Local Economic and Community Plan
The Development of Sligo 2030 ‘One Voice One Vision’ is the collaboration of the work of the Council, all the Agencies delivering services in the county, and of course the Sligo Community.
The Plan sets out the vision for Sligo, the vision behind the Sligo brand, which is for a smart, sustainable, and socially inclusive Sligo; one that cherishes its vibrant communities, protects and celebrates its unique environment and rich culture, and is a champion of innovative growth and development.
The approval of this Plan by the elected members of Council followed consideration by the Local Community Development Committee, the Strategic Policy Committee for Planning, Community & Economic Development, Arts & Culture, the Municipal Districts and Sligo Economic Forum inputs, and represents the fulfilment of an important function bestowed on Local Government.
It is intended that that this plan will give focus to the enthusiasm and momentum in the county, from an integrated Community and Economic perspective, to build a better future for the community economy. Everyone agreed Sligo has it all!