Budget Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Budget Meeting of Sligo County Council Held on 10th January 2005 at 11.00am in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Riverside, Sligo.


  • Baker,
  • Barry,
  • Bree,
  • Cawley,
  • Colleary,
  • Conmy,
  • Fleming,
  • Gormley,
  • Healy McGowan,
  • Henry,
  • Kilgannon,
  • Leonard,
  • Lundy,
  • MacManus,
  • McGarry,
  • McGrath,
  • McLoughlin,
  • Murray,
  • Mullaney,
  • Queenan.


  • Mr H. Kearns, County Manager
  • Mr T. Kilfeather, Head of Finance
  • Mr S. Concannon, Director of Services
  • Mr P. Forkan, Director of Services
  • Mr T. Caffrey, Director of Services
  • Ms D. Clarke, Director of Services
  • Mr K. Larkin, Senior Engineer
  • Ms M. Mc Connell, Senior Executive Officer
  • Mr D. Breen, Senior Executive Officer
  • Mr F. Mac Nabb, Acting Senior Executive Officer
  • Mr R. Lavin, Financial /Management Accountant
  • Mr S. O’ Toole, Senior Executive Engineer
  • Ms E. Garvin, Administrative Officer
  • Mr J. Noone, Administrative Officer
  • Mr T. Rooney, Administrative Officer
  • Ms D. Mc Donagh,
  • Ms C. Kenny, Staff Officer
  • Ms F. Couch, Clerical Officer


  • The Cathaoirleach, Councillor M. Gormley presided.

Proposed by Councillor D. Bree
Seconded by Councillor V. Cawley


“That this Council calls on the government and the Minister for the Environment to provide additional funding of €900,000 in addition to the funding outlined in Circular letter Fin 27/2004”.

As agreement could not be reached in relation to the matter the Cathaoirleach asked that a poll be taken.

For the motion:  Baker, Barry, Bree, Cawley, Colleary, Gormley, Healy McGowan, Henry, Kilgannon, Lundy, MacManus, McGarry, McGrath, Mc Loughlin, Mullaney, Murray, Queenan.

Against the motion:  Conmy, Fleming.

As the result was 17 for the motion and 2 against the motion the Cathaoirleach declared the motion carried.

Proposed by Councillor P. Conmy
Seconded by Councillor M. Fleming


“That this Council defer a decision on the estimates and call on the Minister for the Environment to meet a deputation from the Council with a view to getting an increase in funding for the Council at least to meet the benchmarking and further call on the Fianna Fáil TD to support a deputation”.

As agreement could not be reached in relation to this motion the Cathaoirleach asked that a poll be taken.

For the Motion:  Conmy, Fleming, Henry, McGrath, McLoughlin, Mullaney, Murray.

Against the motion:  Baker, Barry, Bree, Cawley, Colleary, Gormley, Healy McGowan, Kilgannon, Lundy, McGarry, Queenan.

Abstainee:  Mac Manus

As the result was 6 for the motion, 11 against the motion and 1 abstainee the Cathaoirleach declared the motion lost.


It was agreed that each programme group would be discussed in turn and that all resolutions would be taken at the end of the meeting.


The members proceeded to consider programme group 1, Housing and Building.

Director Caffrey outlined the housing and building programme for 2005.  In response to queries regarding progress on works at Connolly Park, Tubbercurry Director Caffrey stated that it is hoped to have Phases 1 and 2 of this project completed early in 2006.  Mr. Caffrey advised that while verbal approval to the Respond Housing scheme in Strandhill has been given the Department are awaiting receipt of some information.  He noted that no exact date was available for the start of the scheme proposed for Strandhill, but that there will be a total of forty two houses built, eight of which will be affordable houses.

Members welcomed the increases in the Budget in respect of the Disabled Persons Grants and Essential Repairs Grant. In response to queries Director Caffrey advised that these were Department schemes and could not be amended to deal with individual issues. 


The members proceeded to consider programme group 2, Road Transportation and Safety.

Director Concannon outlined the expenditure proposed on the road transportation and safety programme.  In response to queries Director Concannon stated with regard to the N17 that the scheme is at CPO and detailed design stage and will go ahead when funding becomes available, probably in 2006.  He further advised that he was confident that the N4 would be brought to CPO and detailed design stage this year and anticipated funding being made available in the near future.  Director Concannon noted that the route selection process is underway for the N15 but that there was no indication as yet when funding would be made available for the detailed design. 

In response to further queries from Members Director Concannon advised that progress is being made on the Inner Relief Road and it is hoped that it would be open to traffic in Autumn.  It was noted that an application for funding has been made to the Department in respect of the R294, R286 and R297.  Finally Mr. Concannon advised that the provision of footpaths is a major safety issue and that provision had to be made for this.


The members proceeded to consider programme group 3, Water Supply and Sewerage.

Mr S. Concannon, Director of Services, outlined the proposed expenditure in the water supply and sewerage area.  In response to Members’ queries, Mr. Kevin Larkin, Senior Engineer advised that further information was sent to the Department as requested regarding the Treatment plant in Tubbercurry (Serviced Land Initiative).  He noted that while no response has been received as yet, it is expected to get the go ahead soon.  Mr. Larkin further advised that while there are six Services Land Initiatives approved in principle in Sligo, Sligo County Council are addressing them in order of demand.  The demand is now in Ballinacarrow and as such it will be dealt with after the Tubbercurry scheme.  Members were also advised that the Aclare and Cloonacool sewerage schemes are both progressing and it is hoped that they will be operational in mid-2005.


The members proceeded to consider programme group 4, Development Incentives and Control.

Ms. D. Clarke, Director of Services outlined details of the proposed expenditure in the Community and Enterprise Directorate.  Director D. Clarke gave a detailed breakdown of the figure included in the Budget for Tourism Promotion.  In response to Members’ queries on the Metropolitan Area Network Director Clarke advised that its construction was well underway and it is expected to be completed by the end of March 2005.  With regard to other schemes in rural areas, she advised that information sessions had been held with community groups around the County, but that it was the responsibility of these groups to apply to the internet service providers.  A discussion also followed on the amount included in the budget for the support of a music festival in County Sligo.  

Mr P. Forkan, Director of Services outlined the proposed expenditure in the Development Incentives and Control programme.


The members proceeded to consider programme group 5, Environmental Protection and Waste Management.

Mr P. Forkan, Director of Services outlined the proposed expenditure in the Environmental Protection and Waste Management programme.  In response to a query raised regarding
the possible future location of a facility to deal with construction and demolition waste, Members were advised that a total of eighteen companies have permits to accept that type of waste, but that  Sligo County Council has no proposals for the development of such a facility. 


The members proceeded to consider programme group 6, Recreation and Amenity.


The members proceeded to consider programme groups 7 and 8, Agriculture, Education and miscellaneous and the Support Services Programme


Proposed by Councillor S. Mac Manus
Seconded by Councillor V. Cawley


“That Sligo County Council seeks an allocation of a minimum of 500 new houses over the period 2004-2008 from the Department of the Environment”.

Proposed by Councillor D. Bree
Seconded by Councillor D. Healy McGowan

“That the funding to cover the cost of taking in charge of the Feehily Housing scheme (with the exception of the local contribution) be provided from the local roads maintenance /upkeep budget”.

Following a discussion on the matter the Members agreed that a costing be prepared and local contributions be collected before this proposal would come before the meeting for consideration.  The motion was then withdrawn.

Proposed by Councillor S. Mac Manus
Seconded by Councillor T. McLoughlin

“That the funding for Community and Voluntary grant scheme in programme 4 be increased from €80,000 to €100,000.  Such increased funding should be earmarked in particular for tidy town and other community based projects. 

Such funds to be met by similar increase in income from programme 3.1.2 – water charges”.

As agreement could not be reached in relation to this motion the Cathaoirleach asked that a poll be taken.

For the motion:  Baker, Fleming, Mac Manus.

Against the motion:  Barry, Bree, Cawley, Colleary, Gormley, Healy McGowan, Kilgannon, McGarry, Murray, Queenan.

Abstainees:  Conmy, Henry, Lundy, McGrath, Mullaney.

As the result was 3 for the motion, 10 against the motion and 5 abstainees the Cathaoirleach declared the motion lost.

Proposed by Councillor S. Mac Manus
Seconded by Councillor T. Mc Loughlin

“That the funding allocated under Programme 6.4.3 ‘Matching Funding’ be increased by €30,000 to enable this County Council to draw down increased funding to assist our Urban and Village Renewal Programme & the Clár Village Enhancement Scheme.  Such increase to be met by a similar increase in income from Programme 4.1.1, Planning Fees”.

As agreement could not be reached in relation to the matter the Cathaoirleach asked that a poll be taken.

For the motion:  Bree, Cawley, Fleming, Mac Manus, McGarry, McGrath, Mullaney.

Against the motion:  Baker, Barry, Colleary, Gormley, Healy McGowan, Kilgannon, Lundy, Murray, Queenan.

Abstainees:  Conmy, Henry.

As the result was 7 for the motion, 9 against the motion and 2 abstainees the Cathaoirleach declared the motion lost.

Proposed by Councillor S. Kilgannon
Seconded by Councillor P. Barry


“That Sligo County Council send a deputation to the Minister for Transport to get firm commitments from the National Roads Authority for funding for the N15, N16, N17, N4, N59 and Hughes Bridge.  That our national elected representatives be requested to support the Council in this request”.

Proposed by Councillor P. Conmy
Seconded by Councillor G. Mullaney

“That I will ask the County Manager not to increase the rates on hotels and guest houses in Enniscrone and Easkey area due to the major fall in visitors to the area last year”.

This resolution was ruled out of order by the Cathaoirleach.

Proposed by Councillor P. Conmy
Seconded by Councillor M. Fleming

“That I will propose that the Council give €3000 to Enniscrone community to pay for insurance for St. Patricks Day parade and that the €3000 be taken from the register of electors”.

As agreement could not be reached in relation to the matter the Cathaoirleach asked that a poll be taken.

For the motion:  Conmy, Fleming, MacManus, McGrath, Mullaney.

Against the motion:  Baker, Barry, Bree, Cawley, Colleary, Gormley, Healy McGowan, Kilgannon, Lundy, McGarry, Murray, Queenan.

Abstainee:  Henry.

As the result was 5 for the motion, 12 against the motion and 1 abstainee the Cathaoirleach declared the motion lost.

Proposed by Councillor J. Queenan
Seconded by Councillor J. Mc Garry

“That Sligo County Council hereby adopts the Budget for the local financial year ending on 31st December, 2005 as submitted by the County Manager, as set out in Tables A, B and C of the said Budget”.

As agreement could not be reached in relation to the motion the Cathaoirleach asked that a poll be taken.

For the motion:  Baker, Barry, Bree, Cawley, Colleary, Gormley, Healy McGowan, Kilgannon, Lundy, McGarry, Murray, Queenan.

Against the motion:  Fleming, Mac Manus, McGrath, Mullaney.

Abstainee:  Henry.

As the result was 12 for the motion, 4 against the motion and 1 abstainee the Cathaoirleach declared the motion carried.

Proposed by Councillor J. Queenan
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree

“That Sligo County Council hereby determines in accordance with the Budget for the local financial year ending on the 31st December 2005, as adopted at this meeting, the rateable valuation multiplier to be levied for the several purposes specified in such budgets as set out in tables B and C to be the rateable valuation multiplier to be levied for that year.  The rateable valuation multiplier as determined being, 59.66”.

For the motion:  Baker, Barry, Bree, Cawley, Colleary, Gormley, Healy Mc Gowan, Kilgannon, Lundy, McGarry, Murray, Queenan.

Against the motion:  Fleming, MacManus, McGrath, Mullaney.

Abstainee:  Henry

As the result was 12 for the motion, 4 against the motion and 1 abstainee the Cathaoirleach declared the motion carried.

Proposed by Councillor S. Mac Manus
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree


“That the allowance for the Cathaoirleach be fixed at €33,400 per annum with effect from the 1st January 2005.  This allowance is to be paid monthly in arrears to cover reasonable expenses incurred by the Cathaoirleach within County Sligo”.

Proposed by Councillor S. Mac Manus
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree


That the allowance for An Leas-Cathaoirleach be fixed at €8,350 per Annum with effect from the 1st January 2005.  This allowance is to be paid in two instalments in arrears to cover reasonable expenses incurred by the Leas-Cathaoirleach”

Proposed by Councillor S. Mac Manus
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree


“That an amount of up to €5,100 be allowed to the Cathaoirleach in respect of vouched expenses at official rates for reasonable expenses incurred by the Cathaoirleach outside County Sligo”.

Proposed by Councillor S. Mac Manus
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree


“That an amount of up to €3,200 be allowed to the Cathaoirleach in respect of vouched expenses at official rates for reasonable expenses incurred by the Cathaoirleach abroad”.

Proposed by Councillor S. Mac Manus
Seconded by Councillor D. Bree


“To note the County Manager’s report on the proposed three year Capital Programme 2005 – 2007”.


  • Addendum to Report on Three Year Capital Programme for period 2005-2007.

 The meeting ended at 5.55pm

Meeting Date 10/01/2005