
Councillor Rosaleen O’Grady Elected Mayor

Councillor Rosaleen O’Grady was elected Mayor of Sligo Borough District at its Annual General meeting held on Friday 19th June. Councillor O Grady was proposed by Councillor Bree, seconded by Councillor MacSharry, and unanimously elected. Councillor Arthur Gibbons was elected Deputy Mayor.

Outgoing Mayor Councillor Gino O Boyle convened a minute’s silence at the start of the meeting as a mark of respect to the late Garda Detective Colm Horkan.

Councillor O Grady said she welcomed the challenge of working with her colleagues the Elected Members and Council Executive to see Sligo grow and develop. ‘The experience of recent months has shown that the power of friendship is our greatest gift. Over the period of the Covid emergency, we have seen extraordinary community spirit and resolve, and we have all witnessed the courage and professionalism of our front line workers.’

Noting that 2020 is designated ‘Year of nurses and midwives’, Mayor O Grady said ‘As a former nurse, I believe our nursing staff and other health professionals excel throughout their careers, and recent experience has proven that our appreciation for their efforts should not be confined to the current year.’

The newly elected Mayor expressed her optimism for the future of Sligo. ‘No one can doubt the difficulties facing our economy and our society in light of the Covid pandemic. But there are many reasons to be positive, and there a vibrancy and optimism by the many projects being delivered locally – the cultural plaza, Eastern Bridge, Western Distributor Road and other major capital projects.

Sligo is blessed with a wealth of walkways, trails and amenities, and these have enhanced and transformed communities all over our county. When we work in active partnership with other key local agencies, there is no linit to what we can achieve.’