Budget Meeting Minutes
Minutes of Budget Meeting of Sligo County Council held on Tuesday 7th January 2003 at 2.00pm in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Riverside, Sligo.
- Barrett,
- Barry,
- Branley,
- Bree,
- Cawley,
- Colleary,
- Conlon M,
- Conmy,
- Devins,
- Fleming,
- Fox,
- Gormley,
- Higgins,
- Leonard,
- MacManus,
- McGarry,
- McGuinn,
- McLoughlin,
- Murray,
- Parke,
- Perry,
- Scanlon B,
- Scanlon E.
- Mr H. Kearns, County Manager
- Mr T. Caffrey, Director of Services
- Mr P. Forkan, Director of Services
- Mr S. Concannon, Director of Services
- Ms D. Clarke, Director of Services
- Mr T. Kilfeather, Head of Finance
- Mr K. Larkin, Senior Engineer
- Mr T. Carroll, Senior Engineer
- Mr J. Mc Hugh, Senior Engineer
- Ms M. Mc Connell, Senior Executive Officer
- Mr R. Lavin, Management Accountant
- Ms M. Leydon, Project Accountant
- Mr D. Tinney, County Librarian
- Mr D. Breen, Senior Executive Officer
- Mr S. O’ Toole, Senior Executive Engineer
- Mr G. Salter, Senior Executive Engineer
- Ms M. Mc Auliffe, Arts Officer
- Mr T. Rooney, Administrative Officer
- Mr F. Mc Nabb, Administrative Officer
- Ms C. Kenny, Staff Officer
- Ms F. Couch, Clerical Officer
- The Cathaoirleach, Councillor P. Branley presided.
Ms M. Mc Connell, Senior Executive Officer, informed members that:
- Public notice of the date of the 2003 Budget Meeting was published in “The Sligo Champion” dated 18 December 2003.
- Notification of meeting, copy of statutory draft budget, 2003, Managers statement and detailed explanatory notes were circulated to each Member of the Council on 19 December 2002.
- A copy of the Draft Budget 2003 was deposited for public inspection in the offices of the County Council on 19 December 2002.
The County Manager in his introductory statement on the Draft Budget, referred to increasing expenses, in particular the cost of benchmarking, pensions, major capital projects such as Sligo and Environs Water Works, insurance premiums and the impending associated costs to be attributed to the Sligo and Environs Development Plan.
He further referred to other major issues affecting Sligo County Council’s finances such as the Planning service being run at a significantly subsidised rate, the inability to charge for domestic water supplies and the fact that the County’s rate base is relatively small. He advised that the Minister for Environment and Local Government has not placed any limit on the increase in commercial rates that can be imposed in 2003. In light of this, having regard to our budgetary situation as outlined above and the current business environment, the Draft Budget recommends a commercial rate increase of 7% for 2003.
In response to Councillor S. MacManus the County Manager advised that the budget 2003 must be adopted within a period of 21 days beginning on the day on which the first budget meeting is held, i.e. by 27th January 2003. In response to further queries the Manager confirmed that the process of consideration of the budget had commenced.
In response to Deputy Perry, Tom Kilfeather, Head of Finance confirmed that arrears for benchmarking was provided for in the draft budget and on the income side a sum has been included in anticipation of Department funding assistance.
Proposed by Councillor P. Conmy
Seconded by Councillor J. Perry
“That this Council call on Deputy Devins & Senator Eamon Scanlon to set up a deputation with the Minster for Environment to impress upon him the severe difficulty Sligo County Council is in and that this Council defer any decision on the Estimates pending the meeting”.
Following a discussion on the matter an amended motion was put forward.
Proposed by Councillor P. Conmy
Seconded by Councillor J. Perry
“That this Council call on Deputy Devins & Senator Eamon Scanlon to set up a deputation with the Minster for Environment to impress upon him the severe difficulty Sligo County Council is in and that this Council defer any decision on the Estimates pending the meeting and that we resume the Estimates this day 2 weeks”.
As agreement was not reached in relation to the motion, the Cathaoirleach asked that a poll be taken.
For the Motion: Barrett, Bree, Cawley, Conmy, Fleming, Fox, Gormley, Mac Manus, Mc Loughlin, Murray, Parke, Perry, Scanlon.
Against the Motion: Barry, Branley, Colleary, Conlon M., Devins, Higgins, Mc Guinn, Scanlon E.
As the result was 13 for and 8 against the Cathaoirleach declared the motion carried.
Deputy J. Devins advised the Members that the Minister was unlikely to meet with a deputation given that the estimates /budget process had commenced. He added, however that he and Senator Scanlon would both undertake to request the deputation.
It was agreed that the adjourned Budget meeting should be held on Tuesday 21st January 2003 at 11.00am.
- Forthcoming conferences 2003.
- Additional information on programme group 3 inadvertently omitted from Annual Budget document previously circulated.
The meeting adjourned at 3.05 pm.
Meeting Date 07/01/2003