At its monthly meeting held on Monday in the Knocknarea Arena, IT Sligo, Arthur Gibbons was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of former Councillor (now MEP) Chris MacManus.
Arthur Gibbons co-opted
Arthur Gibbons co-opted to Sligo County Council
Councillor Arthur Gibbons
Councillor Gibbons previously served on the former Sligo Borough Council from 1999 to 2014. He was welcomed to the Authority by Councillors, and Councillors who served with him recalled the commitment and experience he brought to that role. Chief Executive CiarĂ¡n Hayes assured Councillor Gibbons of the support of the Executive.
Councillor Gibbons thanked his proposer, Councillor Healy, and seconder, Councillor Bree, and wished his predecessor Chris MacManus well in his new challenge on the European stage.