SPC 3 - Minutes

Minutes of SPC3 - Planning Community & Economic Development, Arts and Culture Meeting held at 10.00 am on 7th November 2018 in Council Chamber, City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo


  • Councillor Sinead Maguire,
  • Councillor Seamus Kilgannon, 
  • Councillor Chris Mac Manus;
  • Councillor Hubert Keaney;
  • Mr. Gerard Queenan,
  • Mr. Anthony McCormack,
  • Ariana Somers 


  • Ms. Dorothy Clarke, Director of Services 
  • Ms. Margaret McConnell, Senior Executive Officer
  • Mr. Frank Moylan, Senior Planner 
  • Mr. John Reilly, Head of Enterprise 
  • Mr. Stephen Ward, A/Senior Executive Planner
  • Ms. Mary McDonagh, Arts Officer 
  • Ms. Janet McNamara, Administrative Officer


  • Councillor Paul Taylor 
  • Councillor Rosaleen O’Grady 
  • Councillor Marie Casserly, 
  • Councillor Tom MacSharry 
  • Liam Scollan, 
  • Conor McCarthy,



It was proposed by Councillor Seamus Kilgannon and seconded by Councillor Sinead Maguire and agreed that “The Minutes of the Strategic Policy Committee meeting held on 25th April 2018 be confirmed”. 



In response to queries raised by Councillor Chris Mc Manus regarding the adjournment of the previous scheduled meeting and the absence of the Draft Sligo Library Development Plan from the Agenda Ms. Dorothy Clarke apologised to the members for the meeting adjournment, but indicated it had been solely due to the workload and deadlines in preparing application for the URDF and RRDF funds at the end of September 2018.  

In relation to the Draft Sligo Library Development Plan the members were informed that it was not fully completed to the stage where it could be presented to the SPC, but that it would be finalised for the final meeting of the SPC to be held in December 2018. Councillor Chris Mac Manus requested that Draft Sligo Library Plan be placed as a headed item on the agenda for the next meeting. 

Councillor Sinead Maguire outlined the contents of the various emails received from Councillor Tom Mc Sharry regarding his unavailability to attend SPC3 Meetings. 

The initial correspondence suggested holding meeting at 9.00am in County Hall, Riverside, prior to the Monthly Meeting. A further e-mail from Councillor Tom McSharry requested that the hereunder be read into the minutes of the November Meeting:

‘Re: SPC3 Meeting (Planning Community & Economic Development, Arts & culture) 

In relation to the above and as previously discussed, I have a Trial starting at Sligo Circuit Criminal Court on Thursday the 8th of November and have to Swear in the Jury on Wednesday morning the 7th of November. 

As previously discussed I am in regular contact with my party colleagues on all matters discussed at your meetings. 

Arising from and in response to previous queries raised I must ask you to read this email into the record and minutes of the meeting of the 7th of November. 

I would of course be delighted to attend all meetings but as I am self employed I simply cannot afford to take time off work. 

I have requested that your meetings could be held before the general monthly meeting but this request was not agreed.’

In discussing the matter the members were not confident that an SPC meeting convened before the Council monthly meeting would allow adequate time to deal with all SPC matters together with the fact that a monthly meeting of the whips was held before the Monthly Meeting. 

Correspondence received from Councillor Marie Casserly indicated that she was only available to attend SPC3 Meetings on a Monday going forward. It was also agreed that Councillor Paul Taylor be contacted regarding his official resignation from SPC3. 
Following further discussion it was proposed by Councillor Hubert Keaney and seconded by Gerard Queenan and agreed to change the date of the SPC3 Meetings to a Monday other than the Monday of a Monthly Meeting or a Municipal District Meeting. The time of the meeting would be at 10.00 am in City Hall. 

The members were informed that Mr. Conor McCarthy was resigning his position as Chair representative on SPC3 and that the Chamber propose Mr. Aidan Doyle CEO of Chamber as his replacement. Mr. Aidan Doyle’s nomination to be approved at the December Monthly Meeting.



Mr. Stephen Ward informed the members of the contents of Circular letter of 2 July 2018 which issued from Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government together with accompanying document titled ‘Implementation Roadmap for the National Planning Framework’. 

The Roadmap clarifies the legal position of the National Planning Framework (NPF) and states the purpose of the NPF is to shape and co-ordinate planning, economic and spatial development and infrastructure investment at national, regional and local levels, through the forthcoming Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies (RSESs) (currently being prepared by the three regional assemblies), and City and County Development Plans and Local Area Plans. 

The members were informed that to ensure a process of alignment between all the levels of spatial planning in the planning process from national to regional to local there is a requirement that all City / County Development Plans be reviewed during 2019 / 2021 and broadly aligned to address a six year period to 2026 / 27. Similarly, all local area plans will be brought into alignment during or immediately after the 2019 – 2021 review period. 

Mr Ward stated that the preparation of the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies (RSES) will involve the relevant local authorities working collaboratively to agree a distribution of future population at a more detailed and regional level than the NPF but working broadly within its parameters. Appendix 2 of the Roadmap sets out the population projections for each Region and County which are to be used in the preparation of the RSESs and subsequent County Development Plan reviews. 

He also informed the members that there is a requirement under the NPF to prepare a strategic plan that responds to the lead role of the five regional centres (ie. Sligo, Athlone, Letterkenny, Drogheda and Dundalk). The Regional Centre Plans to be incorporated into the RSESs 

It was envisaged that a review of the County Development Plan would be carried out in 2019 to achieve consistency with the RSES and that the publication of a Draft Sligo City Local Area Plan for Sligo would follow in late 2019.

Amendments to Vacant Sites legislation 

Mr. Ward provided the members with an update on some of the related provisions of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2018. 

He stated that the Act provides for an increase in the rate of the vacant site levy from 3% to 7% of the market valuation of relevant sites with effect from January 2020, in respect of sites included on local authority vacant site registers in 2019. The change in the rate of levy primarily intended to ensure that the measure has more meaningful impact in terms of incentivising the development of such sites and combating land hoarding. 

The Act clarifies what constitutes “vacant and idle” lands for the purposes of the application of the levy on “residential land” in order to address the situation where – under the pre-existing provisions – developers, or land speculators, could potentially hoard residentially zoned land and avoid liability to the levy, by leasing it or putting it to use for a non-residential purpose, such as farming, and thereby claim that the land in question was not vacant or idle for the purposes of the levy. 

It clarifies that residentially zoned land which was purchased prior to its designation as residential land, and which continues to be operated for farming purposes, shall be exempt from the levy. In addition, the pre-existing provisions providing for the application of reduced or zero rates of levy in specified circumstances – i.e. where there was a site loan or mortgage taken out on the land above specified thresholds of its valuation – have been removed. 

In response to a query Mr. Ward confirmed that the Vacant Sites Register was populated and currently had 18 sites included and it was envisaged that additional sites would be included before the year end. If not appealed a levy of 7% to be applied with effect from January 2020, in respect of sites included on vacant sites register in 2019. The members were informed that the Vacant Sites Register has shown increased activity from Developers with a number of Housing Schemes at Pre Planning stage which would facilitate the construction of 300-400 houses. Mr. Ward informed the members that circa 40 hectares of land was zoned, serviced and ready for development.



Ms. Margaret Mc Connell in her report to the members (copy circulated) gave the background to the National Tourism Policy and the County Sligo Tourism Strategy 2018-2023 which prioritises the growth and development of events and festivals as drivers of visitation. A strategic objective for the first 2 years of the strategy will be geared towards 6 – 7 larger events that demonstrate a uniqueness and ability to attract bed nights (overseas preferable) and grow business at off peak times.

She stated that Sligo currently lacks a festival of national scale and needs to grow a small number of festivals to a scale whereby they can receive national prominence and avail of funding support from funders such as the Arts Council and Fáilte Ireland’s National Festival and Participative Events grants. To achieve this, there is a need at county level to devise a layered approach to supporting and developing festivals and events to ensure that the stronger ones reach their full potential while smaller community festivals can be sustained to continue to provide colour and pride within the community. 
Ms. Margaret Mc Connell then outlined the Current funding support available for festivals by way of grants in County Sligo:

  1. Regional Festival & Participative Event Scheme for County Sligo (Fáilte Ireland Funded).
  2. SCC Contributions to the Arts Grants Scheme 2018
  3. SCC – Community & Voluntary Scheme
  4. LEADER Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Small Festivals and Events.

Following a review of the local supports and the festivals that apply for them Ms. Margaret Mc Connell outlined a number of observations:  

The majority of festivals are held during high season. A number of festivals apply to more than one fund for support. The Regional Festival Scheme for County Sligo (formerly Failte Ireland) is a fund to support festivals which drive domestic tourism and help to improve the visitor experience by animating destinations and have a regional reach. In 2018, recipients were requested to demonstrate their capacity/commitment to growth and development. These were responded to by applicants in varying degrees with some festivals demonstrating that they are reviewing their operations, looking to the future and growth potential, linking strengths to brands such as Wild Atlantic Way and responding to the digital economy. 

Ms. Margaret Mc Connell stated that the development of a Festival and Events Strategy for County Sligo will devise a framework to support the implementation of the County Sligo Tourism Strategy and how support can be geared towards 6-7 larger events that demonstrate a uniqueness and ability to attract bed nights (overseas preferable) and grow business at off-peak times. The framework will adopt a tiered approach to ensure that smaller community festivals and events can be sustained. 

She indicated that Sligo County Council are working in partnership with Sligo Leader Partnership CLG to advance this project and are in the process of procuring expertise to develop this framework and implementation plan which will work towards growing 6-7 festivals of scale over the lifetime of the Tourism Strategy. 

Ms. Margaret McConnell emphasied the need for the Policy to steer funding and thus avoid duplication. 

She referred to the Community Enhancement Programme - LCDC which approved funding to the sum of €250,000 (funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development) in respect of Capital Projects.



Ms. Mary McDonagh informed the members that the SLR File project was a collaborative undertaking between the Arts offices of Sligo, Leitrim and Roscommon for the purpose of developing the region as a location for film production and a joint film strategy has been developed. 

The guiding principles of the project being:

  • To encourage the development of the film sector in the region.
  • To better facilitate filmmakers, large and small, from here and elsewhere to make films in the region.
  • To undertake actions which support the viability of filmmaking as a profession in the region.

She stated that the three local authorities were working with representatives of the film sector and have developed links with Screen Ireland/Screen Training Ireland to develop the film sector and enhance the capacity and opportunity for filmmakers in the region. 

As part of a three year plan, a needs analysis of the sector was conducted within the three counties to develop opportunities available for film makers. Three networking meetings 

were held in order to provide opportunities for filmmakers to meet industry professionals, showcase their work and provide training. 

The members were informed of a successful two-day locations tour which was organised in 2017 for the Inward Productions Team of the Irish Film Board (now called Screen Ireland) and leading locations managers from around the country . The IFB have since recommended SLR locations to international producers. 

A website was also launched in spring of 2018, www.slrfilm.ie and a first round of bursaries for collaborations between writers and filmmakers and to support the completion of films was announced. Four bursaries were awarded to writers and filmmakers representing all three counties. 

A further networking meeting of the SLR members is to be held on 16th November with Mr. Paul Young guest speaker, who is one of the founders of Animation Ireland and co founder of the multi-award winning Cartoon Saloon. 
Ms. Mary McDonagh gave a brief demonstration of the SLR website, showing examples of potential locations which were featured on the website. She also confirmed that the Website included information for Film Makers regarding application procedures for permits from the local authorities. 

Councillor Chris Mac Manus thanked Ms. Mary McDonagh for her report. He queried if it was possible to reference on the website other films shot in Sligo eg. Calvary, etc together with Directors or Writers of those films. She confirmed that she would take back the suggestion to other Arts Officers. 

In response to a query from Councillor Hubert Keaney regarding contribution of €10,000 to fund Ms. Dorothy Clarke indicated that due to financial constraints funding in Budget was maintained as per previous year.

WRAP (Western Region Audiovisual Producers Fund) 

The members were informed of the Western Region Audiovisual Producer’s Fund (WRAP) which is an initiative that has evolved out of specific actions in the National Action Plan for Jobs (NAPJ) centered on the job creating potential of the film sector in Ireland. 
WRAP was developed by the Western Development Commission and Galway Film Centre in association with the local authorities of Clare, Donegal, Galway City, Galway County, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo and Údurás na Gealtachta. The only fund of its kind in Ireland, WRAP encourages production activity in the West of Ireland across feature film, television drama, animation and games. The WDC have invested €2,000,000 into the Fund with an annual contribution of up to €20,000 being made by the participating Authorities over a three year period. (A contribution of €10,000 being made by Sligo County Council in 2018) This will ensure investment in the sector until 2020 through production and development support. Ms. Mary McDonagh stated that WRAP is committed to creating sustainable employment, supporting local talent, building the audio-visual infrastructure and contributing to the culture and language of the Region.



The members were informed that a recent joint application to the Department of Rural and Community Development under the Digital Innovation Programme 2018 was approved for funding to the value of €93,750 for the three counties, Sligo, Mayo and Donegal. The project is to be led by Sligo County Council. 

The Department will provide 80% match funding to the value of €75,000, with the outstanding match funding of €18,750 divided equally between the three counties. 

The Digital Innovation Programme 2018 (DIP) is designed to encourage local authority led projects that support digital development. The projects must promote and support the use of digital technology in providing innovative digital solutions to issues, or identify solutions to digital issues and should be scalable and replicable by other local authorities. 

It was indicated that the proposal submitted involved the EuroVelo Route 1 and incorporating the use of digital technology to promote to visitors and cyclists who use/cycle the route all of the different attractions, services, and hotspots and stop off points along the route. It was stated that the Local Authorities will utilise the information gleaned for improved regional route planning and exchanges to optimise the route experience, support rural services and maximise the economic potential of providing bespoke visitor experiences. 

In discussing the project MS. Dorothy Clarke referred to the EU marketing of Sligo as a cycling route and the expectation of increased tourists /cyclists to the county. In response to a query raised regarding the use of the Technology by other tourists Ms. Dorothy Clarke indicated that there was a possibility that it could be replicated for walking trails.



No issues raised. 


This concluded the business of the meeting. 


Meeting Date 07/11/2018