SPC 3 - Minutes

Minutes of Strategic Policy Committee 3 Planning, Community & Economic Development, Arts & Culture Meeting held on Wednesday 22nd November 2023 at 11a.m. Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall and Virtually via Microsoft Teams


  • Councillor Rosaleen O’Grady (Chair)
  • Councillor Tom Fox (Virtually)
  • Councillor Arthur Gibbons
  • Councillor Gerard Mullaney
  • Councillor Thomas Healy (Virtually)



  • Karen O’Hara, Trade Union Pillar (Virtually)
  • Sheila Scanlon, PPN Social Inclusion Seat (Virtually)
  • Corena Ward, PPN Community & Voluntary Seat (Virtually)



  • Councillor Marie Casserly
  • Councillor Tom MacSharry
  • Councillor Thomas Walsh
  • Emer Knowles, PPN Environment Seat
  • Aidan Doyle, Business Pillar



  • Dorothy Clarke, Director of Services
  • Siobhán Ryan, A/Senior Heritage Officer
  • Ruth Hanniffy, Biodiversity Officer
  • Mihaela Davidescu, Senior Executive Planner
  • Siobhán Gillen, Administrative Officer
  • Paula Treacy, Assistant Staff Officer



  • Francis Keane, Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme
  • Gordon Hector, Urban Foresight (Virtually)



Cathaoirleach Councillor R. O’Grady welcomed all in attendance.


1. Confirmation of Minutes

The minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 13th September 2023 were:

Proposed by:           Councillor Arthur Gibbons
Seconded by:           Councillor Gerard Mullaney


2. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


3. Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme

F. Keane, Acting Regional Programme Manager of the Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme presented to the Members.

Items covered in the presentation included the following:

  • Demographic change – People are living longer; population is increasing resulting in a greater demand on services.
  • Life expectancy has increased by 30 years since 1926.
  • Background to the free service programme: To support coordination of services designed to enable older people to remain living in their own homes and reduce the need to transfer to long-term residential care.  Agencies and services include Local Government, Health Services, Community & Voluntary Groups, Gardai, Elected Members and others.
  • Programme is an agreement between the Dept of Health, Housing and Age Friendly Ireland.
  • Funded by Dept of Health and operated by Meath CoCo on behalf of Local Authorities.
  • Role of the Coordinator: To enable and empower older people, track progress, implement actions, facilitate processes, sign posting to supports and provision of information.
  • The programme provides help in areas such housing, technology, climate/energy, community, medical/health and financial.
  • There are 44 local coordinators across 31 Local Authorities.
  • The referral pathway and how to make a referral was highlighted.
  • Sligo will be allocated 1 local coordinator.

The programme and presentation were welcomed and commended by all Members.  It was noted that a recent Housing Agency report highlighted the need to look at new ways of designing homes to allow for basic requirements when the occupants of homes grow older.  It was also highlighted the need for SEAI to prioritise grant aid for the elderly as the waiting time of 2-3 years was not appropriate.


4. Presentation on Economic Visionary Study to identify potential economic opportunities arising from the proposed Sligo Leitrim Northern Counties Railway Greenway Project

G. Hector, Head of Policy and Strategy of Urban Foresight presented to the Members.

Items covered in the presentation included the following:

  • The project research timeframe was from July – November 2023.
  • Councils covered: Sligo, Leitrim, Cavan and Fermanagh-Omagh.
  • 3 workshops held to engage community and business: Belcoo, Manorhamilton and Collooney.
  • Need to create strong attractive destinations along the proposed SLNCR Greenway
  • Private sector will deliver many services with the public sector helping to coordinate/facilitate.
  • Wide range of business opportunities presented by the greenway project and has a sense of opportunity across the board.
  • Key opportunities include bike hire, support & repair, transport between villages when full greenway is open, cafes and accommodation i.e., smaller hotels, camping and glamping.
  • Key requirements for public support include coordinated tourism marketing, core cycling infrastructure and support, 4G/5G signal improvements, key buildings in towns and villages, regeneration opportunities along the route and licensing to support night time economy.

The presentation was welcomed by all Members.  It was noted that the Region has a huge desire for growth, and this will provide valuable tourism improvements and opportunities.  The capital delivery consultation for the Greenway is a separate piece of work which will lend itself to economic opportunities in the area. 


5. To note the Draft County Sligo Heritage Strategy 2023-2030

S. Ryan, A/Senior Heritage Officer updated the Members on the previously circulated report and Draft Strategy.

The consultation process to date was highlighted.  30 submissions were received following Public Consultation (Stage 2), 16 of which related specifically to biodiversity.  All submissions were considered and reviewed by the Heritage Office followed by amendments made to the proposed draft Strategy and agreed by Sligo Heritage Forum. 

Following consideration, approval was sought from SPC3 Members to present the Draft Strategy to Sligo County Council at the next plenary meeting in December 2023.

Proposed by:           Councillor Gerard Mullaney
Seconded by:           Councillor Arthur Gibbons


6. Preparation of a County Sligo Biodiversity Action Plan 2024-2030 and establishment of a Sligo Biodiversity Working Group:

R. Hanniffy, Biodiversity Officer updated the Members on the previously circulated report.

It was noted that the proposed new Working Group will be a non-statutory advisory group providing advice on the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the Action Plan, including representatives from local government, state agencies, elected members, local biodiversity organisations, local development and businesses, educational institutions, landowners, farming representatives and the biodiversity community and voluntary sector.

The Plan will involve a Pre-Draft Public Consultation (Stage 1) to be undertaken in Q1 2024, followed by a Draft Public Consultation (Stage 2) in Q2 2024.

Following consideration, approval was sought from SPC3 Members to note the proposed preparation of the Plan for further consideration and adoption by Sligo County Council at the next plenary meeting in December 2023.

Proposed by:           Councillor Arthur Gibbons
Seconded by:           Councillor Gerard Mullaney


7. Update on the progress of the Draft County Development Plan 2024-2030

M. Davidescu, Senior Executive Planner updated the Members.

The Proposed Draft CDP 2024-2030 was submitted to the Members on 14 September 2023.  A Special Meeting of the Council was held on 2nd October 2023, whereby the Members approved the public consultation of the proposed Draft Plan.  The Draft is currently on public display until 4pm on Friday 22nd December 2023.  Five Public Information Sessions have been organised throughout the county, i.e. 7th November 2023 in Tubbercurry; 9th November 2023 in Oxfield, North Sligo; 14th November 2023 in Enniscrone; 16th November 2023 in Ballymote, 21st November 2023 in City Hall. A final session will be held on 12th December 2023 in City Hall.  To date, only 4 submissions have been received.  It is expected this number will significantly increase in the weeks before the consultation closing date.  The consultation on the Draft Plan has been widely advertised via social media, local press, e-mail notifications, etc.

M Davidescu explained that following the end of the Public Consultation period, the Planning and Development Act allows 12 weeks and 9 days (to compensate for the office closure during the Christmas-New Year period) to prepare the Chief Executive Report for the Members.  While the number and complexity of submissions might necessitate a longer period for drafting the CE’s responses and recommendations, every effort will be made to complete the CE Report in the shortest possible time.

It was recognised that the process is complex but it was acknowledged and commended the work completed to date.


8. Any Other Business

Cathaoirleach Councillor R. O’Grady thanked all present for their time and contribution to the meeting.

Apologies were noted.

The Members were informed that dates for 2024 meetings (Q1 and Q2) will be circulated in January.  Councillor Mullaney requested that the Q2 meeting be held as early as possible, prior to the elections.

The meeting concluded at 12.50p.m.


Meeting Date 22/11/2023