Ballisodare, Co Sligo. (copy attached)
To seek approval to borrowing a sum not exceeding €18m by way of temporary overdraft for the 6 months to 31st December 2010 (copy attached)
To consider the proposed Draft County Sligo Biodiversity Action Plan 2011 – 2016 (copy attached)
To adopt the Noise Action Plan as required under the Environmental Noise Regulations, S.I. No 140 of 2006 (copy attached)
- To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Barrett
“That this Council call on the HSE to provide information on the Medical Card application and assessment process and the reversal of the centralisation of the Medical Card Services” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor S. MacManus
"That Sligo County Council revokes it's decision of February 1st 2010 in relation to the maintenance and construction of the National and Regional Roads in the Borough of Sligo"
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Healy McGowan
“To ask this Council that roadworks be completed on the R292 bends at Ann Higgins’ House in Ransboro” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Clarke
“To call on Sligo County Council to extend the Easkey Sewage System to service 27 houses in the Fortland area” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Clarke
“To call on Sligo County County Council to write to the Minister for Social Welfare, Eamonn O’Cuiv to provide a report on- How much money has been paid out by the state to date on Childrens’ allowance to non nationals whose children do not reside in the state
- How much does this practice cost the state weekly
- To ask the Minister to maintain rent allowance at current levels”
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Gormley
“That action is taken by this Council to prevent the illegal dumping that is presently taking place at Mountain View, Tubbercurry by erecting a boundary wall and that the site be cleaned up as it is a health and safety issue” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor V. Cawley
“That in recognising with deep concern the disproportionate effects that the current Economic recession is having in Sligo and all areas of the west of Ireland, that this Council give its full support to the submission made by the Council for the West to the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs titled "A Case for the Retention of the Western Development Commission” and to call on the Minister for Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs to retain the Western Development Commission to allow them to continue their great work in the current economic crisis and climate” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Fleming
“To seek clarification from the Director of Services in relation to Planning Applications for one off housing in rural areas within 15km of SAC Areas:- the possible effects in County Sligo
- the additional costs to applicants
- can applicants be made aware of this issue relating to site during pre planning consultations
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Fleming
“That Sligo County Council endorses the aims and objectives of the RISE (Rural Ireland Says Enough Campaign) and the Council notes the increasing level of popular support being expressed for the Campaign and shares the concerns it is highlighting over several pieces of legislation currently being proposed by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government John Gormley, TD. This Council calls on the Minister to listen to the concerns being expressed and involve stakeholders in full consultation” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Fleming
“The location of poles carrying telecom lines along county roads has presented major difficulties for the Council and Individuals because of very high charge being levied for removal where necessary, I request that negotiations take place with the view to reducing charges” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree
“That the Council be provided with a report providing details of each property which the Council is currently renting, the owner of the property, the purpose for which the property is being used, the annual rent being paid, the terms of the lease agreement and the rental cost per square metre” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree
“That the Council be provided with a report indicating when the construction of the proposed new library and library headquarters for Sligo will commence” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor D. Bree
“That the Council be provided with a report providing a breakdown of interest paid by the Council each quarter from January 2009 to date on (a) its overdraft facility (b) on Council borrowings and loans” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. McLoughlin
“To ask the Director of Services to outline the mechanisms, timescale and site proposals for the delivery of the new Sligo Central Library and HQ project as adopted in the Library Development Plan 2006 – 2010” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. McLoughlin
“To call on the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to expedite approval and funding for the Cummeen Drainage Scheme as a matter of urgency” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. McLoughlin
“To call on this Council to request a report from the Minister for Health in relation of transfer of cancer services from Sligo, which has proven to be ill advised and unworkable” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Collery
“To ask Sligo County Council to fit back boilers for heating purposes in a number of Council Houses at Dun a Rí, Ballintogher, Co. Sligo” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor T. Collery
“To ask Sligo County Council to provide a date as to when the two forty-foot containers will be removed along the side of road at Union Place, Collooney, Co. Sligo” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor H. Keaney
“To call on Sligo County Council to prepare estimate of costing to provide footpath and street lighting from Oxfield Community Park to Carney village” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor H. Keaney
“To call on Sligo County Council to highlight the need for greater awareness among the farming community and general public to health and safety on our farms” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Barrett
“That this Council replace cattle grid at entrance to slipway at Dunmoran Beach, as the existing grid is very dangerous and unsafe” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Barrett
“I will ask at the next meeting for an update on a Tap Water supply at Dunmoran” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Gormley
“That steps be taken immediately in the interest of safety to have the vegetation that is obstructing the view of motorists exiting out onto the N17 at Carrowreille old school and the junction opposite it cutback before there is a serious accident” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor M. Clarke
“To call on Sligo County Council to write to the Minister for Justice requesting him and his Department to carry out a review of the penalties imposed on people who are convicted of drunk driving for the first time, in line with other European Countries, in the interests of protecting families, livelihoods and in the interest of farmers who have animal welfare responsibilities” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor J. Queenan
“To ask the Minister for Justice to call on the Court Service to ensure the court sittings remain at Easkey Court House” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor J. Queenan
“To ask the Director of Services to carry out works to improve car parking along the N59 alongside Corballa Church and to ask for an update regarding the reduction of speed limit on the N59 at Corballa Village?” -
To consider the following motion as submitted by Councillor J. Queenan
“To ask the County Manager to indicate what powers do the Enforcement Section have to ensure that sightlines are improved off Road163 onto R297, which is a condition of PL No. 1286” -
Votes of Sympathy
Votes of Congratulations
- Letter dated 2nd June, 2010 from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food regarding recent resolutions passed.
- Letter dated 9th June, 2010 from the Office of the Taoiseach regarding Na Fianna Eireann Banner.
- Letter dated 10th June, 2010 from the Health Service Executive regarding dental care to secondary students.
- Letter dated 10th June, 2010 from the Department of Education and Science regarding the number of Special Needs Assistants in Primary Schools.
- Letter dated 14th June, 2010 from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government regarding request for a meeting with Minister Finneran.
- Letter dated 15th June, 2010 from the British Embassy regarding na Fianna Eireann Banner.
- Letter dated 18th June, 2010 from the Department of Education and Science regarding Higher Education Grants.
- Letter dated 18th June, 2010 from the National Roads Authority regarding a request for a meeting.
- Letter dated 18th June, 2010 from the Office of the Taoiseach regarding the location of the offices of community, equality and gaeltacht affairs.
- Letter dated 18th June, 2010 from the Office of the Taoiseach regarding jobs strategy.
- Letter dated 21st June, 2010 from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation regarding jobs strategy.
- Letter dated 22nd June, 2010 from IDA Ireland regarding Tubbercurry as investment location.
- Letter dated 22nd June, 2010 from the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport regarding Na Fianna Eireann Banner.
- Letter dated 22nd June, 2010 from the Department of Transport regarding a pedestrian crossing at Curry Village.
- Letter dated 22nd June, 2010 from the Department of Transport regarding regional airports.
- Letter dated 22nd June, 2010 from the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs regarding the location of the offices in Tubbercurry.
- Letter dated 23rd June, 2010 from the Department of Health and Children regarding the sale of VHI.
- Letter dated 23rd June, 2010 from the Department of Health and Children regarding income guidelines for medical cards.
- Letter dated 24th June, 2010 from the Department of Finance regarding Higher Education Grants and carbon tax on agricultural diesel.
- Letter dated 25th June, 2010 from the Department of Transport regarding a request for a meeting with the Minister.
Matters Arising from Minutes
Any Other Business
Meeting Date 05/07/2010