Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2017
Sligo County Council in conjunction with the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs are now inviting applications for the ‘Built Heritage Investment Scheme’ (BHIS) for 2017.
The grant scheme will be administered by the Heritage Office of Sligo County Council.
The scheme seeks to assist in the repair and conservation of structures that are protected under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). In certain cases, the scheme is available for the conservation of structures within Architectural Conservation Areas. A priority of the scheme is job creation, through leveraging private capital for investment in conservation projects that will support the employment of skilled and experienced conservation professionals, craftspeople and tradespersons in the repair of the historic built environment.
The categories of structures eligible for assistance are as follows:
- Protected Structures i.e. those structures included in the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) of the Planning Authority.
- Proposed Protected Structures i.e. those structures that are proposed for inclusion in the RPS of the Planning Authority.
- Structures in Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs), or within the amenity of a National Monument where exceptional circumstances are deemed by the Department to apply.
Full details of the scheme and the application form are available to download below.
Completed applications shall be marked ‘Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2017’ and submitted in hard copy only to:
Heritage Office, Sligo County Council, City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo.The deadline for submission of completed applications is 4pm Tuesday 28th February 2017.
Any queries can be directed to:
Siobhán Ryan, Heritage Officer, Sligo County Council. Email: heritage@sligococo.ie
Photo: Lisa McDaniel